In 2024, what are the instructions for filling in the quality assessment and grading notes of managerial public employees in Vietnam?

“In 2024, what are the instructions for filling in the quality assessment and grading notes of managerial public employees in Vietnam?” - asked Ms. N.L.T (Dong Nai)

In 2024, what are the instructions for filling in the quality assessment and grading notes of managerial public employees in Vietnam?

Readers can refer to the following instructions for filling in the quality assessment and grading notes of managerial public employees in Vietnam:





Independence - Freedom - Happiness




Full name: Nguyen Van A.

Professional title:................................................................................................

Working Unit:...........................................................................................................


1. Ideological politics:

- Abide by the Party's guidelines, guidelines and regulations, the State's policies and laws, and the CPV's organizational and disciplinary principles, especially principles of democratic centralism, self-criticism, and criticism.

- Have strong political views and bravery; stand firmly; do not waver in facing challenges.

- Put the interests of CPV, the nation-state, the people and the collective above individual interests.

- Consciously abide by the rules of the Industry and regulations of agencies and units.

- Always be aware of the role of education in forming personality for students by ensuring the correct and sufficient teaching of programs, and strict adherence to working days and hours.

- Have strong political views and bravery

- Put the nation-state, the people, and the collective above individual interests.

- Participate in full study of CPV’s resolutions, directives, and documents.

2. Ethics, lifestyle

- Always have the spirit of solidarity, mutual love, and sociability with colleagues; be honest at work and have a high sense of responsibility in the education of students; be sensitive to parents, and love students.

- Do not commit embezzlement, corruption, negativity, waste, bureaucracy, opportunity, profit, bossiness, authoritarianism.

- Do not commit embezzlement, corruption, negativity, or waste; fail to have signs of moral or lifestyle degradation, lifestyle, self-evolution, or self-transformation.

- Lead an honest, humble and simple lifestyle

- Have the spirit of solidarity and development of a clean and strong school.

- Do not let relatives or acquaintances to abuse their position for profit.

3. Working style and style:

- Work scientifically, democratically, and according to principles.

- Have the spirit of cooperation and help colleagues.

- Be responsible for the work; be dynamic, creative, dare to think, dare to do, and be flexible in performing duties.

- Have a sense of responsibility for work, be flexible in performing tasks

- Have a sense of responsibility and coordination in the performance of tasks

- Have the right attitude and standard working style meeting the requirements of the official duty culture

4. Sense of discipline:

- Always be aware of the role of education in forming personality for students by ensuring the correct and sufficient teaching of programs, and strict adherence to working days and hours.

- Obey the assignment of the organization

- Comply with the regulations and rules of the school

- Declare and disclose assets and income as prescribed.

- Maintain a civilized lifestyle in the workplace; actively participate in emulation movements of schools and the Industry.

- Fight against negative manifestations, and gain the trust of colleagues, students, and people.

5. Results of performance of assigned responsibilities and duties (clearly define the contents of the work performed; completion rate, quality and progress of work):

- Perform professional duties of the school

+ Develop enrollment plans and plans for regular retraining

+ Implement topics: Child-centered, Vietnamese language enhancement as planned

- Participate in all professional and political training courses

- Have a progressive spirit, constantly learning to improve professional capacity and life skills.

6. Attitude to serve the people:

- Have a high sense of responsibility, dedicatedly and friendly serve the people, and respect the people; fairly and equally treat, always well, gently, and harmoniously cooperate with colleagues.

- Regularly maintain contact with the CPV cell of the place of residence, and fulfill all civic obligations of the place of residence.


7. Operation results of agencies, organizations and units assigned to manage and take charge of:

Specify the operation results of agencies, organizations and units assigned to manage and be in charge during the year


- Complete the school's professional work as planned;

- Remain the attendance rate stable in children aged 5-6 and children aged 3-4-5 after the long pandemic break leading to a limit on the retention rate of the number of attendances.

8. Leadership and management capacity:

- Have the ability to lead and administer the school's work. As the Vice Principal in charge of professional affairs, have coordinated with the organizations to implement plans in child care and education; have joined movements organized by the industry, and completed the set plans.

9. Capacity for gathering and solidarity:

- Create solidarity within the school, gather forces involved in child education care (trade union, youth union, parents' association)


1. Self-assessment of advantages and disadvantages:

1.1. Advantages:

- I have the spirit of mutuality, and solidarity to help teachers in schools.

- I have a sense of responsibility and always try to learn and improve my qualifications.

1.2. Disadvantages:

- I have not yet been bold in self-criticism and criticism.

- During the working period, it is necessary to learn more about management, and methods for administering and coordinating more flexibly among groups, and motivate teachers to be bold in their work to make the school's education more progressive.

2. Self-grading of quality:

(excellent completion of duties; successful completion of duties; completion of duties; non-completion of duties).

What is the note form used for assessment and grading of the quality of managerial public employees in Vietnam?

The note form used for assessment and grading of the quality of managerial public employees in Vietnam in 2024 is Form No. 03 issued together with Decree 90/2020/ND-CP.

>> Download the note form used for assessment and grading of the quality of managerial public employees in Vietnam here

What are the procedures for assessing and grading the quality of Vietnamese public employees who are heads and deputies of heads?

Under the provisions of Clause 1, Article 19 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP, the procedures for assessing and grading the quality of Vietnamese public employees who are heads and deputies of heads are carried out as follows:

Step 1: Vietnamese public employees self-assess and grade their quality

Vietnamese public employees make reports on self-assessment and grading of work results according to assigned duties according to Form No. 03 of the Appendix promulgated together with Decree 90/2020/ND-CP.

Step 2: Comment and assess Vietnamese public employees

- Hold a meeting at the unit where the public employee works to comment and assess the public employee. Participants in the meeting included all public employees of the unit.

In case the unit has a constituent unit, the composition includes the collective of unit leaders, representatives of CPV committees, trade unions, youth unions of the same level, and heads of constituent units; For large-scale units, heads of constituent units may give written comments.

The public employee presents the report on self-assessment of work results at the meeting, and members attending the meeting contribute opinions. These opinions must be recorded in minutes and approved at the meeting.

- Collect comments and assessments of the CPV committee of the unit where the public employee works.

- Review and decide on the assessment and grading of the quality of the public employee

The advisory department on personnel work of the competent authority and unit shall synthesize comments and assessments specified at Points b and c, Clause 1, Article 19 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP and related documents (if any), propose assessment contents and quality grading results for the public employee.

The competent authority shall decide on the assessment and grading of the quality of the public employee.

- The competent authority shall notify in writing the public employee of the results of the quality assessment and quality grading; decide on the form of publicity in the agency, organization or unit where the public employee works, with priority given to the application of the form of publicity in the electronic environment.

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