Urgently make a list of black spots, potential points of traffic accidents in Vietnam on current national highways?

Every day, there are countless traffic accidents in Vietnam happening all over our country. In addition to the main cause of traffic accidents, the potential black spots and bad spots on the roads are also the cause of accidents. So what has the state agency directed to overcome the above cause?

Make a list of black spots, potential points of traffic accidents in Vietnam on national highways for maintenance and repair?

In recent years, the traffic accident situation across the country has tended to decrease in terms of the number of cases, the number of deaths and the number of injured. This is a remarkable positive point in the traffic accident prevention work of the Party, State and the whole people. Although the number of cases has decreased, there are still traffic accidents that cause extremely tragic consequences, as well as traffic accident prevention and control, there are still some shortcomings and limitations that need to be overcome. Typically, there are still black spots and potential traffic accidents that need to be overcome and handled.

In order to improve efficiency in traffic accident prevention to review and promptly handle black spots, potential points causing traffic accidents. The National Traffic Safety Committee issued Official Letter 209/UBATGTQG dated June 2, 2022 to direct the Traffic Safety Committee of provinces and cities to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with traffic police, Department of Transport and local authorities. review, check, propose a list of black spots, potential points of traffic accidents on road routes through provinces and cities and propose handling:

1) For black spots, potential points of traffic accidents on national highways: send a list of recommendations to the Ministry of Transport and the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam to add to the maintenance, repair and handling plan. black spots, potential traffic accidents in 2022 and the 2023 plan of the Ministry of Transport.
2) For black spots, potential traffic accident spots on locally managed roads: propose to the People's Committees of provinces and cities to add to the plan of maintenance, repair and handling of points black, potential traffic accident point in 2022 and the local plan in 2023./.”
Thus, the review and handling of black spots and potentially dangerous points of traffic accidents in the provinces and centrally-run cities are carried out according to the above directive.

Urgently make a list of black spots, potential points of traffic accidents in Vietnam on current national highways?

Urgently make a list of black spots, potential points of traffic accidents in Vietnam on current national highways?

Requirements on the current management, operation and maintenance of road works?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Circular 37/2018/TT-BGTVT, Point a, Clause 2, Article 1 of Circular 41/2021/TT-BGTVT and point b, Clause 2, Article 1 of Circular 41/2021/TT-BGTVT stipulates as follows: :

“Article 3. Requirements on management, operation and maintenance of road works
1. Road works, when put into operation and use, must be managed, exploited and maintained in accordance with the law on quality control and maintenance of construction works, and the law on road traffic. and provided for in this Circular.
2. Maintenance of road works must comply with the regulations of the maintenance process, technical regulations and standards on maintenance of road works announced and applied by the competent authority.
3. The process of management, operation, exploitation and maintenance of road works shall be made in accordance with the work parts, equipment installed in the works, the type of works (roads, bridges, tunnels, berths) ferries, pontoon bridges and other structures), building grade and purpose of use.
4. The management, operation, exploitation and maintenance of road works must ensure the maintenance of the work life, ensure safe and smooth traffic, safety for people and property, safety of the works, fire prevention and fighting and environmental protection.
5. The management, exploitation and maintenance of the following work items shall comply with the provisions of this Circular and relevant laws, specifically:
a) Civil works and urban technical infrastructure works shall comply with the provisions of law on civil works, construction material industrial works and urban technical infrastructure works;
b) Power supply works, lighting systems comply with the provisions of Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP dated January 26, 2021 of the Government on quality management, construction and maintenance. construction process (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP);
c) Traffic signal lights, equipment installed in the works must comply with the provisions of Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP and the maintenance process of the equipment supplier;
d) The management, operation, exploitation and maintenance of work items of vehicle load testing stations, road toll stations, ITS centers and other road auxiliary works and equipment must be in accordance with regulations of law. each type and grade of work item
dd) Equipment systems (including software) serving the management of the road database, the ITS Center and the database on road work maintenance as prescribed at Point a, Clause 3 Article 35 Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP.”

Thus, the management, exploitation and maintenance of road works shall comply with the above requirements.

To handle works showing signs of danger, not ensuring safety for current exploitation and use?

Pursuant to Article 22 of Circular 37/2018/TT-BGTVT (amended by Clause 16, Article 1 of Circular 41/2021/TT-BGTVT) as follows:

“Article 22. Handling of works showing signs of danger and failing to ensure safety for exploitation and use
1. Owners or managers, users of road works, contractors for maintenance, operation and exploitation of road works, and organizations and individuals involved in the maintenance of road works have the responsibility to: Responsibilities:
a) When detecting that road works or parts show signs of danger and are unsafe for exploitation and use, the following tasks must be performed: re-examine the current state of works; organize the quality inspection of the works (if necessary); decide on urgent measures such as restricting the use of the works, limiting the load, limiting the speed, stopping the exploitation and use of the works, moving people, vehicles and properties to ensure safety if works in danger of collapse; immediately report to the nearest local authority; repair damage that threatens to affect the safety of use and operation of the works. In case of failure to promptly handle it, causing damage to people and property, they must be held responsible before law.
For cases belonging to the central road system (including roads invested, built and managed by enterprises), in addition to reporting to the nearest local government, they must also report immediately to the Ministry of Transport. Transport, Directorate for Roads of Vietnam.
In case it is necessary to dismantle the work, it must report to the competent authority and carry out the procedures as prescribed by law on management, use and exploitation of road traffic infrastructure;
b) Coordinate with local authorities and perform the work specified in Article 40 of Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP and point a of this clause.
2. Every individual and organization has the right to notify the owner or manager or user of the work, the state management agency or the mass media when detecting a work part, There is an incident or sign of danger in the road works, which is unsafe for exploitation and use for timely handling.”

Thus, the handling of works showing signs of danger and not ensuring safety for exploitation and use shall comply with the above provisions.


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