Instructions for arranging emergency lighting to ensure that it does not obstruct visibility in fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam according to TCVN 13456: 2022?

My company specializes in the field of construction and housing construction. Because of the legal regulations, I have the following question to ask the advisory board: how are the standards for installing emergency lighting in homes and buildings for fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam? Thank!

Installation requirements for emergency lights that must be installed for areas of houses and buildings in fire protection in Vietnam need to meet which standards?

Pursuant to subsection 5.1, Section 5 of the National Standard TCVN 13456: 2022 has the following provisions:

“5. Design and installation requirements
5.1 Incident lighting
5.1.1 Emergency lighting must be installed for areas of buildings and structures at the following locations:
a) Escape stairs;
b) The escape route and the location of the escape route, the intersection of the corridor;
c) There is a change in altitude on the escape route;
d) Emergency exit doors and exits;
e) Garage for parking;
f) In a room with people working and the distance from the farthest point of the room to the nearest emergency exit is more than 13 m. In case these rooms have an escape route, they can only install emergency lights at that escape route;
g) In the room where the transformer station is located, the generator room, the elevator technical room, the refuge space;
h) In the fire fighting control room, fire pump room and at locations equipped with other fire prevention and fighting means.
The arrangement may not be necessary in the following cases:
- Garden, terrace area without roof;
- A 1-storey building with a floor area of ​​not more than 200 m2 and an opening in the outer wall of at least 80%."

Instructions for arranging emergency lighting to ensure that it does not obstruct visibility in fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam according to TCVN 13456: 2022?

Instructions for arranging emergency lighting to ensure that it does not obstruct visibility in fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam according to TCVN 13456: 2022?

Standards for installation of emergency exit lighting equipment in fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam?

Pursuant to subsection 5.1, Section 5 of the National Standard TCVN 13456: 2022 has the following provisions:

“5. Design and installation requirements
5.1 Incident lighting
5.1.2 Lighting of emergency exits

For emergency exits with a width of up to 2 m, the average horizontal illuminance on the floor along the center of the escape route must be greater than or equal to 1 lux and the central strip with a width greater than or equal to half the width of the escape route shall have illumination of at least 50 % of that value (see figure A.2).
NOTE Wider escape routes can be considered as some 2m wide strips or treated as space lighting (anti-panic).”

What are the current standards for installation of incident lighting equipment in fire prevention and fighting?

Pursuant to subsection 5.1, Section 5 of the National Standard TCVN 13456: 2022 has the following provisions:

“5. Design and installation requirements
5.1 Incident lighting
5.1.3 Room emergency lighting
The average horizontal illuminance shall not be less than 0.5 lux at the floor level at any error point of the clearance, excluding the 0.5 m contour around the area (see figure A.3).”

Standards on requirements for design and installation of incident lighting equipment in fire prevention and fighting in VIetnam?

Pursuant to subsection 5.1, section 5 of the National Standard TCVN 13456: 2022, promulgated in 2022, has the following provisions:

“5. Design and installation requirements
5.1 Incident lighting
5.1.4 The ratio of the maximum illuminance to the minimum illuminance along the centerline of the escape route and the clearance (anti-panic) shall not be more than 40:1.
NOTE: To demonstrate the rate of a grid system should be used according to CIE S 015, chapter 4.3.3.
5.1.5 The risk of transient glare shall be minimized by limiting the luminous intensity at the peak luminescence phase of the fault operation of each lamp within the field of view. Specifically:
- For the lighting of the escape route horizontally relative to the floor, room lighting and lighting for fire prevention and fighting means, the illuminance of the lights in the range of projection angles from 60° to 90° shall not exceed the value specified in Table 1 (see Figure 1).
- For other escape routes, the illuminance of the lights should not exceed the value in Table 1 at any angle (see Figure 2).
NOTE: Improper arrangement of emergency lighting can dazzle and block the view of people during the movement to a safe place.

Figure 1 - Area at risk of causing temporary glare for horizontal escape routes

Figure 2 - Area at risk of causing temporary glare to other escape routes
Table 1 - Temporary glare limits

5.1.6 Fire alarm control panels, fire alarm buttons and fire extinguishing facilities must be adequately lit at all times so that they can be easily located and, if not located on an escape route or within a range. for gaps, there should be a minimum of 5 lux illumination at the floor level (see figure A.4)." The above are regulations on standards for installation of incident lighting equipment in fire prevention and fighting according to National Standard TCVN 13456: 2022.


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