Instructions on the procedures for handing over dossiers to Ministry's archives and exploiting and using archives of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam?

Instructions on the procedures for handing over dossiers to Ministry's archives and exploiting and using archives of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam? Question of Mr. An in Hue.

What is the process of preparing, collecting and adjusting dossiers of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of subsection 3, section 4, part 2, Administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision No. 2202/QD-BNN-VP in 2023, stipulating the process of preparing, collecting and adjusting dossiers of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as follows:

Preparation of documents

- Heads of units under the Ministry, the Archives section, annually have the responsibility to direct the organization to compile work dossiers and submit dossiers to the archives of the units they are in charge of.

- Civil servants and public employees, while handling their jobs, must make work records according to regulations.

Collection of documents

- Every year, the Ministry’s Archives and Unit’s archives are responsible for:

- Plan to collect records and documents.

+ Coordinate with units and individuals to identify records and documents to be collected.

+ Instruct units and individuals to prepare dossiers for submission and make statistics into the "Table of Contents of dossiers submitted and stored".

+ Prepare storage and facilities for receiving documents.

+ Organize the receipt of documents and make "Record of document delivery and receipt"

Adjustment of documents

- Archives of the Ministry, unit’s archives, specialized departments and civil servants and public employees are responsible for editing records and documents under their charge.

- Documents after editing must meet the following requirements:

+ Categorize and make a complete profile.

+ Determine the preservation period for records and documents.

+ Systematization of records and documents.

+ Set up search tools: Table of contents of records, documents, databases.

+ Make a list of invalid records and documents for destruction according to regulations.

Instructions on the procedure for handing over dossiers to Ministry's archives and exploiting and using archives of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam?

Instructions on the procedures for handing over dossiers to Ministry's archives and exploiting and using archives of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What is the process of valuing documents, establishing a council to determine the value of documents, and destroying the obsolete documents of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of subsection 3, section 4, part 2, administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision No. 2202/QD-BNN-VP in 2023 stipulating the process of determination of document value, establishing a council to determine the value of documents of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam as follows:

Determination of document value

- The validation of documents must meet the following requirements: Identify documents that need to be preserved permanently and documents that need to be preserved for a period in years; Identify the expired document that needs to be removed for destruction.

- The Office of the Ministry builds and issues the Table of time limits for preserving documents of the Ministry.

Establishment of a council to determine the value of documents

- Step 1. When conducting document valuation, the Ministry’s Archives and Unit’s archives must establish a document valuation council. The Council has the duty to advise the Head of the unit to consider and decide on the Table of Contents of records and documents to be kept and preserved; The document list is out of date. The specific members of the Council are as follows:

+ For the Ministry’s Archives: Deputy Chief of Office in charge of archival work, Chairman of the Council; Head of Archives Department, member; Representatives of units, organizations with documents, members.

+ For unit’s archives: Leader in charge of archival work, Chairman of the Council; Person in charge of the unit’s archives, member; Representatives of units, organizations with documents, members.

+ In case of necessity, the head of the unit invites more experts and representatives of other relevant agencies and units.

- Step 2. Review the table of contents of records and documents

Each member of the Council considers the Table of Contents of records and documents to be kept and preserved; The document list is out of date. For the List of Expired Documents, the actual document must be checked.

- Step 3. The Council discusses collectively and votes by majority.

- Step 4. Approve the minutes and submit it to the Head of the unit for consideration and decision.

Destruction of obsolete documents

- Step 1. Archive the Ministry and submit it to the Chief of Office of the Ministry for consideration and decision to destroy invalid documents.

- Step 2. Archive the unit and submit it to the Head of the unit for consideration and decision.

- Step 3. Destruction of documents

Records of destruction of expired documents must be archived and preserved at the unit for at least twenty years from the date on which the documents are destroyed.

Instructions on the procedures for handing over dossiers to Ministry's archives and exploiting and using archives of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of subsection 3, Section 4, Part 2, Administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision No. 2202/QD-BNN-VP in 2023, the process of handing over dossiers to the Ministry's archives and exploiting and using the archives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam as follows:

Handing over dossiers to the Ministry's archives

- Step 1. The unit having the dossiers handed over and archived shall make a "Table of Contents of dossiers to be submitted and stored" and "Record of document delivery and receipt" according to the form prescribed by the State Archives and Records Administration. Each type into 02 copies, the submitting unit keeps one copy, the Ministry’s Archives (for the departmental division) or the Unit’s archives (for the units with separate archives) keep one copy.

+ For specialized divisions and civil servants and public employees, submit documents to the Ministry’s Archives: Specialized divisions, civil servants and public employees under Departments, Ministry Offices, Ministry Inspectors, Board of Innovation and Management of agribusiness must hand over dossiers to the archives of the Ministry.

+ For specialized departments and civil servants submitting documents to the Archives of the Unit: Departments of expertise and civil servants and public employees of the General Departments, Departments, Project Management Boards, etc., must hand over and submit the dossiers into the Unit Archive.

(Administrative documents, scientific and technical documents, after one year from the end of the work; Basic construction documents, after three months from the date of finalization of the work; Photo documents, movies ; film microphones; audio, video and other materials, three months after the end of the work).

+ In case the functional departments, civil servants and public employees need to keep records and documents that are due for filing, they must make a list and send it to the Ministry’s Archives, the retention period must not exceed 2 years.

+ Before retiring, resigning or transferring to another job, a civil servant must hand over files and documents to the unit directly managing or succeeding civil servants and public employees, and does not use the agency's files and documents for personal purposes or bring them to other agencies or units.

- Step 2. Archive the Ministry or Archive the unit receiving dossiers according to regulations.

Exploiting and using archival materials

- Step 1. Receive request

Librarians are responsible for receiving and considering requests from visitors to exploit archives and documents.

If the guest meets the conditions according to regulations on exploitation and use of archival materials, the librarian shall request the guest to declare in the form (Application for exploitation, use of records and archival documents: QT-KTTTL-BNN-VP-01). If the customer does not have enough documents, the request will be returned.

- Step 2. Consideration for approval.

All ordinary legal documents or state management documents, scientific and technical documents, ordinary documents Leaders of the Secretariat - Archives review and approve for exploitation.

Confidential, top secret, top secret documents, Chief of Office submits to Ministry leaders for approval for exploitation.

- Step 3. Enter into the book and control

The librarian serves guests according to the approval of the Head of the Department, the Leader of the Office, the Chief of the Office and the Leader of the Ministry in the Application for exploitation and use of archives and documents.

Control documents during the process of customers exploiting and using records and documents. Enter the document exploitation monitoring book according to the form (QT-KTL-BNN-VP-02). If the customer requests to provide a photocopy of the document file for:

+ State management documents to be resolved in 1 day (working).

+ Scientific and technical documents depending on the number of dossiers required to schedule an appropriate time.

+ Confidential, top secret, top secret documents do not serve photocopies.

- Step 4. Renovation of inspection

When guests return records, documents, librarians collect and check records and documents. If the document file is damaged, torn or lost, the guest and the room leader will be notified for consideration and handling.

Librarians keep records and documents to the specified location.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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