How will logistics enterprises be reducrd electricity prices for goods warehouses by the Vietnam Government?

Hello Lawnet, what are policies of the Vietnam Government on assistance for enterpriese, especially logistics enterprises amid Covid-19 pandemic to recover the economy and increase production? Look forward to your answer. Thank you!

What are viewpoints of the Vietnam Government on assistance for enterpriese amid Covid-19 pandemic?

According to Section I of Resolution 105/NQ-CP in 2021, the Government has the following viewpoints on assistance for enterpriese as follows:

1. Promote self-reliance and independence; mobilize the strength of the great national unity, participation of the whole political system, enterprises, cooperatives, household businesses and the people; expand international cooperation, accelerate vaccine diplomacy to obtain vaccines and medicines as soon as possible; promote high determination, great efforts, drastic actions for the highest goal which is protecting people's lives and health, supporting and facilitating production and business operations of enterprises, cooperatives and household businesses while ensuring safety and prevention against Covid-19; Do not allow socio-economic crisis to occur; have a specific roadmap and plans for enterprises, cooperatives and household businesses to resume operations, and soon bring the country to a new normal state. Focus on scientific research, practice analysis and study from international experiences to develop appropriate and effective solutions, step by step safely adapt to the epidemic.

2. Persist in fighting the “war” against Covid-19; ensure harmony, reasonability and effectiveness of epidemic prevention and control and business operation; implement the mottos “Production serves Covid-19 control, Covid-19 control serves production”, “Harmonized benefits – shared risks”, “Safety before production”; focus on efficiency instead of formality, “talk the talk, walk the walk”; the people, enterprises, cooperatives and household businesses are the center of service and participants in epidemic prevention and control.

3. Continue to accompany the enterprises, cooperatives and household businesses on the principle that every difficulty will be resolved by the authorities of the same level; emphasize personal responsibility, strictly handle violations, causing difficulties for production and business, causing congestion in goods circulation; report ultra vires cases to superior bodies for taking actions; for consideration and handling; focus on removal of bottlenecks as soon as possible and as effective as possible in order to minimize damage and negative impacts on enterprises, cooperatives, household businesses and the people.

4. Promote initiative and creativity in applying business models that are effective and safe against Covid-19. Strengthen cooperate between Ministries, central authorities, provincial authorities; ensure efficiency and practicality in resolving difficulties of enterprises, cooperatives and household businesses.

5. Expand and strictly protect disease-free areas in order to promote production and business; control the epidemic and stabilize production and business in key economic regions, economic zones, hi-tech zones, industrial zones, industrial complexes, areas of production, sale, processing of agriculture, aquaculture products; do not allow the supply chain and labor chain to break.

What are targets of the Vietnam Government on assistance for enterpriese amid Covid-19 pandemic?

According to Section II of Resolution 105/NQ-CP in 2021, the Government sets targets to solve difficult problems for enterpriese as follows:

1. Focus on restoration and development of operation of enterprises, cooperatives and household businesses in association with safety and prevention against Covid-19.

2. Promptly resolve the difficulties and bottlenecks that obstruct production and business operation; minimize the number of enterprises, cooperatives and household businesses that have to be suspended, dissolved or go bankrupt because of Covid-19.

3. Targets to be achieved by 2021:

- The accumulated number of enterprises, cooperatives and household businesses that receive credit benefits to assist in Covid-19 response is 01 million.

- Most enterprises, cooperatives and household businesses that are suspended resume their operation.

- Fully and promptly implement policies on tax deferral; exemption, reduction of taxes, fees, land rents; reduce electricity, water, telecommunications prices; provide assistance for workers and employers, employee training, etc. for enterprises, cooperatives and household businesses affected by Covid-19.

Will logistics enterpriese be reduced electricity prices for goods warehouses by the Government?

Pursuant to Section III of Resolution 105/NQ-CP in 2021 and the above viewpoints, targets and the practical situation mentioned in the Resolution 105/NQ-CP, the Government has decided on 04 groups of tasks and solutions, for logistics enterprises as follows:

- Drastic and effective implementation of measures for Covid-19 prevention and control while enabling enterprises, cooperatives and household businesses to recover, maintain and develop business operation in association with safety and prevention against Covid-19

- Assurance of stable production, effective and safe circulation of goods, elimination of supply chain disruption

- Reducing of costs, resolving financial difficulties and cash flow for enterprises, cooperatives, household businesses

- Facilitation in terms of labor and experts

The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall take charge and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and relevant agencies to urgently organize the implementation of Resolution 97/NQ-CP dated August 28, 2021 of the Government on the plan to support electricity bill and prices reduction (phase 5) for customers using electricity in accordance with the order, procedures and legal regulations; strictly ensure, the right subjects, not to be exploited for policies.

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