07:45 | 23/07/2024

Plan for Disease Surveillance Implementation: Execution of Biosafety Plans

How is the disease surveillance plan implemented? How is the biosecurity plan implemented? Your question comes from Chau in Dong Thap.

What actions should be taken if the results of samples collected for surveillance to register for disease-free certification test positive for the disease?

Based on Clause 7, Article 7 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT, regulations are as follows:

Sampling and Testing:


7. In case the results of surveillance samples test positive for the disease registered for certification of being disease-free, authorities must guide the establishment or region to implement disease control measures as stipulated. The establishment owner, and the People's Committee according to assignment and decentralization, should adjust and re-implement biosecurity plans and disease surveillance in compliance with the timelines specified in Article 5 and Article 6 of this Circular, starting from the time of disease elimination.

In case the results of surveillance samples test positive for the disease registered for certification of being disease-free, authorities must guide the establishment or region to implement disease control measures as stipulated. The establishment owner, and the People's Committee according to assignment and decentralization, should adjust and re-implement biosecurity plans, and disease surveillance.

How are disease surveillance plans implemented? How are biosecurity plans implemented?How are disease surveillance plans implemented? How are biosecurity plans implemented? (Image from the Internet)

How are disease surveillance plans implemented?

Based on Article 6 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT, biosecurity plans are implemented as follows:

- Disease surveillance plans should be constructed and designed to ensure the objective of detecting the presence or absence of pathogens registered for disease-free certification, or to assess the level of immune response after vaccination in farmed animals for diseases registered for disease-free certification.

- Contents of the disease surveillance plan:

+ Monitoring and recording the health status, suspected disease signs, symptoms, and lesions of animals throughout the farming process.

+ Reporting procedures for suspected infectious diseases to veterinary staff, authorities, or local veterinary agencies; the plan for sample collection and testing to identify pathogens and organize epidemiological investigations to determine the cause.

+ Monitoring the pathogens registered for disease-free certification, signs of animals infected with the pathogen, or confirmatory tests showing the animals have achieved the immune response level for the diseases registered for disease-free certification.

+ Subjects of surveillance:

++ Breeding animals, farmed animals, wild animals susceptible to the disease registered for disease-free certification;++ Intermediate hosts capable of carrying pathogens registered for disease-free certification;++ For aquatic animals, besides the aforementioned subjects, the surveillance must also include samples of fresh feed (if any) and water sources supplied to production areas.

+ Surveillance locations: Production areas, animal quarantine areas, food storage for animals, water sources, and areas at risk of pathogen emergence;

+ Sampling and testing surveillance samples: Conducted according to regulations in Article 7 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT

- Surveillance timeline:

+ Surveillance time is considered from the date the establishment owner or the People's Committee implements the disease surveillance plan;

+ Surveillance duration must be at least 12 months (including break periods between farming seasons) until the time of submitting the registration dossier for disease-free certification.

How are biosecurity plans implemented?

Based on Article 5 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT, regulations on biosecurity plans are as follows:

- Constructing, reviewing, and adjusting biosecurity plans:

+ For establishments registering for disease-free certification: The establishment owner organizes the construction, approval, and implementation; regularly reviews, adjusts, and supplements the plan to ensure it is suitable with actual production conditions at the establishment, promptly responding to any changes in biosecurity risks at the establishment and surrounding areas; maintaining information and data as regulated in Article 12 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT

+ For regions registering for disease-free certification: The People's Committee, according to assignment and decentralization, organizes the construction and implementation, regularly reviewing, adjusting, and supplementing the plan to ensure it is suitable with actual production conditions in the region; promptly responding to any changes in biosecurity risks at the region and surrounding areas; maintaining information and data as regulated in Article 24 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT

- Contents of biosecurity plans:

+ Proactive disease prevention measures for farmed animals according to current regulations;

+ Identifying and analyzing risks, and controlling and preventing pathogen risks that can penetrate from outside or spread within the establishment or region;

+ Compiling and providing information, data, and evidence on disease risks, and the possibility of pathogens intruding into or spreading out from the establishment or region through activities within the establishment or region.

- Establishments and regions must organize training and dissemination of knowledge and skills on disease control for diseases registered for disease-free certification to direct livestock workers, aquaculture practitioners, and other relevant individuals within the establishment or region.

Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT will be effective from February 15, 2023.


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