Intermediate accountant in Vietnam do not need to have certificates of training programs for intermediate accountants from July 18, 2022?

I am currently the cashier of a bank. The other day, I watched the news and learned that the bank's treasurer is going to be promoted to the rank of intermediate accountant in the near future. So in the near future, will intermediate accountant in VIetnam need a certificate of professional training or not? Looking forward to your reply. Thank you!

Intermediate accountant in Vietnam who have performed accounting tasks without many transactions since July 18, 2022?

Pursuant to Clauses 1 and 2, Article 8 of Circular 29/2022/TT-BTC stipulating the responsibilities and duties of intermediate accountants as follows:

“Article 8. Intermediate accountants (code 06.032)
1. Responsibilities
Intermediate-level accountants are civil servants who perform professional accounting tasks at grassroots accounting units in agencies and organizations, perform accounting jobs in high-volume units. accounting work in small units, do not generate many accounting operations or part of accounting practice in accounting units.
2. Mission
a) Collect, examine, process vouchers, classify documents and account for arising economic operations under the assigned accounting practice;
b) Open numbers, record books, close accounting books under the assigned sections and tasks;
c) Make financial statements, state budget finalization reports and other reports daily or periodically according to each part of the accounting assignment, take responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of the reported data. report;
d) Prepare data for inventory, participate in inventory of assets, guide the recording of inventory forms and calculate and determine the results of inventory of assets under their responsibility;
d) Analyze and evaluate the situation of management and use of assets and funds under the part of the operation and the part in charge.”

Thus, in the near future, intermediate accountants will have the responsibilities and duties as prescribed above.

Kế toán viên trung cấp không cần phải có chứng chỉ chương trình bồi dưỡng ngạch kế toán viên trung cấp kể từ ngày 18/7/2022?

Intermediate accountant in Vietnam do not need to have certificates of training programs for intermediate accountants from July 18, 2022?

Intermediate accountants do not need to have certificates of training for intermediate accountants from July 18, 2022?

Pursuant to Clauses 3 and 4, Article 8 of Circular 29/2022/TT-BTC stipulating the standards of intermediate accountants as follows:

“Article 8. Intermediate accountants (code 06.032)
3. Standards of professional and professional competence
a) Understand the accounting regimes and regulations of industries and fields; specific regulations on accounting forms and methods applied in units and industries;
b) Understand and comply with the provisions of law on accounting, accounting principles, financial regimes, statistics, accounting standards and relevant economic information;
c) Understand the basic principles of the business process, the process of document circulation in the unit;
d) Capable of acquiring and grasping necessary skills such as computer skills, accounting software, and electronic vouchers, capable of participating in implementation according to the direction of superiors;
d) Proficiently use office equipment and other equipment to serve the requirements of the task.
4. Standards of training and retraining qualifications
Possessing a college degree or higher in accounting, auditing or finance.”
Accordingly, in the near future, standards on professional capacity and qualifications for intermediate accountants will be implemented in accordance with the above regulations.

Thus, intermediate accountants in the near future not only do not need certificates in foreign languages ​​and informatics according to the old regulations, but also do not require being able to use basic foreign languages. In addition, intermediate accountants will not be required to have a certificate of training in the accounting profession according to the upcoming regulations.

Who will be able to participate in the exam to raise the rank to intermediate accountant according to the new regulations that are about to take effect?

Pursuant to Clause 5, Article 8 of Circular 29/2022/TT-BTC stipulating the conditions for participating in the exam for promotion to the rank of intermediate accountant are as follows:

“Article 8. Intermediate accountants (code 06.032)
5. For civil servants holding the ranks of cashier (code 07.047), bank treasurer (code 06.034), agency or unit treasurer (code 06.035), contest to raise the rank to Accountant rank Intermediate level must have held the rank of banker, bank treasurer, treasurer of agencies, units and the equivalent for at least 3 years (excluding probationary period). If there is an equivalent period, the period of holding the rank of cashier, bank treasurer or treasurer of the agency or unit must be at least 01 year (full 12 months) continuously up to the expiration date of the registration application deadline. take the exam to raise the rank."

Thus, accountants, bank treasurers and agency and unit treasurers will be the subjects who have the right to participate in the exam to raise the rank to intermediate accountant. Conditions for participating in the promotion exam will comply with the above regulations.

Circular 29/2022/TT-BTC will take effect from July 18, 2022.

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