03:40 | 06/06/2024

Is illiteracy eradication for citizens of suitable age the only objective of continuing education in Vietnam? What do Institutions of continuing education include?

Is illiteracy eradication for citizens of suitable age the only objective of continuing education in Vietnam? What do Institutions of continuing education include? What are policies on development of continuing education? Besides the literacy eradication, what other programs are there in the continuing education programs?

What are policies on development of continuing education in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 46 of the Law on Education 2019 on policies on development of continuing education:

- The State shall issue policies for investment in the development of continuing education, providing education to all the people, promoting the learning of adults, building a learning society; for encouraging organisations and individuals to participate and/or provide continuing educational services of quality, meeting learners’ need for lifelong learning.

- Authorities and organisations shall facilitate the frequent learning and lifelong learning of officials, public employees and labour workers with a view to developing their abilities and improving quality of life.

- Institutions of vocational education and of higher education shall be responsible for cooperating with continuing education institutions in providing learning material sources to continuing education institutions following learners’ learning need; teachers’ training institutions shall be responsible for conducting research on educational science, training and upgrading teachers of continuing education institutions.

Is illiteracy eradication for citizens of suitable age the only objective of continuing education in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are Institutions of continuing education in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 2 Article 44 of the Law on Education 2019 on institutions of continuing education:

Institutions of continuing education
1. Programmes of continuing education are conducted at institutions of continuing education, general education, vocational education or higher education, cultural institutions, at the workplace, residential communities, through mass media or other means.
2. Institutions of continuing education are as follows:
a) Institutions of continuing education
b) Institutions of vocational education – continuing education;
c) Community learning centers;
d) Other centers that conduct continuing education.

Institutions of continuing education are as follows:

- Institutions of continuing education

- Institutions of vocational education – continuing education;

- Community learning centers;

- Other centers that conduct continuing education.

Is illiteracy eradication for citizens of suitable age the only objective of continuing education in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 42 of the Law on Education 2019 on objectives of continuing education:

Objectives of continuing education
1. Illiteracy eradication for citizens of suitable age as prescribed by law.
2. Training, upgrading and enhancing professional capacity; updating and supplying knowledge and skills necessary to people’s life; enabling those with the needs for education to improve their educational qualifications.

Thus, objectives of continuing education include:

- Illiteracy eradication for citizens of suitable age as prescribed by law.

- Training, upgrading and enhancing professional capacity; updating and supplying knowledge and skills necessary to people’s life; enabling those with the needs for education to improve their educational qualifications.

Thus, Illiteracy eradication for citizens of suitable age as prescribed by law is not the only objective of continuing education. There are other objectives, such as: training, upgrading and enhancing professional capacity; updating and supplying knowledge and skills necessary to people’s life; enabling those with the needs for education to improve their educational qualifications.

Besides the literacy eradication, what other programs are there in the continuing education programs in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 43 of the Law on Education 2019 on programmes of continuing education:

Programmes, forms, contents and methods of continuing education
1. Programmes of continuing education include:
a) Illiteracy eradication;
b) Educational programmes responding to the needs of learners, updating of knowledge and skills, transfer of technology;
c) Programmes for training, upgrading and enhancing professional qualifications;
d) Educational programmes leading to degrees/diplomas of the national educational system.
2. Forms of conducting continuing educational programmes are as follows:
a) In-service learning;
b) Distance learning;
c) Guided self-learning;
d) Other learning forms per learner’s needs.
3. Educational contents of the programmes defined in point a, b, and c of clause 1 of this Article must guarantee the usefulness and help learners improve their working productivity and quality of life.
Educational contents of the programmes defined in point d clause 1 of this Article must lead to the completion of a qualification in the structural framework of the national educational system or the Vietnamese Qualifications Framework, must guarantee the requirements on contents of the educational programme of the same educational level/training qualification defined in Article 31 of this Law, the Law on Vocational education and Law on Higher education.
4. Methods of continuing education must promote the activeness of learners, with an emphasis on the development of their self-learning ability, using modern facilities and technology to improve quality and efficiency of teaching and learning.
5. Within the scope of their duties and authorities, the Minister of Education and Training and Minister of Labour - War Invalids and Social Affairs shall provide for educational programmes, textbooks, syllabi, materials of continuing education.

Besides the literacy eradication, programmes of continuing education include:

- Educational programmes responding to the needs of learners, updating of knowledge and skills, transfer of technology;

- Programmes for training, upgrading and enhancing professional qualifications;

- Educational programmes leading to degrees/diplomas of the national educational system.

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