08:59 | 04/09/2023

How many levels of eID accounts are there in Vietnam? Will a Vietnamese citizen be granted an eID account if he/she is not holding a chip-based ID card?

How many levels of eID accounts are there in Vietnam? Will a Vietnamese citizen be granted an eID account if he/she is not holding a chip-based ID card? - H.T (Kon Tum, Vietnam)

How many levels of eID accounts are there in Vietnam?

Based on Article 5 of Decision 34/2021/QD-TTg, regulations on the levels of eID accounts are as follows:

Levels of e-ID accounts
1. Levels of an e-ID account includes:
a) Level 1: An account is created in case where the declared citizen’s information has been automatically compared and found to match the information in the National Population Database. An account is created in case where the foreigner’s information has been compared and found to match t the information in the National Immigration Database, except for portrait photos and fingerprints;
b) Level 2: An account is created in case where the declared individual’s information has been verified by a portrait photo or fingerprint that matches the information in the National Population Database, Citizen Identification Database or National Immigration Database.
2. The use of level of an e-ID account shall be decided by the service user.

Based on the above regulations, the levels of an eID account includes:

- Level 1: An account is created in case where the declared citizen’s information has been automatically compared and found to match the information in the National Population Database.

An account is created in case where the foreigner’s information has been compared and found to match t the information in the National Immigration Database, except for portrait photos and fingerprints;

- Level 2: An account is created in case where the declared individual’s information has been verified by a portrait photo or fingerprint that matches the information in the National Population Database, Citizen Identification Database or National Immigration Database.

How many levels of eID accounts are there in Vietnam? Will a Vietnamese citizen be granted an eID account if he/she is not holding a chip-based ID card? (Picture from internet)

Will a Vietnamese citizen be granted an eID account if he/she is not holding a chip-based ID card?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 14 of Decree 59/2022/ND-CP, the regulations are as follows:

Processes and procedures for registration of eID accounts for Vietnamese citizens
1. Below are the steps in registration of a level-1 eID account via the VNeID app that are applied to any Vietnamese citizen who is holding a chip-based ID card:
a) The applicant uses a mobile device to download and install the VNeID app.
b) The applicant opens the VNelD app to enter his/her personal ID and phone number or email address; provides information according to the instructions available on the VNeID app; takes a portrait photo using the mobile device and sends the registration request for an eID account to the electronic identification and authentication regulator via the VNeID app.
c) The electronic identification and authentication regulator sends a VNeID-app, SMS and email notification of whether the registration request is accepted or refused.
2. Below are the steps in registration of a level-2 eID account:
a) For any Vietnamese citizen who is holding a chip-based ID card:
The applicant contacts the Police of the commune, ward or town or the place where citizen ID cards are issued to register an eID account. The applicant presents his/her chip-based citizen ID card, provides information about his/her phone number or email address and requests any modified information to integrated into the eID account.
The in-charge officer receives information that the applicant provides and allows such information to be entered in the electronic identification and authentication system; takes the applicant’s portrait photo and fingerprint to have them checked against those available in the citizen ID database and confirms approval for registration for an eID account.
The electronic identification regulator sends a VNeID-app, SMS and email notification of whether the registration request is accepted or refused.
b) The Police authority proceeds to issue the level-2 eID account, and the citizen ID card if the applicant has not been issued with a chip-based citizen ID card yet.

Thus, based on the above regulations, to be granted an eID account, Vietnamese citizen must hold a chip-based ID card.

If the applicant has not been issued with a chip-based citizen ID card yet, the Police authority proceeds to issue the level-2 eID account, and the citizen ID card.

What are the procedures for registration of a level-2 eID accounts for Vietnamese citizens?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 14 of Decree 59/2022/ND-CP, below are the steps in registration of a level-2 eID account::

- For any Vietnamese citizen who is holding a chip-based ID card:

Step 1: The applicant contacts the Police of the commune, ward or town or the place where citizen ID cards are issued to register an eID account.

Step 2: The applicant presents his/her chip-based citizen ID card, provides information about his/her phone number or email address and requests any modified information to integrated into the eID account.

Step 3: The in-charge officer receives information that the applicant provides and allows such information to be entered in the electronic identification and authentication system; takes the applicant’s portrait photo and fingerprint to have them checked against those available in the citizen ID database and confirms approval for registration for an eID account.

Step 4: The electronic identification regulator sends a VNeID-app, SMS and email notification of whether the registration request is accepted or refused.

- For any Vietnamese citizen who is not holding a chip-based ID card:

The Police authority proceeds to issue the level-2 eID account, and the citizen ID card.


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