11:43 | 03/03/2023

Issues to know about Certificate of Residence in Vietnam? How long is the Certificate of Residence valid?

Issues to know about Certificate of Residence in Vietnam? How long is the Certificate of Residence valid? - Question from Ms. Tu (Binh Duong)

What is a Certificate of Residence in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 7 Article 3 of Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA, a Certificate of Residence is a document used to confirm information about the time, location, form of residence registration and other contents of individuals and households upon request.

Currently, the form of Certificate of Residence is form CT07 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA.

Issues to know about Certificate of Residence in Vietnam? How long is the Certificate of Residence valid?

Issues to know about Certificate of Residence in Vietnam? How long is the Certificate of Residence valid?

Where can I apply for a Certificate of Residence?

According to the guidance in Decision 5548/QD-BCA-C06 in 2021 of the Ministry of Public Security, people can go directly to any commune-level police station to request a Certificate of Residence.

In addition, to save time, people can apply for a Certificate of Residence online through public service portals such as National Public Service Portal, Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security, Public Service Portal for Residence Management.

After the online result is announced, come to the right time and place stated on the notice to immediately receive the residence confirmation.

How long is the Certificate of Residence valid?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 17 of Circular 55/2021/TT-BCA as follows:

Confirmation of residence information
2. Contents of Certificate of Residence include time, location and form of residence registration. The Certificate of Residence is valid for 6 months from the date of issue for the case specified in Clause 1, Article 19 of the Law on Residence, and valid for 30 days from the date of issuance for case of confirmation of information on residence. In case information about a citizen's residence is changed, adjusted and updated in the residence database, the certification of residence information is invalid from the time of change.

Thus, the Certificate of Residence is valid for the following period:

- Valid for 06 months from the date of issue in case of declaration of residence of a person who does not have both permanent and temporary residence due to ineligibility for permanent residence registration or temporary residence registration.

- Valid for 30 days from the date of issue in case of confirmation of residency information.

- In case the citizen's residence information is changed, adjusted and updated in the residence database, the issued Certificate of Residence is no longer valid from the time of change.

How much is the application fee for a Certificate of Residence in Vietnam?

According to the guidance in Decision 5548/QD-BCA-C06 in 2021, the procedures for issuance of a Certificate of Residence does not currently stipulate fees and charges.

Therefore, citizens who come to request confirmation of residence information will usually not have to pay fees and charges.

What documents do I need to prepare for a Certificate of Residence in Vietnam?

According to the instructions in Decision 5548/QD-BCA-C06 when applying for a certificate of citizenship, prepare:

- Declaration of change of residence information (Form CT01 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA).

After that, from the date of receipt of valid dossiers, the residence registration agency shall have to issue certification of residence information to citizens within 01 working day in case the information is in the national database on population and within 03 working days in case of need of verification; in case of refusal to settle the Certificate of Residence, it must reply in writing and clearly state the reasons therefor.

What are the procedures for issuance of a Certificate of Residence in Vietnam?

- Step 1: Individuals and organizations prepare dossiers according to the provisions of law.

- Step 2: Individuals and organizations submit dossiers at the commune-level police station.

- Step 3: When receiving the application for Certificate of Residence, the residence registration agency checks the legality and content of the application:

+ If the application is complete and valid, the application will be received and issued a receipt for the application and an appointment to return the results (form CT04 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA) to the registrant;

+ In case the dossier is eligible but not enough, it will guide the supplement, complete and issue the instruction sheet for supplement and complete the dossier (form CT05 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA) for registrants;

+ In case the application is not eligible, it will be rejected and issued a slip of refusal to receive and handle the application (form CT06 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA) to the registrant.

- Step 4: Based on the appointment date on the Application Receipt Form and the appointment to return the results to receive a notification of the results of settlement of residence registration procedures (if any).


- In case the application is valid and eligible, the residence registration agency shall issue a Certificate of Residence (Form CT07 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA).

- In case of refusal to settle the household separation, there must be a written reply clearly stating the reason (form CT06 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA).

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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