07:44 | 23/07/2024

Guidance on Registering an Account on the Information Exchange Portal of the State Audit Office: Procedures and Instructions

Let me know how to register an account on the State Audit Office of Vietnam's Information Exchange Portal? - Question from Mr. Tai from Long An

How to register an account for the first-time registration account?

In sub-item a, Section 3, Appendix I.1, attached to Official Dispatch 1098/KTNN-TTTH of 2022 regarding account registration:

First-time registration:

- The audited unit sends an official dispatch to the SAV requesting account issuance on the SAV Information Exchange Portal. Simultaneously, the unit accesses the SAV Information Exchange Portal to register an account. The information required for registration includes:

+ Unit code (one of the identification codes, tax codes, or unit budget relationship codes), the information displayed according to the unit code includes: Unit name, name of the superior unit according to registration, program code, area).

+ The unit enters the following information: Email, address, phone number, fax, digital signature, scanned soft copy of the registered dispatch with the official seal.

Note: The email information in the unit's contact information must precisely enter the unit's email to receive account information. For personal account information, include: Full name of the unit head, full name of the contact person, department/division, position, address, phone number, Email, etc.

- After the unit registers, the SAV activates the account for the unit and sends a notification to the unit's registered email address. Units access the system and immediately change the initially issued password to ensure the safety and security of the provided account information.

How to use the account registration function on the Information Exchange Portal?

How to register an account on the Information Exchange Portal of the State Audit Office? (Image from the Internet)

How to register an account on the Information Exchange Portal of the State Audit Office?

In sub-item a, Section 3, Appendix I.1, attached to Official Dispatch 1098/KTNN-TTTH of 2022 on guiding the use of the account registration function as follows:

(1) Steps to register

Step 1: Send the account registration dispatch

Step 2: Register directly on the SAV Information Exchange Portal

Step 3: Check the registered email in the Contact Information section to obtain account and password information

Step 4: Log in and change the password

(2) Instructions for use

Step 1: Send the account registration dispatch

- The unit registers the account according to the account registration form in this dispatch

- The unit scans the red-sealed version to attach when registering on the SAV Information Exchange Portal

- Send the paper document to the address: IT Center, 7th floor, State Audit Office building, 116 Nguyen Chanh - Trung Hoa Ward - Cau Giay District - Hanoi. For units that have implemented national document interconnectivity via the national document interconnectivity hub, register on the system without sending a paper document.

Step 2: Register directly on the SAV Information Exchange Portal

- The user logs in at the link https://congtdtt.sav.gov.vn/

- Click “Register”

- Update detailed information as follows:

- The user selects the type of registration code and enters the unit's registration code (one of the following: Tax code, Unit budget relationship code, Identification code):

+ Identification code: If the unit has been issued an identification code following Decision No. 20/2020/QD-TTg dated July 22, 2020, of the Prime Minister of Vietnam on electronic identification code for organizations serving the connection and sharing of data with ministries, sectors, and localities, or Circular No. 10/2016/TT-BTTTT dated April 01, 2016, issuing National technical standards for identifier structure and data format for connecting document management and administration systems, use the identification code of the unit to register an account.

+ Tax code: If the unit hasn't been issued an identification code, use the tax code to register an account as per Circular No. 105/2020/TT-BTC dated December 3, 2020, of the Minister of Finance guiding taxpayer registration.

+ Unit budget relationship code: If the unit hasn't been issued an identification code or tax code, use the unit budget relationship code issued by the Ministry of Finance under Circular No. 185/2015/TT-BTC dated November 17, 2015, of the Minister of Finance guiding the registration, issuance, and use of the unit budget relationship code to register an account.

- Contact information: The SAV will send account information to the email address registered by the unit in this section.

- The user selects the link to upload the account registration dispatch (Note: a valid dispatch is a scanned copy with the leader's signature, the unit's red seal, and the registration account list).

- Enter all information according to the registration dispatch

- Enter the Captcha code

- Click [Confirm]

- Click [Submit]

After pressing the "Submit" button, the system will send a successful registration notification email to the registered email. When the SAV approves the unit's registration, the account will be sent to the unit's registered email.

Continue to implement the Information Exchange Portal system effectively?

In Official Dispatch 1098/KTNN-TTTH of 2022, to continue implementing the Information Exchange Portal system effectively, the State Audit Office respectfully requests:

- First: Review and urge units to register accounts on the SAV Information Exchange Portal, specifically:

+ For level I budgetary units subject to registration under Official Dispatch No. 597/KTNN-TTTH that have not registered accounts with the SAV, complete registration by November 01, 2022.

+ From 2023 onwards, the lead units, audited units under the annual audit plan, register accounts within 10 days from the date the SAV announces the detailed list of leads and audited units.

- Second: Review and promptly update the unit's information fully on the SAV Information Exchange Portal.

- Third: Submit financial statements, budget settlement reports, and funding estimates as per Article 58, State Audit Law, and Decision No. 03/2019/QD-KTNN dated September 16, 2019, of the Auditor General of Vietnam, stipulating the responsibility to send financial statements, budget settlement reports, and funding estimates of the audited units through the SAV Information Exchange Portal.

- Fourth: Enhance the exchange and provision of documents for the SAV audit through the Information Exchange Portal, including: survey documents during the audit preparation phase, documents during the audit process (upon request), documents related to the implementation of the SAV's conclusions and recommendations, etc. (Secret documents comply with the Law on Protection of State Secrets and related documents).

(Detailed contents in Appendices I, I.1, I.2 and Appendix II attached to this dispatch)

See the detailed content at: Official Dispatch 1098/KTNN-TTTH of 2022


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