If a candidate wins an international exam, can he or she be considered for admission to a different major than the subject that won the prize?

Hello Advisory Board, I have a question as follows: If I win the International Geography prize this year, will I be considered for admission to preschool education next year? Which cases will be considered for direct admission in university admission?

Can candidates who win prizes in international exams be considered for admission to a different major than the one they took?

Pursuant to Clauses 1, 2 and 3, Article 8 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 08/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulating the following cases of direct admission:

- Labor heroes, heroes of the people's armed forces, national emulation fighters are recruited directly into the branches and programs prescribed by the training institutions.

- Candidates with high achievements in national or international exams, competitions, and tournaments organized and nominated by the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to participate, will be considered for direct admission in the year. graduating from high school (or graduating from intermediate school) in disciplines relevant to the exam subject, subject content or profession to participate in, compete or win prizes; specifically in the following cases:

+ Candidates who win first, second and third prizes in national and international competitions to select excellent students or in national and international science and technology competitions organized and appointed by the Ministry of Education and Training; winning time is not more than 3 years from the time of direct admission;

+ Candidates who win official prizes in international art competitions in singing, dancing, music and fine arts recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; winning time is not more than 4 years up to the time of direct admission;

+ Candidates participating in the national team compete in official international tournaments confirmed by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to have completed their tasks, including: World Championships, World Cups, World Cups, and World Cups. Olympic Games, Asian Games (ASIAD), Asian Championships, Asian Cups, Southeast Asian Championships, Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games), Southeast Asian Cups; winning time is not more than 4 years up to the time of direct admission;

+ Candidates who won first, second and third prizes in ASEAN regional and international skills competitions sent by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs; Award winning time must not exceed 3 years from the time of direct admission.

- Candidates who have an intermediate degree in pedagogy with good grade or higher, or have an intermediate degree in pedagogy with good grade and have at least 02 years of working in the right field are considered for admission directly to the College of Early Childhood Education.

Thus, the direct admission in university and college enrollment in preschool education is carried out according to the above regulations. In case candidates achieve high results in international exams, they will be considered for direct admission in the year of high school graduation and majors relevant to the subjects tested.

If a candidate wins an international exam, can he or she be considered for admission to a different major than the subject that won the prize?

If a candidate wins an international exam, can he or she be considered for admission to a different major than the subject that won the prize?

Which cases will be prioritized for admission in university and college admissions majoring in early childhood education?

Pursuant to Clause 5, Article 8 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 08/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulating other forms of priority in recruitment for the following cases:

- Candidates specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article apply to the fields of their choice (not using the right of priority for direct recruitment);

- Contestants won consolation prizes in the national competition for excellent students; candidates who have won the fourth prize in the national science and technology competition and applied for a major suitable to the subject or subject of the contest won the prize; winning time is not more than 3 years by the time of admission;

- Candidates who win gold, silver and bronze medals at national level sports competitions held once a year and candidates who are recognized by the General Department of Physical Education and Sports as national masters shall apply for the contests. appropriate sport and physical training; winning time is not more than 4 years by the time of admission;

- Candidates who win official prizes in official national professional art competitions in singing, dancing, music and fine arts apply to relevant art disciplines; winning time is not more than 4 years by the time of admission;

- Candidates who win first, second and third prizes at ASEAN regional and international skills contests must apply for occupations relevant to the winning profession; The time of winning the award must not exceed 3 years from the time of admission.

- Training institutions shall specify and announce in their enrollment schemes, enrollment plans, subjects, targets, criteria, enrollment scope, disciplines, and training programs for direct consideration and priority. pre-qualification.

Thus, the application of other forms of prioritization in admission to universities and colleges in preschool education must comply with the above provisions.

What cases will be considered and decided to enroll in university and college admissions in early childhood education?

Pursuant to Clause 4, Article 8 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 08/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulates as follows:

“Article 8. Candidates for direct admission and priority for admission
4. Principals, directors of training institutions, based on the students' high school results and the requirements of the training major, consider and decide to admit them in the cases specified below (when necessary) with the condition that candidates must take 1 year of additional knowledge before entering the official school):
a) The candidate is a person with extremely severe disabilities who has a certificate of disability issued by a competent authority as prescribed, and is capable of studying a number of majors prescribed by the training institution but is unable to apply. according to the normal enrollment method;
b) Candidates are ethnic minorities according to current regulations of the Government and candidates in 20 poor border districts and islands in the Southwest region;
c) Candidates who have had a permanent residence for 3 years or more, studied for 3 years and graduated from high school in poor districts (ethnic high school students are boarding based on their permanent residence) according to the regulations of the Government or the Prime Minister. Government;
d) The candidate is a foreigner whose Vietnamese knowledge and ability test results meet current regulations of the Minister of Education and Training.”

Thus, the principal, the director of the training institution will base on the learning results and the requirements of the training industry to consider and decide on admission for the cases listed under the above regulations.

Circular 08/2022/TT-BGDDT takes effect from July 22, 2022.

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