Guidance on procedures for housing rental support for workers returning to the labor market in Ho Chi Minh City?

In order to attract human resources to return to work in localities to restore economic activities. The Prime Minister has issued Decision 08/QD-TTg in 2022 to support rent for employees. Accordingly, Ho Chi Minh City has issued regulations guiding the procedures for receiving house support money for workers returning to the labor market.

Which cases will be entitled to the rent support policy for employees returning to the labor market in Ho Chi Minh City?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section II, Guideline 16741/SLDTBXH-VLATLD in 2022, issued by the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of Ho Chi Minh City on May 10, 2022, stipulating the beneficiaries and conditions of support as follows: after:

Employees who are working in enterprises, cooperatives, business households (hereinafter referred to as enterprises) with business registration in the city are supported when fully meeting the following conditions:

- Renting, lodging in the period from April 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022;

- Having an indefinite-term labor contract or a definite-term labor contract of 01 month or more entered into and performed during the period from April 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022; except for the labor contract concluded in the continuation of the labor contract signed and performed previously;

- Being participating in compulsory social insurance (named on the list of participating in compulsory social insurance of the social insurance agency) in the month immediately preceding the time the employer prepares the list of proposed employees. offer rent assistance.

In case employees are not subject to compulsory social insurance as prescribed in Clause 4, Article 2 of Decree No. 115/2015/ND-CP dated November 11, 2015 of the Government detailing a number of Article of the Law on Social Insurance on compulsory social insurance, newly recruited employees who have entered into a labor contract but are not yet on the list of participants in compulsory social insurance of the Social Insurance agency. The union must be on the employer's salary list of the month preceding the time the employer makes a list of employees requesting rent support.

Accordingly, employees who fall into the above-mentioned cases will be supported according to the policy.

Guidance on procedures for housing rental support for workers returning to the labor market in Ho Chi Minh City?

Guidance on procedures for housing rental support for workers returning to the labor market in Ho Chi Minh City?

How much is the rent support for workers returning to the labor market in Ho Chi Minh City?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section II of Guidance 16741/SLDTBXH-VLATLD in 2022, issued by the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of Ho Chi Minh City on May 10, 2022, stipulating the level of support for returning employees. The labor market in Ho Chi Minh City is as follows:

- Support level: 1,000,000 VND/person/month.

- Support period: Up to 3 months.

- Payment method: Monthly.

Thus, employees working in enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City will be supported 1,000,000 VND per person for a month. This support will last for 3 months.

Procedures for rent support for employees returning to the labor market in Ho Chi Minh City?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section II of Guidance 16741/SLDTBXH-VLATLD in 2022, stipulating the application file for rent support for employees returning to the labor market as follows:

The list of employees requesting rental support certified by the Social Insurance agency is made according to Form No. 03 in the Appendix issued together with Decision No. 08/2002/QD-TTg (hereinafter referred to as Form No. 03).

- In case there are employees in the list who are not subject to compulsory social insurance, newly recruited employees and have entered into labor contracts but are not yet on the list of participating in social insurance. If required by the Social Insurance agency, the support application dossier needs to include a copy of the salary list of the month preceding the time the employer makes a list of employees requesting rent support.

Dossier to send includes paper copy and electronic file of employee list (excel file: *.xls, *.xlsx)

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section II, which prescribes the order and procedures for implementing the rent support policy for returning employees, the labor market is as follows:

- The employee requests for rent support according to Form No. 01, is responsible for the accuracy of information and sends it to the employer to summarize.

- On the basis of the request of the employee, the employer shall compile a list of employees requesting rent support according to Form No. 03 and publicly post it at the workplace for at least 03 working days. In case there are comments about the objects and conditions of support, within 02 working days, the employer will verify to ensure the right objects and support conditions as prescribed.

- Before the 15th of every month, the employer shall send the list of employees requesting rent support according to Form No. 03 to the Social Insurance agency to confirm that the employee is participating in the compulsory social insurance. tie. The employer is responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the employee's information.

Within 2 working days from the date of receipt of the request, the Social Insurance agency shall certify the employee's participation in compulsory social insurance.

- The employer summarizes and sends the dossier to the People's Committee of Thu Duc city and the district where the head office or branch, representative office, production and business location is located.

Enterprises can send a dossier of request for support for 2 or 3 months (the dossier is made monthly). The deadline for receiving applications is until the end of August 15, 2022.

In case the employer is a business household, the request for housing rental assistance must be enclosed with the employee's request, made according to Form No. 01.

- Within 03 working days from the day on which the complete application is received, the People's Committee of Thu Duc city and the district will complete the appraisal and issue a Decision approving the list and funding support as authorized by the Committee. City people; at the same time directing the transfer of funds to enterprises to make payments to employees.

In case of refusal, the People's Committee of Thu Duc city and the district shall reply in writing to the enterprise and clearly state the reason; and send it to the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs for monitoring.

- Within 02 working days from the date of receipt of funding support from the People's Committee of Thu Duc city and the district, the employer shall pay the employee.

The enterprise is responsible for completing the application for payment and settlement of funds in accordance with the law and sending it to the People's Committee of Thu Duc city and the district right after making the payment to employees. payment settlement is 05 working days from the date of payment to employees.

Thus, the dossier and order of procedures for housing rent support for employees returning to the labor market in Ho Chi Minh City are made according to the above regulations.

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