02:29 | 31/08/2024

How to calculate salary for working during the Tet Holiday in Vietnam in 2024? What day is the first day of the Tet Holiday 2024 according to the Gregorian calendar?

How to calculate salary for working during the Tet Holiday in Vietnam in 2024? What day is the first day of the Tet Holiday 2024 according to the Gregorian calendar?

Salary for Working During the Tet Holiday in Vietnam in 2024

Based on the provisions of Article 98 of the 2019 Labor Code regarding overtime wages and night work wages as follows:

Overtime wages, night work wages

1. Employees working overtime are paid wages calculated based on the wage unit price or the actual wage paid for the work being done as follows:

a) On regular days, at least 150%;

b) On weekly days off, at least 200%;

c) On public holidays, Tet holiday, paid days off, at least 300% excluding wages for the public holiday, Tet holiday, paid days off for employees paid on a daily basis.

2. Employees working at night are paid additionally at least 30% of the wage calculated based on the wage unit price or the actual wage paid for the work of a regular working day.

3. Employees working overtime at night, in addition to the wages specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article, are also paid an additional 20% of the wage calculated based on the wage unit price or the actual wage paid for the work done during the day of a regular working day, or the weekly day off, or the public holiday, Tet holiday.

4. The Government of Vietnam shall provide detailed regulations on this Article.

Based on the provisions of Article 112 of the 2019 Labor Code regarding public holidays and Tet holidays as follows:

Public holidays, Tet holidays

1. Employees are entitled to leave with full pay on the following public holidays and Tet holidays:

a) New Year's Day: 01 day (January 1);

b) Tet Holiday: 05 days;

c) Victory Day: 01 day (April 30);

d) International Labor Day: 01 day (May 1);

dd) National Day: 02 days (September 2 and one day immediately before or after);

e) Hung Kings' Commemoration Day: 01 day (March 10 of the lunar calendar).

2. Foreign workers in Vietnam, apart from the holidays mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article, are entitled to an additional one traditional new year day and one national day of their home country.

3. Annually, based on actual conditions, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam shall decide the specific days of holidays mentioned in Points b and đ Clause 1 of this Article.

Accordingly, employees working on Tet holidays are entitled to receive at least 300% of their wages, excluding wages for the Tet holiday for employees paid on a daily basis.

Besides, if employees work at night, they will be paid an additional 30% of the wage for a regular working day.

In cases where employees work overtime at night, they are also paid an additional 20% of the wage calculated based on the wage unit price or the actual wage paid for the work done during the day of a regular working day, or the weekly day off, or the public holiday, Tet holiday.

Therefore, if working on the Tet Holiday of Giap Thin 2024, the wages received will be as follows:

- Working during the day: Receive at least 400% of wages.

- Working at night: Receive at least 490% of wages.

Wages for Working During the Tet Nguyen Dan Giap Thin 2024 Holiday

How to calculate salary for working during the Tet Holiday in Vietnam in 2024? What day is the first day of the Tet Holiday 2024 according to the Gregorian calendar? (Image from the Internet)

What day is the first day of the Tet Holiday 2024 according to the Gregorian calendar?

The first day of the Tet Holiday marks the beginning of new and auspicious things.

During Tet Nguyen Dan, Vietnamese people often engage in various cultural and traditional festive activities such as:

- Traditional rituals: New Year's Eve offering, visiting elders, going to temples, giving lucky money, lion dance, etc.

- Popular recreational activities during Tet include folk games like: Swinging, kite flying, smashing pottery, etc.

- Shopping, decorating homes, and preparing for Tet are also common activities during Tet Nguyen Dan.

Accordingly, the 30th day of the Tet Holiday will fall on Friday, February 9, 2024, and the first day of the New Year will fall on Saturday, February 10, 2024.

What should be avoided on the first day of the Tet Holiday 2024?

Tet Nguyen Dan annually is a traditional festival of the nation, marking the end of an old year and welcoming the new year with many peace and luck.

Also, Tet is a time for family reunion, gathering together over meals to chat, sing, and have fun.

According to folk tradition, on the first day of the Tet Holiday, one should avoid the following to usher in a year full of luck and prosperity:

- Do not cut hair: Cutting hair on the first day will cause wealth and riches to be lost.

- Do not spend money: Traditionally, borrowing, lending, and repaying debts on the first day of the new year are avoided as it is believed to affect financial fortune for the whole year.

- Avoid eating certain foods that may bring bad luck and misfortune: dog meat, carp, white sticky rice, duck meat, etc.

- Do not negotiate to buy goods and then not buy: This is greatly disliked by merchants because it is believed that such actions will affect sales revenue for the whole year.

- Avoid sexual activities: This is regarded as bringing bad luck and misfortune.

- Do not curse or use foul language: Many believe that starting the year with bad words will lead to a year filled with disputes and trouble.

- Avoid breaking dishes or cups: This is believed to lead to an unfavorable year, family disputes, and disharmony.

Note: This content is for reference purposes only!


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