How long does it take for the contractor selection results to be posted on the National Procurement Network system, including what content?

May I ask if I am a contractor and participate in the online bidding in Vietnam system, how long will it take for me to receive the contractor selection results? What content will the posted contractor results include? Thank you!

How long does it take for the contractor selection results to be posted when participating in online bidding in Vietnam?

According to Article 19 of Circular 08/2022/TT-BKHDT, the results of contractor selection when bidding online in Vietnam are as follows:

- Time for posting: The bid solicitor posts the results of contractor selection on the System within 07 working days from the date of approval of the contractor selection results.

Attached documents include:

+ Decision approving contractor selection results;

+ Report on evaluation of E-HSDT for online contractor selection (posting a summary evaluation report, without the grading sheets of members of the expert group);

+ In case the estimate of the bidding package is approved during the issuance of the E-HSMT or when dealing with a situation under Clause 8 Article 117 of Decree 63/2014/ND-CP where the contractor selection plan has been posted the bid solicitor shall update the estimate and attach the decision approving the estimate.

- For bidding packages for procurement of goods, detailed information about the winning goods items must be disclosed, including the list of goods, symbols, description of goods, origin, volume, and winning unit price. .

- Cases of handling situations according to Clause 8, Article 117 of Decree 63/2014/ND-CP are prescribed as follows:

“Article 117. Handling of situations in bidding
8. In case the bid price after error correction, deviation adjustment, minus the discount value (if any) of all bidders that meet the technical requirements and are on the ranked list, will exceed the package price. If the contractor has approved, it will be considered and handled in one of the following ways:
a) Allow these contractors to re-offer bid prices if the package price includes all elements constituting the cost of implementing the bidding package;
b) Allowing concurrently with bidders' re-offering of bid prices, the bid solicitor shall report to the investor for reconsideration of the approved bid package price and contents of the approved bidding documents, if necessary.
In case bidders are allowed to re-offer their bid prices, it is necessary to specify the time for preparing and submitting the re-offering documents but not exceeding 10 days from the date the bid solicitor sends the request for re-offering. bid prices as well as specifying the opening of re-bids according to the bid opening process specified in Article 29 of this Decree. In case it is necessary to adjust the bid package price in the approved contractor selection plan, the competent person is responsible for approving the adjustment before the date of opening the bid re-quote, but at most 10 days from the date of receipt. may be proposed for adjustment, but must ensure that before the deadline for submission of bid re-offering documents;
c) It is allowed to invite the first ranked bidder to negotiate on price but must ensure that the price after negotiation cannot exceed the bid price after correcting errors, correcting deviations, minus the low discount (if any). best. In case it is necessary to adjust the bidding package price in the approved contractor selection plan, the competent person shall approve the adjustment within a maximum time of 10 days from the date of receipt of the request for adjustment. In case the negotiation fails, the next ranked contractor shall be invited to negotiate. This method only applies to the case of a bidding package applying the open bidding form and the investor must be responsible for the competitiveness, fairness, transparency and economic efficiency of the project or bidding package. ”

Thus, the bid solicitor posts the contractor selection results on the System within 07 working days from the date of approval of the contractor selection results

How long does it take for the contractor selection results to be posted on the National Procurement Network system, including what content?

How long does it take for the contractor selection results to be posted on the National Procurement Network system, including what content?

How to appraise and approve contractor selection results when participating in online bidding in Vietnam?

According to Article 20 of the Law on Bidding 2013, the submission, appraisal and approval of contractor selection results are as follows:

- On the basis of the report on the results of bid evaluation, the bid solicitor shall submit the contractor selection results, clearly stating the opinions of the bid solicitor on the evaluation contents of the expert group.

- The contractor selection results must be appraised according to the provisions of Clauses 1 and 4, Article 106 of this Decree before approval.

- The contractor selection results must be approved in writing and based on the approval submission, the report on appraisal of contractor selection results.

- In case the winning contractor is selected, the document approving the contractor selection result must include the following contents:

+ Name of the winning contractor;

+ Winning price;

+ Type of contract;

+ Contract performance time;

+ Contents to note (if any).

- In case of bidding cancellation as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 17 of the Bidding Law, the document approving the contractor selection result or the decision on bidding cancellation must clearly state the reason for the bid cancellation and the responsibilities of the relevant parties. when canceling the bid.

What are the contents of publicizing contractor selection results when participating in online bidding in Vietnam?

According to Clause 6, Article 20 of the Law on Bidding 2013, the publicity of contractor selection results when participating in online bidding in Vietnam is as follows:

After a decision on approval of contractor selection results is issued, the bid solicitor must post information on contractor selection results as prescribed in Point d Clause 1 Article 7 and Point c Clause 1 or Point b Clause 2 Articles 8 of this Decree; send a written notice of contractor selection results to the participating contractors within the time limit specified at Point n, Clause 1, Article 12 of the Bidding Law. Contents of notification of contractor selection results include:

- Information:

+ Name of the winning contractor;

+ Winning price;

+ Type of contract;

+ Contract performance time;

- List of unselected bidders and a summary of the reasons for not being selected for each bidder;

- Finalization plan, signing/contracting with the selected contractor.

Circular 08/2022/TT-BKHDT takes effect from August 1, 2022.


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