How many enrollment methods of Vietnam People's Public Security post-secondary schools are there in 2024? What are the health criteria for new admissions to Vietnam People's Public Security post-secondary schools?

How many enrollment methods of Vietnam People's Public Security post-secondary schools are there in 2024? What are the health criteria for new admissions to Vietnam People's Public Security post-secondary schools? - asked Mrs. D.K (Hai Phong)

What are the enrollment caps for Vietnam People's Public Security post-secondary schools in 2024?

According to the enrollment guidelines for the People's Public Security in 2024 recently issued by the Ministry of Public Security, in 2024, Vietnam People's Public Security education establishments are assigned to enroll 600 new students in the regular Vietnam People's Public Security post-secondary schools. Specifically:

+ 300 targets are for candidates who are graduates of upper secondary schools and discharged conscripts.

+ 300 targets are for conscripts in service and students from the Police Culture School.

How many enrollment methods of Vietnam People's Public Security post-secondary schools are there in 2024? What are the health criteria for new admissions to Vietnam People's Public Security post-secondary schools? (Image from the Internet)

How many enrollment methods of Vietnam People's Public Security post-secondary schools are there in 2024?

In 2024, Vietnam People's Public Security education establishments will enroll students in the Vietnam People's Public Security post-secondary schools through two methods:

- Method 1: Direct admission

- Method 2: Entrance examination

The specific candidates and requirements for each admission method are as follows:

(1) Admission of conscripts in service and students from the Police Culture School:

Method 1:

- Candidates and priority order for direct admission:

+ Candidates who are children of martyrs of the Vietnam People's Public Security.

+ Candidates who are children of disabled veterans of the Vietnam People's Public Security (with a disability rate of 81% or higher).

+ Candidates who are children of heroes in the armed forces of the Vietnam People's Public Security; candidates who are children of Labor Heroes in the Vietnam People's Public Security.

+ Candidates who are children of citizens recognized as martyrs who sacrificed themselves in directly participating in the struggle against or preventing socially dangerous acts defined in the Penal Code, courageously performing urgent, dangerous tasks to serve security.

+ Candidates in the national team participating in international science and technology competitions or candidates summoned to participate in the national team selection for international Olympic competitions, as regulated by the Ministry of Education and Training.

+Candidates who have achieved third prize or higher in national excellent student examinations, national science and technology competitions (priority given from high to low achievements until the quota is filled, in case of exceeding the quota, priority is given to candidates who are children of Public Security officers).

Method 2:

- Admission based on the total scores of 3 subjects in the combination for admission to Vietnam People's Public Security education establishments and the average scores of 3 years of study in upper secondary schools (grades 10, 11, 12) converted to a 30-point scale rounded to 2 decimal places, plus priority points for specific criteria, regional priority points, and bonus points as regulated by the Ministry of Public Security, ranked from high to low until the quota is filled.

- The calculation formula is as follows: DXT = ((M1+M2+M3)+(L10+L11+L12)/3)x3/4+KV+DT+DTh, trong đó:

+ DXT: Admission score

+ M1, M2, M3: Scores of 3 subjects in the combination for admission to Vietnam People's Public Security education establishments

+ L10, L11, L12: Total scores of 3 years in grades 10, 11, 12

+ KV: Regional priority points according to the regulations of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs

+ DT: Priority points for specific criteria according to the regulations of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs

+ DTh: Bonus points according to the regulations of the Ministry of Public Security.

For candidates who have completed the program in general education subjects in vocational intermediate training programs: The average study score equivalent to the average scores of 3 years of study in upper secondary schools (grades 10, 11, 12) for admission to Vietnam People's Public Security education establishments is the average score of each general education subject in upper secondary schools throughout the course, multiplied by the coefficient of each subject, rounded to 2 decimal places, according to the following formula: DTB= ((DM1 x coefficient 1) + (DM2 x coefficient 2)+…+ (DMn x coefficient n))/(coefficient 1 + coefficient 2 +…+ coefficient n).

- In case there are candidates with the same admission scores and admitting all of them would exceed the allocated quota, the following order will be used:

+ First, candidates with the total scores of 3 subjects in the combination for admission to Vietnam People's Public Security education establishments and the average scores of 3 years of study in upper secondary schools (grades 10, 11, 12) converted to a 30-point scale rounded to 2 decimal places, starting from the highest to fulfill the quotal;

+ Second, candidates with higher priority subject scores. Specifically, Mathematics is the priority subject for candidates applying for combinations of Mathematics + Physics + Chemistry, Mathematics + Physics + English, Mathematics + Chemistry + Biology; Literature is the priority subject for candidates applying for combinations of Mathematics + Literature + History, Literature + History + Geography; English is the priority subject for candidates applying for combinations of Mathematics + Literature + English; Chinese is the priority subject for candidates applying for combinations of Mathematics + Literature + Chinese.

+ Third, if the quota is still not filled, candidates with the average scores of 3 years of study in upper secondary schools (grades 10, 11, 12) from high to low will be admitted until the quota is filled.

(2) Admission of upper secondary school graduates, discharged conscripts, and permanent residents in the area:

Method 1: Candidates and priority order for admission:

- Candidates who are children of martyrs of the Vietnam People's Public Security.

- Candidates who are children of disabled veterans of the Vietnam People's Public Security (with a disability rate of 81% or higher).

- Candidates who are children of heroes in the armed forces of the Vietnam People's Public Security; candidates who are children of Labor Heroes in the Vietnam People's Public Security.

- Candidates who are children of citizens recognized as martyrs who sacrificed themselves in directly participating in the struggle against or preventing socially dangerous acts defined in the Penal Code, courageously performing urgent, dangerous tasks to serve security.

- Candidates in the national team participating in international science and technology competitions or candidates summoned to participate in the national team selection for international Olympic competitions, as regulated by the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Candidates who have achieved third prize or higher in national excellent student examinations, national science and technology competitions (priority given from high to low achievements until the quota is filled, in case of exceeding the quota, priority is given to candidates who are children of Public security officers).

Method 2

- Candidates:

+ Discharged conscripts with a discharge decision.

+ Upper secondary school graduates.

- Admission from among the candidates who applied but did not pass the Vietnam People's Public Security university entrance examination in 2024.

Source: Government Electronic Information Portal

What are the health criteria for new admissions to Vietnam People's Public Security education establishments in 2024?

Pursuant to the regulations in Article 4 of Circular 62/2023/TT-BCA, the latest health requirements for new admissions to Vietnam People's Public Security education establishments must meet the following two criteria

General criteria

Citizens participating in new admissions to People's Public Security, discharged conscripts who have completed their service in People's Public Security, are considered for transfer to recognized professional service when they meet the following health standards:

(1) Have health status Type 1 (one), Type 2 (two).

(2) Height from 1m64 to 1m95 for males, from 1m58 to 1m80 for females, except in specific cases where height standards are reduced as specified in Clause 2, Clause 3 of this Article.

(3) Visual acuity without glasses: each eye achieves 09-10/10, total visual acuity of both eyes achieves 18/10 or higher. If there are refractive errors: myopia, hyperopia, each eye should not exceed 03 (three) diopters; if there is astigmatism, either physiological or less than 01 (one) diopter; minimum visual acuity in one eye through glasses achieves 09/10, total visual acuity in both eyes through glasses achieves 19/10 or higher (commitment must be made to ensure visual acuity standards as regulated if selected for admission to People's Public Security, transferring to professional service in People's Public Security), except as specified in point b, Clause 3 of Article 4 of Circular 62/2023/TT-BCA.

(4) Meet the following specific criteria:

- Not addicted to narcotics and precursors regulated in Decree 57/2022/NĐ-CP;

- Normal hair color and style (according to People's Public Security regulations).

- No pigmentary disorders of the skin, except for darkening of the cheek area.

- No piercings in the nose or other parts of the body for wearing jewelry. For males, no piercings in the ears or pierced ears that have healed into scars; for females, no more than 02 piercings on one ear or only one piercing on the ear, with other piercings on the ear healed into scars.

- No raised scars or keloids on the head, face, neck, wrists, hands, or feet.

- No tattoos or marks, including tattooed eyebrows or lips for cosmetic purposes in females

Specific health criteria for new admissions of citizens to People's Public Security

Citizens participating in new admissions to People's Public Security must meet the following specific health criteria:

(1) Citizens applying to Vietnam People's Public Security education establishments as conscripted officers serving in People's Public Security: Height shall comply with the height standards at the time of recruitment when fulfilling the obligation to participate in People's Public Security.

(2) Citizens applying to Vietnam People's Public Security education establishments as ethnic minorities: Height from 1m62 to 1m95 for males, from 1m56 to 1m80 for females. Citizens belonging to the preferential policy group UT1 in Appendix II of Circular 08/2022/TT-BGDDT dated June 6, 2022, issued by the Minister of Education and Training, regulating the enrollment regulations for universities and colleges in the field of preschool education: Height from 1m60 to 1m95 for males, 1m55 to 1m80 for females.

- Citizens applying to Vietnam People's Public Security education establishments as Vietnamese citizens with a university degree from domestic or foreign universities: Citizens graduating from natural sciences, engineering, computer science, and information technology fields shall comply with the height standards from 1m62 to 1m95 for males, 1m56 to 1m80 forfemales.

- Citizens applying to Vietnam People's Public Security education establishments as candidates from general education high schools who are eligible for direct admission or consideration: Height from 1m55 or above for males, from 1m50 or above for females.

- Citizens who have multiple priority categories shall only be eligible for the highest priority category


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