Is there a need to carry out the procedures for renewal of Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam in case of changes to film contents and film names?

Is there a need to carry out the procedures for renewal of Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam in case of changes to film contents and film names? - Question from Ms. Hoa (Hai Duong)

How to rate films?

According to the provisions of Article 32 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam on the film rating as follows:

Film rating
1. Films are rated according to their contents for appropriate dissemination according to viewers’ age or prohibition against dissemination as follows:
a) P rated: Films eligible for dissemination to viewers of all ages;
b) T18 rated (18+): Films eligible for dissemination to viewers from 18 years old or older;
c) T16 rated (16+): Films eligible for dissemination to viewers from 16 years old or older;
d) T13 rated (13+): Films eligible for dissemination to viewers from 13 years old or older;
dd) K rated: Films eligible for dissemination to viewers under 13 years old, provided that they are with their parents or guardians;
e) C rated: Films prohibited from disseminating.
2. The criteria for film rating apply to all of the forms of film dissemination stipulated by the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam.

Thus, films are rated according to their contents for appropriate dissemination according to viewers’ age or prohibition against dissemination as follows:

- P rated: Films eligible for dissemination to viewers of all ages;

- T18 rated (18+): Films eligible for dissemination to viewers from 18 years old or older;

- T16 rated (16+): Films eligible for dissemination to viewers from 16 years old or older;

- T13 rated (13+): Films eligible for dissemination to viewers from 13 years old or older;

- K rated: Films eligible for dissemination to viewers under 13 years old, provided that they are with their parents or guardians;

- C rated: Films prohibited from disseminating.Is there a need to carry out the procedures for renewal of Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam in case of changes to film contents and film names?

Is there a need to carry out the procedures for renewal of Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam in case of changes to film contents and film names?

What are the procedures for changes to film contents and film names in Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 28 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam stipulating changes to film contents and film names in Film Rating Licenses as follows:

Changes to film contents and film names in Film Rating Licenses in Vietnam
1. In case of changes to the contents of films with Film Rating Licenses, organizations and individuals shall apply for the re-issuance of Film Rating Licenses as prescribed in Article 27 of this Law.
2. In case of changes only to the names of films with Film Rating Licenses, organizations and individuals shall send written notifications to competent state agencies that have issued such licenses.
Within 5 working days from the date the competent state agency receives the notifications, competent state agencies shall respond and provide explanations in writing in case of refusal.

Thus, in case of changes to the contents of films with Film Rating Licenses, organizations and individuals shall apply for the re-issuance of Film Rating Licenses as prescribed in Article 27 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam.

- In case of changes only to the names of films with Film Rating Licenses, organizations and individuals shall send written notifications to competent state agencies that have issued such licenses.

- Within 5 working days from the date the competent state agency receives the notifications, competent state agencies shall respond and provide explanations in writing in case of refusal.

Under what circumstances are Film Rating Licenses revoked?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 29 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam stipulating revocation of Film Rating Licenses as follows:

Revocation of Film Rating Licenses
1. State agencies competent to issue Film Rating Licenses prescribed in Clause 1 Article 27 of this Law shall revoke a Film Rating License when:
a) The issuance of the Film Rating License is contrary to regulations;
b) Information in the application for the Film Rating License is forged;
2. State agencies that issue Film Rating Licenses and organizations or individuals subject to revocation of Film Rating Licenses shall remedy violations prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article.
The continuation of application for Film Rating Licenses after remedying the mentioned violations shall comply with regulations prescribed in Article 27 of this Law.

Thus, State agencies competent to issue Film Rating Licenses prescribed in Clause 1 Article 27 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam shall revoke a Film Rating License when:

+ The issuance of the Film Rating License is contrary to regulations;

+ Information in the application for the Film Rating License is forged;

- State agencies that issue Film Rating Licenses and organizations or individuals subject to revocation of Film Rating Licenses shall remedy violations.

The continuation of application for Film Rating Licenses after remedying the mentioned violations shall comply with regulations prescribed in Article 27 of the 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam.

Thus, in case of changes only to the names of films with Film Rating Licenses, organizations and individuals shall send written notifications to competent state agencies that have issued such licenses.

The 2022 Law on Cinematography of Vietnam takes effect from January 1, 2023.


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