In Vietnam, what are the sample short paragraphs expressing mindsets and feelings on ensuring occupational safety and hygiene in no more than 1000 words?

“In Vietnam, what are the sample short paragraphs expressing mindsets and feelings on ensuring occupational safety and hygiene in no more than 1000 words?” - asked Ms. P.T (Lam Dong)

In Vietnam, what are the sample short paragraphs expressing mindsets and feelings on ensuring occupational safety and hygiene in no more than 1000 words?

Based on Plan 51/KH - TLD in 2024 here of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the online contest "Workers, public employees and laborers learn about occupational safety and hygiene in Vietnam" will take place from 0h00 on April 15, 2024 to 0:00 on May 15, 2024.

- The contest consists of 03 parts, including the writing part expressing mindsets, sharing feelings or good stories, impressions, situations on ensuring occupational safety and hygiene in no more than 1,000 words.

The below contents are sample short paragraphs expressing mindsets and feelings on ensuring occupational safety and hygiene in no more than 1000 words for reference:

Sample No. 01:

In any industry, occupational safety and hygiene are always the most important factors. For me, these are not only regulations to be followed, but also a testament to the care that the organization gives to each individual.

When I arrive at work every day, I feel secure because I know that my surroundings are safe, allowing me to focus on my work without worrying about potential risks. The emphasis on occupational hygiene also demonstrates respect for the health and wellbeing of employees, which not only improves the quality of life but also enhances work performance.

Every safety measure taken, from wearing PPE to following safety protocols, is an important step towards building a sustainable work culture where everyone's well-being comes first. For me, workplace safety is not only a responsibility but also a commitment, a promise to myself and my colleagues about a work environment that not only promotes success but also ensures everyone's safety.

Sample No. 02:

In the life of each of us, everyone needs to work and contribute to society. Labor is first and foremost a way for us to earn money and feed ourselves and our families. Second, labor is also our small contribution to building the country. As a result, work can be considered a significant and profoundly meaningful activity in life. Additionally, in order to guarantee workers, the State has given careful consideration to many of the greatest laws and guidelines pertaining to occupational safety and cleanliness, assisting in the creation of the ideal environment for workers to operate in peace of mind.

However, somewhere in society, there are still worms that sullen the soup. They are employers but do not ensure adequate conditions to ensure occupational safety for workers so unfortunate consequences occur.

I still remember the story of my cousin working in a corrugated iron factory. It was only because of the work accident that she lost her ability to work and became a burden on the family. From an economic breadwinner in the family, the wife now has to quit her job to take care of her husband, and two young children who are still of school age. Indeed this is a huge burden without knowing who will be responsible. If only the employer had fully complied with occupational safety regulations, the story would not have come to this point.

If these securements continue, how many more families will be left in distress? To ensure that regrettable situations stop happening and that the workplace is always a secure, hygienic, and calm place to work, I hope that the legislation will provide sufficient deterrence and punishment for these individuals.

Sample No. 03:

In addition to being required by law, workplace safety is a sign of an organization's concern and compassion for its workers. I feel appreciated and safe when I enter a workplace where every little aspect is managed to guarantee safety.

Occupational hygiene not only helps to reduce the risk of accidents but also demonstrates professionalism and respect for human health. Every safety regulation, from the use of protective equipment to compliance with safe operating procedures, is a commitment to a healthy working environment where the health and well-being of each individual comes first. For me, ensuring occupational safety is an indispensable part of corporate culture, a solid foundation for the sustainable development and success of each organization.

Sample No. 04:

I have had the opportunity to work in a production environment with many potential risks. Every day, I am reminded of the importance of complying with safety regulations and proficient use of protective equipment. Thanks to the attention of the management and my sense of responsibility, I was fortunate to complete the job safely and efficiently.

However, I have also witnessed many cases due to subjectivity, neglect, or ignorance of occupational safety and hygiene that have led to tragic accidents. The images of workers being seriously injured, and families separated and broken made me extremely sorry and concerned.

What are the instructions for taking the online contest "Workers, public employees and laborers learn about occupational safety and hygiene in Vietnam" in 2024?

Step 1: Use multimedia devices (computers, smartphones, tablets ...) with an Internet connection to access the e-Journal of Labor and Trade Unions ( Contest "Workers, public employees and laborers learn about occupational safety and hygiene in Vietnam" or scan the QR Code of the Contest to participate in the Contest.

Step 2: After accessing the e-Journal of Labor and Trade Union (, candidates must fill in their personal information completely and accurately in the default information fields, including:

(1) Full name;

(2) ID card/Citizen ID card/Passport/Personal identification number;

(3) Contact telephone number;

(4) Email address (optional);

(5) Permanent/temporary residence address (district/town/city of the province - province/city directly under the Central Government);

(6) Working unit (candidates fill in the information of the unit they are working);

(7) Sectoral trade unions, local labor federation (Candidates choose provincial/municipal labor federation, central sectoral trade unions and equivalents available on the system).

(8) Management trade union level (candidates fill in information about trade unions superior to intra-organizational trade unions)

After filling in the above information, candidates select the "enter the test paper" button to start answering the questions given by the Organizing Committee.

Step 3: Take the test paper

After completing the 3 parts, candidates click on the "Submit test paper" button to finish taking the test paper.


- Information of candidates is the basis for the Organizing Committee to consider and award prizes. The Organizing Committee does not recognize the results for candidates who register incorrect personal information.

- Candidates must complete 03 parts to complete the "Submit the test paper" step to complete the test paper.

- Each candidate can only participate in the contest once.

Source: e-Journal of Labor and Trade Unions

What are the rights and obligations of employers regarding occupational safety and hygiene in Vietnam?

Under the provisions of Article 7 of the Law on Occupational Safety and Hygiene 2015, the rights and obligations of employers regarding occupational safety and hygiene in Vietnam are clearly stated as follows:

- Every employer has the right to:

+ Request employees to conform to internal regulations, process and measures for occupational safety and hygiene at the workplace;

+ Commend employees for good observance of labor discipline and take disciplinary actions against employees committing violations against occupational safety and hygiene.

+ Make complaints, denunciation or take legal proceedings as prescribed;

+ Mobilize employees in emergency rescue and responses to breakdowns or occupational accidents.

- Every employer has the following obligations:

+ Implement and cooperate with relevant agencies or organizations in assurance of occupational safety and hygiene at the workplace within their responsibility to employees and relevant persons; and pay insurance premiums for employees;

+ Provide training in regulations, internal regulations, and measures for occupational safety and hygiene; provide adequate occupational equipment or tools to ensure occupational safety and hygiene; provide healthcare and occupational disease check-ups; carry out adequate policies applicable to victims;

+ Do not compel employees to keep working or to return their workplace when the hazards of occupational accidents that seriously threatens lives and health of the employees still exist;

+ Appoint employees in charge of supervision and inspection of implementation of internal regulations, process and measures for assurance of occupational safety and hygiene at the workplace as prescribed;

+ Establish a department or appoint employees in charge of occupational safety and hygiene; cooperate with Executive board of internal trade union in establishment of network of occupational safety and hygiene officers; assign responsibility and entitlements related to occupational safety and hygiene;

+ Make reports, carry out investigations, release statistics, and send reports on occupational accidents and occupational diseases, serious safety threat; release statistics and send reports on implementation of occupational safety and hygiene; and comply with decisions on occupational safety and hygiene made by specialized inspectorate.

+ Consult with Executive board of internal trade union about formulation of plans, internal regulations, process and measures for assurance of occupational safety and hygiene.

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