09:11 | 22/08/2024

Is parking a car in front of the house of another person against Vietnamese law? What are the regulations on standing and parking on streets?

"Is parking a car in front of the house of another person against Vietnamese law?" - asked Mr. Lam (Quang Ninh)

Is parking a car in front of the house of another person against Vietnamese law?

According to Clause 4, Article 18 of the Road Traffic Law 2008, the regulations on standing and parking on roads:

SStanding and parking on roads


4. It is forbidden to stand or park a vehicle at the following positions:

a/ On the left side of one-way carriages;

b/ On bends and close the crests of slopes with insufficient visibility;

c/ On bridges, under flyovers;

d/ In parallel with another standing or parked vehicle;

e/ On pedestrian crossings;

f/ At an intersections and within 5 meters from the edge of the intersection;

g/ At bus stops;

h/ In front of and within 5 meters from both sides of the entrances of offices of agencies or organizations;

i/ At road sections wide enough for only line of traffic;

j/ Within railroad tracks’ safety areas;

k/ At places where the vehicle would conceal road signs.

Thus, there are no regulations that drivers are prohibited from parking their cars in front of the house of another person. Drivers are only prohibited from parking at the locations specified above.

Is Parking a Car in Front of a House Against the Law? What regulations must be followed when parking on streets?

Is parking a car in front of the house of another person against Vietnamese law? What are the regulations on standing and parking on streets? (Image from the Internet)

What are the regulations on standing and parking on streets in Vietnam?

According to Article 19 of the Road Traffic Law 2008, the regulations on standing and parking on streets are as follows:

Standing and parking on streets

When standing or parking his/her vehicle on street, the operator shall comply with the provisions of Article 18 of this Law and the following provisions:

1. To stand or park the vehicle close to the right kerb or pavement of the street along the direction of traffic, with the distance between the nearest wheel and the kerb or pavement not exceeding 0.25 m and without obstructing or endangering traffic. In narrow streets, to stand or park the vehicle at positions at least 20 meters away from the vehicle parked on the other side.

2. Not to stand or park the vehicle on tramways, on manholes of water drainage sewers, or openings of telephone or high-voltage electricity trenches or places exclusively reserved for fire engines to get water. Not to leave the vehicle on roadbed or pavement in contravention of regulations.

Thus, parking on the streets must comply with the aforementioned regulations.

What are the regulations on standing and parking on roads in Vietnam?

According to Clause 3, Article 18 of the Road Traffic Law 2008, the regulations on standing and parking on roads are:

Standing and parking on roads


3. When standing or parking his/her vehicle on a road, the operator shall comply with the following provisions:

a/ To give a signal to operators of other vehicles;

b/ To stand or park his/her vehicle at places with large roadsides or on land plots outside the carriageway; where the roadside is narrow or not available, to stand or park the vehicle close to the right edge of the carriage along the direction of traffic;

c/ Where a car stop or a parking lot has been built or designated, to stand or park the vehicle at such place;

d/ After parking the vehicle, the operator may leave the vehicle only after taking safety measures, if the parked vehicle occupies part of the carriageway, the operator shall place danger warning signs in front of and behind the vehicle for the operators of other vehicles to notice;

e/ Not to open the door of the vehicle or leave it open or alight from the vehicle when safety conditions are not assured;

f/ When standing the vehicle, not to shut down the engine and leave the driving seat;

g/ The vehicle parked on a steep road must have its wheels chocked.


Thus, when parking a car on roadways, drivers must comply with the above regulations.


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