Is it illegal to mistreat cats and dogs in Vietnam? How will the act of mistreating cats and dogs be handled?

I would like to ask if it is illegal to mistreat cats and dogs in Vietnam. - Question of Mr. Hai (Vinh Long).

Are cats and dogs considered livestock?

Pursuant to Article 2 of the 2018 Law on Animal Husbandry of Vietnam as follows:

For the purpose of this Law, the terms below shall be construed as follows:
1. “animal husbandry” means a combined economic-technical branch including activities related to livestock breeds, animal feeds, livestock breeding and processing conditions and market of animal products.
2. “breeding activity" means raising of livestock for growth and reproduction purpose and other activities relating to livestock and animal products for food, animal traction or decoration purposes and other purpose of human.
3. “family farm” means a form of farm owned and operated by a family.
4. "livestock farm” means a form of intensive farming operated in a separated zone used for livestock production and farming.
5. “livestock” includes cattle, poultry and other farm animals.

According to the above regulations, dogs and cats are livestock and are entitled to apply regulations on humane treatment of livestock in animal breeding.

Is it illegal to mistreat cats and dogs in Vietnam? How will the act of mistreating cats and dogs be handled?

Is it illegal to mistreat cats and dogs in Vietnam? How will the act of mistreating cats and dogs be handled?

Is it illegal to mistreat cats and dogs in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 69 of the 2018 Law on Animal Husbandry of Vietnam stipulating the humane treatment of livestock in animal breeding as follows:

Humane treatment of livestock in animal breeding
Every organization or individual involved in livestock breeding must:
1. own breeding housing and breeding space suitable for the livestock;
2. provide adequate animal feeds and water meeting hygiene conditions;
3. prevent and treat diseases for his/her livestock as per law provisions on veterinary medicine;
4. not beat or maltreat the livestock.

Thus, the act of mistreating dogs and cats is an illegal act and a violation of humane treatment of livestock in animal breeding.

How will the act of mistreating cats and dogs be handled?

Pursuant to Article 29 of Decree 14/2021/ND-CP of Vietnam stipulating offences against regulations on animal husbandry, humane treatment for domesticated animals and control of slaughter of terrestrial animals as follows:

- The fine of between 1,000,000 dong and 3,000,000 dong will be imposed for the act of cruelly beating and torturing domesticated animals.

- The fine ranging from 3,000,000 dong to 5,000,000 dong shall be imposed for one of the following offences:

+ Having none of pre-slaughtered animal storage facilities complying with hygiene regulations;

+ Beating animals before slaughter;

+ Having none of measures to stun animals before slaughter.

- Imposing the fine ranging from 10,000,000 dong to 15,000,000 dong for obstruction, destruction and invasion of legal animal production activities.

- Offences arising from introducing foreign bodies, coercively pumping water or other substances into the bodies of terrestrial animals before slaughter shall be sanctioned as follows:

+ Imposing the fine of between 5,000,000 dong and 10,000,000 dong if total weight of animals involved in these offences is less than 100 kg;

+ Imposing the fine of between 10,000,000 dong and 20,000,000 dong if total weight of animals involved in these offences is between 100 kg and under 500 kg;

+ Imposing the fine of between 20,000,000 dong and 30,000,000 dong if total weight of animals involved in these offences is between 500 kg and under 1,000 kg;

+ Imposing the fine of between 30,000,000 dong and 50,000,000 dong if the total weight of animals involved in these offences is at least 1,000 kg.

Thus, the person who mistreated cats and dogs will be handed according to the above-mentioned fine. This fine level is double for individuals in case the organization violates the fine.

Does the abuse of cats and dogs require to impose supplementary penalties and remedies?

Pursuant to Clause 5, Article 29 of Decree 14/2021/ND-CP of Vietnam and Clause 6, Article 29 of Decree 14/2021/ND-CP of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Offences against regulations on animal husbandry, humane treatment for domesticated animals and control of slaughter of terrestrial animals
5. Other supplementary penalties:
a) The penalty existing in the form of seizure of exhibits shall be imposed for the offences arising from the act of deteriorating animal production activities as referred to in Clause 3 of this Article;
b) The penalty existing in the form of temporary suspension of business for the duration of between 01 and 06 months shall be imposed for the offences referred to in Clause 4 of this Article.
6. Remedies
Compelling the thermal treatment of animals involved in the offences prescribed in clause 4 of this Article; in case of repeating such offences, the destruction thereof shall be required.

Thus, acts of mistreating cats will be subject to supplementary penalties of temporary suspension of business for the duration of between 01 and 06 months imposed for offences arising from introducing foreign bodies, coercively pumping water or other substances into the bodies of terrestrial animals before slaughter.

At the same time, offenders arising from introducing foreign bodies, coercively pumping water or other substances into the bodies of terrestrial animals before slaughter must take the remedial measure of compelling the thermal treatment of animals.

How long is the statute of limitations for beating cats and dogs?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Decree 14/2021/ND-CP of Vietnam stipulating the statute of limitations for imposition of administrative penalties is as follows:

Statute of limitations for imposition of administrative penalties
Statute of limitations for imposition of penalties for administrative offences involving the animal husbandry shall be 01 year, while the statute of limitations for those involving the production, sale, importation and exportation of animal species, animal feed, animal waste treatment products, animal products, products from live animals shall be 02 years.

Thus, the statute of limitations for imposition of administrative penalties for beating cats and dogs shall be 01 year. Except for the case of beating dogs and cats in the process of raising cats and dogs for food, the statute of limitations for sanctioning administrative violations shall be 02 years.


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