Is there recognition of martyrs for soldiers who sacrificed themselves in combat training and live-fire drills? Records of recognition of martyrs in Vietnam like?

May I ask if you have a friend who is a soldier who participates in combat training and exercises with live ammunition, if there is an accident, will my friend be recognized as a martyr? Who will make these records? Thank you!

What are the conditions and criteria for recognizing Martyrs in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 14 Decree 131/2021/ND-CP guiding the Ordinance on Incentives for people with meritorious services to the revolution stipulates the conditions and criteria for recognition of martyrs in Vietnam as follows:

Those who have sacrificed themselves for the revolutionary cause of national liberation, construction To build and defend the Fatherland, perform international obligations or for the benefit of the State or the people, they shall be considered and recognized as martyrs in Vietnam by a competent agency in one of the following cases:

- Directly Combat service is defined as the performance of duties while the battle is taking place or while the enemy is shelling: medics, transports wounded, loads ammunition, ensures communications, protects cargo and other equipment. case warrants combat.

- Areas occupied by the enemy, areas with hostilities, and areas adjacent to enemy-occupied areas shall be determined according to the provisions of Appendix III of this Decree.

Tasks or performing dangerous national defense and security tasks are determined as follows:

maneuveringthe following cases: firing real bullets, using explosives; fire fighting; combat terrorism and riots; freeing hostages; rescue, rescue and respond to natural disasters; in combat training and drills of forces: air force, navy, fishery control, coast guard, commando, special reconnaissance, mobile police, special forces.

+ Performing national defense and security tasks of a dangerous nature when: fighting fires; combat terrorism and riots; freeing hostages; rescue, rescue and respond to natural disasters; perform the duties of the fishery control and the coast guard; search and gather the remains of martyrs; clearance, treatment and destruction of bombs and mines and explosives; researching, manufacturing, producing, testing, preserving and transporting propellants, explosives, weapons and ammunitions; construction of underground works for national defense and security.

- Areas in border areas, on seas and islands with extremely difficult conditions (hereinafter referred to as extremely difficult areas) are areas with dangerous, harsh and difficult natural conditions that are prone to disasters. accidents and illnesses, including areas specified in Appendix IV to this Decree.

- Do not consider recognition for cases of illness in extremely difficult areas but have been treated at a hospital at the provincial level or higher or sick in another place and have been treated but not cured. still moved to areas with extremely difficult conditions.

Directly performing the task of fighting crime means directly performing tasks at the request of competent agencies in order to investigate, detect, prevent and arrest criminals or prevent dangerous acts. for society as defined in the Penal Code.

- Consider recognizing martyrs for special bravery in saving lives or property of the State or the people, or preventing and arresting offenders, serving as a meaningful example of honor, education, spreading widely in society; include the following elements:

+ Fully aware of the danger and urgency of the matter.

+ Actively perform acts of exceptional courage, accepting self-sacrifice.

+ To protect important interests of the State, life and legitimate interests of the People or to prevent or arrest people who commit particularly serious crimes.

+ Being a role model with the meaning of honoring, educating, spreading widely in society, being awarded with Medals and being awarded by the State management agency for meritorious people to organize and promote learning by example in the whole country. country.

- Other cases:

+ Direct political struggle, organized military campaign against the enemy;

+ Actively participating in or participating in revolutionary activities or resistance wars, but being captured or tortured by the enemy, still refuses to submit, resolutely struggles or implements the policy of prison escape or prison break and sacrifices;

+ Performing international obligations;

+ Bravely perform urgent and dangerous jobs in service of national defense and security;

+ Because recurrent wounds are the main cause of death for war invalids, policy beneficiaries such as war invalids have a body injury rate of 61% or more, have medical records of treatment for recurrent injuries of the disease. district-level hospital or higher and the death audit report;

+ Missing in case the activities specified above are concluded not treacherous by the competent authority; surrender, cooldown, desertion.

Is there recognition of martyrs for soldiers who sacrificed themselves in combat training and live-fire drills? Records of recognition of martyrs in Vietnam like?

Is there recognition of martyrs for soldiers who sacrificed themselves in combat training and live-fire drills? Records of recognition of martyrs in Vietnam like?

Who is responsible for preparing the application file for recognition of martyrs in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 15 Decree 131/2021/ND-CP guiding the Ordinance on Incentives for people with meritorious services to the revolution stipulates the responsibility to prepare dossiers of request for recognition of martyrs in Vietnam:

- Agencies, organizations and units directly managing thebe responsible for making dossiers of application for recognition of martyrs.

- Agencies, organizations, units and individuals that discover or store information and documents related to unrecognized martyrs are responsible for providing them to agencies, organizations and units in charge of regulations. specified in Clause 1 of this Article as a basis for making application for recognition of martyrs.

What are the documents and procedures for recognition of martyrs in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 18 Decree 131/2021/ND-CP guiding the Ordinance on Incentives for people with meritorious services to the revolution stipulates:

"Article 18. Dossiers and procedures for recognition of martyrs in Vietnam
1. People who die when they die are in the army or policeof Public Security are responsible for:
a) Provide guidance on the process of preparing dossiers of request for recognition of martyrs as prescribed.
MinistryThe army and society shall appraise it within 50 days from the date on which the agency or unit directly managing the martyr establishes and completes the papers specified in Article 17 of this Decree
. For those who are not specified in Clause 1 of this Article, dossiers of application for recognition of martyrs shall be made as follows:
a) Agencies, organizations and units directly managing the martyrs shall establish and complete the following documentsto issue the certificate of sacrifice specified in Clauses 3, 4, 5, Article 16 of this Decree.
competentaccept sacrifices specified in the Clauses 3, 4, Article 16 of this Decree, within 20 days from the date of receipt of all papers, are responsible for examining, verifying and granting a certificate of sacrifice according to Form No. 34, Appendix I of this Decree; send a document together with the papers specified in Article 17 of this Decree to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs for appraisal.
c) The agency competent to issue death certificates specified in Clause 5, Article 16 of this Decree, within 20 days from the date of receipt of all documents, is responsible for examining, verifying, and granting such certificates. accept sacrifices; send a document together with the papers specified in Article 17 of this Decree to the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
The Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, within 05 working days from the date of receipt of complete documents, is responsible for checking and reporting to the People's Committee of the province.
The People's Committee of the province, within 05 working days from the date of receipt of complete documents, is responsible for checking and sending the document enclosed with the papers specified in Article 17 of this Decree to request the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs appraisal.
3. The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs:
a) Within 40 days from the date of receipt of complete documents, it is responsible for appraising, making a report and a list attached to it, and submitting it to the Prime Minister for promulgation. Certificate of "Fatherland attribution".
b) Within 20 days from the date of receipt of the decision to grant the degree, be responsible for printing and transferring the Government Office stamp with the seal of the "Fatherland attribution" and transferring the dossier together with a copy of the decision on granting the degree, the Certificate of national attribution” to the agency requesting appraisal for transfer to the agency or unit issuing the death certificate.
4. The agency or unit that issues the certificate of sacrifice within 20 days from the date of receipt of the copy of the decision on granting the diploma or certificate of "Fatherland attribution" enclosed with the dossier, is responsible for:
a) Notify the next of kin. martyrs (natural fathers, mothers, spouses, children of martyrs, people with meritorious services to the martyrs) and coordinate with the commune-level People's Committees of localities where representatives of martyrs' relatives permanently reside to organize memorial services. martyrs, awarded "Fatherland attribution
In case there are no relatives left, organize a memorial ceremony for the martyrs and hand over the Certificate of "Fatherland's merits" to the People's Committee of the commune where the martyr permanently resided before his death.
b) Hand over the dossier, together with a copy of the decision on granting the degree, to the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs where the memorial service for martyrs is held."


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