How to carry out the legal propaganda, dissemination and education among workers, public employees and laborers in 2022?

I would like to know that according to Guideline 51/HD-TLD dated March 8, 2022, how to carry out the legal propagation, dissemination and education among workers, public employees and laborers in 2022?

According to the guidance in Section I of Guideline 51/HD-TLD of Vietnam dated March 8, 2022 on the purposes and requirements of the legal propaganda, dissemination and education among workers, public employees and laborers in 2022 as follows:

1. To guide unifying in the trade union system the basic and central contents in order to effectively carry out the work of propagating, disseminating and educating the law among workers, public employees and employees; ensure propaganda and fully disseminate the guidelines and guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State directly related to workers, public employees, laborers and trade union organizations of Vietnam.
2. To give full play to the roles and responsibilities of trade union officials in carrying out the work of propagating, disseminating and educating the law among workers, public employees and employees; focus on workers (employees) at the enterprise according to the motto towards the grassroots, focusing on the grassroots; improve the quality of the contingent of legal rapporteurs, the contingent of trade union officials in charge of law propagation, dissemination and education and the operational efficiency of the legal dissemination and legal education of Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, office system, center, legal consulting group of the trade union system.
3. Sticking to the content and requirements of reforming the legal propaganda, dissemination and education in the current conditions in line with the spirit of the document of the 13th Party Congress, Conclusion No. 80-KL/TW of the Party. The Secretariat of the Party Central Committee and the Prime Minister's Decision No. 1521/QD-TTg."

How to carry out the legal propaganda, dissemination and education among workers, public employees and laborers in 2022?

According to the guidance in subsection 1, Section II of Guideline 51/HD-TLD of Vietnam dated March 8, 2022, the contents of legal propaganda, dissemination and education are as follows:

1. Key legal contents to be propagated
1.1. Propagating and disseminating the guidelines and lines of the Party, policies and laws of the State, especially those contents that have great impacts on society and are of interest to the public, such as: anti-corruption; practice thrift, fight waste; issues of ethnicity, religion, sea and islands; family, children....
1.2. Paying attention to propagandizing and disseminating legal contents directly related to workers, public employees, laborers and Vietnamese trade union organizations such as labor law, trade union, social insurance, medical insurance health, unemployment insurance, occupational safety and health, Covid-19 epidemic prevention...
1.3. Promote propaganda and dissemination of policies of the State and Vietnam Trade Union organizations related to supporting and removing difficulties for employees; policies to restore the labor market, employment, and socio-economic development in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic.
1.4. Pay attention to the direction of public opinion in the process of elaborating legal documents that have a great impact on the rights and interests of union members, employees, and the Vietnam Trade Union, especially in the process of building and repairing. change a number of laws in 2022 such as the Law on Social Insurance, the Law on Health Insurance, the Law on Implementation of Grassroots Democracy; summarizing 10 years of implementing the Trade Union Law and amending and supplementing the Trade Union Law...
1.5. Propagating and disseminating international treaties and free trade agreements that Vietnam has signed and signed that affect employees in enterprises."

According to the guidance in subsection 2, Section II of Guide 51/HD-TLD of Vietnam dated March 8, 2022, the solution for legal propaganda, dissemination and education as follows:

2. Solutions for legal propaganda
2.1. Regularly train, foster and update knowledge and skills for the trade union staff who work in law propaganda, dissemination and education, legal advice and legal reporters.
2.2. Consolidating and consolidating the General Confederation's Council for coordination in law dissemination and education; improve the operational efficiency of the trade union's offices, centers and legal consulting groups.
2.3. Paying attention to the quality of participation in policy and law formulation; legal consultancy and legal aid activities; the quality of signing and implementing collective labor agreements with contents more beneficial than those prescribed by law for union members and employees.
2.4. Actively respond and actively organize activities to respond to Vietnam Law Day on November 9; the peak time to organize activities from November 1 to November 9; Propaganda slogans in response to Vietnam Law Day under the guidance of the Ministry of Justice.
2.5. Continuing to innovate forms of legal propaganda, dissemination and education: increasing the application of information technology, digital technology, internet platforms, social networks; promote the role of the press in propagating, disseminating and educating the law; flexibly combine traditional forms of legal propaganda and dissemination (using internal loudspeaker systems; bulletin boards; visual animations; diverse documents; law bookcases at the grassroots level; coordination of activities of the self-managing group of workers in the hostel, the core team of workers at the enterprise in propaganda work...)
2.6. Effectively implement coordination programs between the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and central ministries, branches and mass organizations; The Labor Confederations of provinces and cities shall review the signing and implementation of the Program in coordination with the local departments, branches and mass organizations in order to well carry out the legal propaganda, dissemination and education.
2.7. Regularly monitor, urge and inspect the legal propagation, dissemination and education among workers, public employees and laborers; coordinate with functional units in inspecting the implementation of regimes and policies for workers and employees by employers; prepare contents for examination under the guidance of the Central Coordinating Council for Law Dissemination and Education and the 10-year summary report of the implementation of the Law on Law Popularization and Education under the guidance of the Ministry of Justice.”

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