In 2025, how do traffic police mobilize people, vehicles, and civil equipment in emergency situations in Vietnam?

In 2025, how do traffic police mobilize people, vehicles, and civil equipment in emergency situations in Vietnam?

How do traffic police mobilize people, vehicles, and civil equipment in emergency situations in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 68 of the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024 which stipulates the mobilization of people, vehicles, and civil equipment in emergency situations in Vietnam:

(1) When performing the tasks of patrol, control, command, and road traffic direction, handling road traffic accidents in emergency situations:

+ To protect national security, ensure social order and safety

+ Or to prevent ongoing societal damage

+ Or has a risk of occurring, the direct commander of the Traffic Police at the scene is authorized to mobilize people, vehicles, civil equipment, and those using or controlling said vehicles and equipment.

(2) The direct commander of the Traffic Police at the scene who mobilizes people, vehicles, and civil equipment is responsible for returning them immediately after the urgent situation ends.

If the mobilized people, vehicles, or civil equipment are damaged, they will receive compensation;

The unit that mobilizes the personnel is responsible for resolving compensation according to the law.

(3) Agencies, organizations, and individuals being mobilized are responsible for complying with the decisions and requests of the Traffic Police as stipulated in (1).

In emergency situations as prescribed in (1), the direct commander of the Traffic Police at the scene may request foreign organizations and individuals' support to perform tasks in accordance with Vietnamese law and international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member.

In 2025, how can the Traffic Police mobilize people, vehicles, and civil equipment in urgent situations?

In 2025, How do traffic police mobilize people, vehicles, and civil equipment in emergency situations in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

How are Traffic Police equipped and utilized with means, equipment, weapons, and support tools when on patrol or controlling in Vietnam?

According to Article 70 of the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024, the regulations are as follows:

(1) The Traffic Police force is equipped with weapons and support tools as per the law on management and use of weapons, explosives, and support tools; road traffic vehicles, technical and professional equipment, smart devices supporting road traffic command and control.

Other forces within the People's Police participating in cooperation with the Traffic Police in patrol and control are equipped with appropriate technical and professional equipment, weapons, and support tools as per their assigned duties according to the law.

(2) The forces specified in (1) are authorized to use the equipped weapons and support tools as stipulated by the law on the management and use of weapons, explosives, and support tools; use road traffic vehicles, technical and professional equipment, and smart devices supporting road traffic command and control as specified by the Minister of Public Security;

Use data storage devices provided by organizations or individuals to analyze, evaluate, and predict the situation of road traffic order and safety, detect violations of road traffic order and safety laws, and other law violations as prescribed by law.

(3) The equipped weapons and support tools are managed in accordance with the law on the management and use of weapons, explosives, and support tools; technical and professional equipment, smart devices supporting road traffic command and control are managed in accordance with the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024, the law on administrative violations handling, and other relevant legal provisions.

What are the tasks of the Traffic Police when conducting patrols and controls in Vietnam ?

Pursuant to Clause 4, Article 65 of the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024, the tasks of the Traffic Police when conducting patrols and controls include:

- Observing and understanding the situation of people and vehicles participating in road traffic; the state of road traffic order and safety; security and order on road traffic routes;

- Performing:

+ Inspection and control of people and vehicles participating in road traffic;

+ Detecting, preventing, and handling violations of road traffic order and safety laws and other legal violations.

- Guiding, propagating, and persuading road traffic participants to abide by the laws on road traffic order and safety;

- Assisting and supporting people and vehicles participating in road traffic when necessary;

- Commanding and controlling road traffic;

- Investigating and resolving road traffic accidents according to the law;

- Combating crimes operating on road traffic routes, ensuring security and order according to the law; participating in anti-terrorism, riot suppression, epidemic, natural disaster, and fire prevention and control; participating in rescue operations;

- Detecting inadequacies in road infrastructure, traffic organization, and causes leading to road traffic order and safety loss, notifying relevant agencies or reporting to competent authorities to propose remedial measures;

- Coordinating with the road management authority to detect and prevent violations of the laws on protecting road infrastructure and road safety corridors;

- Other tasks as stipulated by the People’s Police Law and other relevant legal provisions.

The Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024 takes effect in Vietnam on January 1, 2025; Clause 3, Article 10 of the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024 takes effect on January 1, 2026.


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