How much is the fee for processing of applications for renewal of sea dumping permits in Vietnam? Can the sea dumping permit be considered for extension while it is still valid?

How much is the fee for processing of applications for renewal of sea dumping permits in Vietnam? How many times can the permit for sea dumping be extended at maximum, and what is the maximum duration of the extension? Can the sea dumping permit be considered for extension while it is still valid?

How much is the fee for processing of applications for renewal of sea dumping permits in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of Circular 08/2024/TT-BTC, fees for processing of applications for issuance, re-issuance, renewal and modification of sea dumping permits are prescribed in the following fee schedule:


Types of applications


(VND thousand/application)


Application for issuance of sea dumping permit



Application for re-issuance of sea dumping permit



Application for renewal of sea dumping permit



Application for modification of sea dumping permit


Thus, the fee for processing of applications for renewal of sea dumping permits is 17.500.000 VND/application

How much is the fee for processing of applications for renewal of sea dumping permits in Vietnam? Can the sea dumping permit be considered for extension while it is still valid?

Vietnam: How many times can the permit for sea dumping be extended at maximum, and what is the maximum duration of the extension?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 59 of the Law on Natural Resources and Environment of Sea and Islands 2015:

Permit for sea dumping
1. Permit for sea dumping (hereinafter referred to as the permit) includes the following information:
a) Name of organizations and individuals granted the permit;
b) Name, weight, size, components of physical matters subject to sea dumping; name, type, weight and components of physical matters subject to sea dumping;
c) Position, borderline, coordinates, areas of sea areas used for sea dumping;
d) Transport vehicles, manner of dumping;
dd) Time and time limit for dumping;
e) Obligations of organizations and individuals granted the permit;
g) Effect
2. Validity period of the permit shall be considered on the basis of physical matters subject to sea dumping, scale and nature of dumping, and areas used for dumping and last no more than two years. Extension is allowed once but no more than one (01) year.

Validity period of the permit shall be considered on the basis of physical matters subject to sea dumping, scale and nature of dumping, and areas used for dumping and last no more than two years. Extension is allowed once but no more than one (01) year.

Therefore, extension is allowed once but no more than one (01) year.

Can the sea dumping permit in Vietnam be considered for extension while it is still valid?

Pursuant to the provisions in Point a, Clause 2, Article 50 of Decree 40/2016/ND-CP:

Extension of sea dumping permit
1. A sea dumping permit is extended if the permitted period is not enough to finish the permitted dumping and the involved entity applies for an extension for dumping.
2. A sea dumping permit shall be extended if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
a) Permit is still effective for at least 60 more days;
b) Dumping activities are carried out consistently with contents specified in the sea dumping permit; all financial obligations are fulfilled in accordance with the laws;
c) Up to the time when the application for extension of sea dumping permit is submitted, the applicant has performed obligations prescribed in Clause 2 Article 61 of the Law on sea and island resources and environment.
3. If the application is approved, an extended sea dumping permit shall be granted.

Thus, if a sea dumping permit is still effective for at least 60 more days, the permit may be considered for extension.

In addition, a sea dumping permit shall be extended if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

- Dumping activities are carried out consistently with contents specified in the sea dumping permit; all financial obligations are fulfilled in accordance with the laws;

- Up to the time when the application for extension of sea dumping permit is submitted, the applicant has performed obligations prescribed in Clause 2 Article 61 the Law on Natural Resources and Environment of Sea and Islands 2015.

Which competent agencies shall extend the sea dumping permits in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 60 of the Law on Natural Resources and Environment of Sea and Islands 2015:

Issuance, re-issuance, extension, supplements, amendments, returning and revocation of the permit
1. The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment shall grant the permit for sea areas (used for dumping) that have part or whole of the area lying outside littoral zones or areas bordering two central-affiliated coastal cities and provinces.
2. People’s committees of central-affiliated coastal cities and provinces shall grant the permit for littoral zones within their own management except cases within the management of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment as prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article.
3. Competent agencies that grant the permit for a certain sea area shall have the right to re-issue, extend, supplement, amend, return or revoke the permit for such area.

Competent agencies that grant the sea dumping permit shall have the right to extend the permit for such area.

Thus, competent agencies that extend the sea dumping permit are as follows:

(1) The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment shall grant the permit for sea areas (used for dumping) that have part or whole of the area lying outside littoral zones or areas bordering two central-affiliated coastal cities and provinces.

(2) People’s committees of central-affiliated coastal cities and provinces shall grant the permit for littoral zones within their own management except cases within the management of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment as prescribed in (1).

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