03:02 | 18/01/2023

Is it possible to authorize someone else to re-register the birth certificate in Vietnam? What is the fee for re-registration of the birth certificate in 2023?

Is it possible to authorize someone else to re-register the birth certificate in Vietnam? What is the fee for re-registration of the birth certificate in 2023? Question of Ms. Quyen from Sa Dec.

Is it possible to authorize someone else to re-register the birth certificate in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of subsection 17, Section II, Part II of the Appendix issued together with Decision No. 1872/QD-BTP in 2020 as follows:

Procedures for re-registration of birth
How to perform:
- The person who requests for re-registration of birth registration directly or authorizes another person to re-register his/her birth;
- Persons who re-register their births can directly submit their dossiers at the competent commune-level People's Committees or send them through the postal system or submit them through the online registration system.

Thus, it is possible to authorize another person to re-register the birth registration.Is it possible to authorize someone else to re-register the birth certificate in Vietnam? What is the fee for re-registration of the birth certificate in 2023?

Is it possible to authorize someone else to re-register the birth certificate in Vietnam? What is the fee for re-registration of the birth certificate in 2023?

What does the application for re-registration of a birth certificate include?

Pursuant to the provisions of subsection 17, Section II, Part II of the Appendix issued together with Decision No. 1872/QD-BTP in 2020 as follows:

Composition of application:

* Documents to be presented

- Passport or identity card or citizen identity card or other papers with photo and personal information issued by a competent authority, valid for use to prove the identity of the lover birth re-registration request.

- Documents proving the place of residence to determine the authority to re-register the birth (during the transition period).

In case the application is sent via the postal system, it must be enclosed with certified copies of the documents to be presented above.

* Documents to be submitted

- A birth re-registration, made according to the form, which contains the claimant's commitment that all existing papers have been submitted.

- A copy of all dossiers and papers of the requester or other dossiers, papers and documents containing information related to birth registration contents, including:

+ A valid copy of the birth certificate issued by a competent Vietnamese authority (certified copy from the original, a copy issued from the birth registration book); Originals or copies of valid papers to replace Birth certificates issued before 1945 in the North and before 1975 in the South.

+ In case the requester does not have the above-mentioned papers, he/she must submit a valid copy of the paper issued by a competent Vietnamese agency or organization, such as:

Identity Card, Citizen Identity Card or Passport; Household registration book, temporary residence book, proof of residence; Diplomas, Certificates, Academic Records, academic records issued or certified by a competent authority; other papers with information about the individual's surname, middle name, first name, date, month and year of birth.

The applicant for birth registration is responsible for submitting all copies of the above-mentioned papers (if any) and must ensure that they have submitted all the papers they have; responsible for the consequences of making false promises.

- In case the applicant for birth re-registration is a cadre, civil servant, public employee or person working in the armed forces, there must be a written certification of the head of the agency or unit that the birth registration information of that person includes:

Last name, middle name, first name; sex; date of birth; nation; nationality; home town; parent-child, mother-child relationships are consistent with the records managed by the agency or unit.

- A written authorization in accordance with the law in case of authorization to re-register the birth. In case the authorized person is a grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, child, wife, husband, brother, sister or younger brother of the principal, the power of attorney is not required to be authenticated.

What are the procedures for re-registration of birth certificate in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of subsection 17, Section II, Part II of the Appendix issued together with Decision No. 1872/QD-BTP in 2020, the procedures for re-registration of birth certificates are as follows:

- Persons who request re-registration of birth certificates shall submit dossiers to the competent commune-level People's Committees.

- The recipient is responsible for immediately checking the entire dossier, comparing the information in the declaration and the validity of the papers in the dossier submitted and presented by the requester.

- If the application is complete and valid, the person receiving the application shall write a receipt, clearly stating the date and time of returning the results;

If the application is incomplete or incomplete, the applicant shall be instructed to supplement and complete the application as prescribed; in case it is not possible to supplement or complete the dossier immediately, a written instruction must be made, clearly stating the types of papers and contents to be supplemented, completed, signed, clearly stating the full name of the recipient.

- After receiving the dossier, the civil status - judicial officer shall check and verify the dossier.

In case the re-registration of birth birth is carried out at the commune-level People's Committee, which is not the place of birth registration, the judicial and civil status civil servant shall report to the commune-level People's Committee chairperson a written request. The commune-level People's Committee where the birth was previously registered shall examine and verify the keeping of civil status books.

After receiving the written request, the People's Committee of the place where the birth was previously registered shall examine, verify and reply in writing on the fact that the civil status book is still kept or cannot be kept.

In case the birth certificate re-registration requester's papers do not contain information proving the parent-child relationship, the civil status registration agency shall request in writing the competent police agency for verification.

In case the police agency answers that there is no information, the civil status registration agency for the requester for birth registration re-registration shall make a written commitment about the information of the father and mother and determine the birth registration contents according to the document.

After receiving the verification result that the civil status book can no longer be kept at the place of birth registration or after 20 days from the date of sending the written request for verification without receiving a written reply, If finding that the birth registration re-registration is accurate and in accordance with the law, the judicial and civil status civil servant shall report it to the Chairman of the commune-level People's Committee.

In case the President of the People's Committee agrees to settle the matter, the judicial and civil status officer shall record the birth registration information in the birth registration book and guide the requester to check the contents of the birth certificate and birth registration book, and together with the person who re-registers the birth registration to sign in the book. The President of the People's Committee shall sign and issue the birth certificate to the requester.

What is the fee for re-registration of the birth certificate in 2023?

Pursuant to the provisions of subsection 17, Section II, Part II of the Appendix issued together with Decision No. 1872/QD-BTP in 2020, the fee for re-registration of birth certificates is regulated as follows:

- According to the fee rate set by the provincial People's Council.

- Exemption of fees for family members with meritorious services to the revolution; people from poor households; People with disabilities.


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