How long will the 2022 Action Month on OHS in Vietnam be held? What are the notable contents for the Action Month on OHS?

Since I am quite interested in OSH, I wanted to learn what is the 2022 Action Month on OSH launched in Vietnam?

The Action Month on OSH in 2022 was launched with the theme "Strengthening measures to reduce risks in OSH, improving working conditions at the workplace, adapting safely, flexibly and effectively controling the COVID-19”. Accordingly, the The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor has issued Guidance 52/HD-TLD on organizing the 2022 Action Month on OSH in trade union levels, the contents of the Guidelines are implemented as follows:

What are the purposes and requirements in organizing the action month on occupational safety and hygiene in 2022?

Acorrding to Section I of Guidance 52/HD-TLD in 2022 , the purposes and requirements are:

(1) Purposes

- Raise awareness and compliance with the law on OSH for people employees (employees), employers (employees) through information, propaganda activities, and specific action programs on OSH; step up the implementation of control of hazards and risks and measures to improve working conditions; take care of workers' health, limit labor accidents and occupational diseases.

- Promote the coordination between trade unions at all levels with relevant authorities, authorities at the same level and employers in the implementation of specific programs and actions to prevent occupational accidents and diseases; improve working conditions, launching emulation, promote the mass movement to do OSH work, contribute to building a safety culture at the workplace.

(2) Requirements

- Organize activities to respond to the Action Month on OSH to ensure practicality and efficiency with focus and focus, suitable to local working and production conditions , units, enterprises and the COVID-19 epidemic situation. Attract the participation and coordination of all levels, sectors, organizations, media agencies, enterprises and employees.

- Attach the activity of Action Month on OSH with Workers' Month to bring more benefits and benefits to union members and employees.

What are the regulations the time and scope of implementing the 2022 Action Month on OSH in Vietnam?

According Section III of Guidelines 52/HD-TLD in 2022 on the time and scope of implementation as follows:

- Organization time: The 2022 action month on OSH will be held from 01.01. until May 31, 2022.

- Scope: All levels of trade unions nationwide.

What does contents of organizing the 2022 action month on OSH in Vietnam include?

According to Section IV of Guidance 52/HD-TLD in 2022, the content of organizing the action month on OSH in 2022 includes:

(1) Organizing the launching ceremony of the Action Month on OSH

a) At the Central Government

* Launching Ceremony of Action Month on OSH and Worker Month 2022 is organized according to the Plan of the Steering Committee for Action Month on OSH of Central

- Estimated time: Morning of April 28, 2022 (Thursday)

- Venue: Held in Hanoi.

b) In the branches and localities

- Base on the actual conditions of the sector and locality, the Labor Confederation of provinces and cities, the Central Sector Trade Union, the Corporation's Trade Union under the General Confederation of Labor shall issue a Plan. plan on organizing specific and practical response activities suitable to the topic and content of the Action Month on OSH and Worker Month 2022.

- Strengthen coordination with the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and agencies and units organize the launching ceremony of the Action Month on OSH and Worker Month 2022 to ensure practicality and efficiency.

(2) Communication activities on OSH

Innovate and strengthen communication activities on OSH both directly and online to trade unions, union members and employees; develop and distribute publications, documents, warnings, handbooks, leaflets, guidelines on topics and contents for implementation of the Action Month on OSH in 2022;

Diversify various forms of appropriate information and communication on various channels and mass media, especially the trade union press system, electronic information sites, fanpages and facebook of trade unions at all levels, application of information technology, social networks, smart phones, system of radio stations in districts, communes, wards and enterprises.

(3) Promote emulation movements and improve the efficiency of the mass movement to do OSH activities

- Launch an emulation movement on OSH, and mass movement OSH; movement to self-improve working conditions in the workplace, adapt safely, flexibly and effectively control the COVID-19 epidemic. Continue to promote the movement "Green - Clean - Beautiful, Ensuring OSH", concretized into emulation movements suitable to the conditions of localities, industries and businesses, thereby promoting the participation of employers and employees in ensuring occupational safety and hygiene.

- Promote the development in quantity, and at the same time improve the quality and operational efficiency of the safety and hygiene network in production facilities. Organize training on OSH knowledge and skills and operating methods for the student safety net.

- Organize timely encourage and reward union members and employees who have initiatives and solutions to improve technical, improve working conditions, improve labor productivity and ensure OSH proposed the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor to award the Creative Labor Certificate.

- Commendation and commendation of collectives and individuals with typical achievements in the emulation movement "Green - Clean - Beautiful, ensuring occupational safety and hygiene", paying attention to creating conditions for the team of OSH. students on campus.

- Organize a preliminary review of 5 years of implementation of Directive No. 04/CT-TLD dated March 3, 2017 on continuing to promote the movement "Green - Clean - Beautiful, Ensuring OSH" in the current situation. 10c/NQ-BCH dated January 12, 2017 on "Improving the effectiveness of OSH work of trade unions in the new situation" (the labor union has a plan) separate summary).

(4) Supervision activities, coordinated cheking and inspection on OSH

- Direct grassroots trade unions to strengthen coordination with employers to organize self-inspection activities , review the rules and procedures of OSH in workshops, groups and teams according to regulations.

- Proactively propose to coordinate with other departments, agencies and sectors in inspection, examination and supervision of OSH, focuse on a number of industries, occupations and fields with high risk of occupational accidents. , occupational diseases such as construction, electricity, mining, chemicals, mechanics, working in confined spaces; the use and inspection of machines, equipment and supplies subject to strict requirements on occupational safety, testing of the working environment, training on OSH; Periodic health check for employees, especially employees with COVID-19; strengthen inspection and supervision of enterprises in assessing risks of OSH and COVID-19 prevention plans at the workplace.

(5) Organize thematic activities and events on OSH towards the topic and content of Action Month

- Organize specific instruction and consulting activities on skills and regulations safe working process, rights, obligations and responsibilities of employers and employees in the work of OSH; the regime of labor accidents and occupational diseases; rights, obligations and responsibilities of enterprises and employees when participating in occupational accident and occupational disease insurance.

- Organize training for trade union officials, safety and health workers, employees to identify and assess risks, improve safe and hygienic working conditions in enterprises, establishments and organizations , teams, workshops, factories, construction works, traffic in crowded places, commercial centers on ensuring safety in labor, production and COVID-19 disease prevention and control; proactively in prevention and training of safe working skills for employees, hospitals and medical examination and treatment facilities strengthen the organization of training activities, thematic training on OSH for medical staff in epidemic prevention.

- Organize activities with the participation of the coordination of state management agencies, experts, employers, employees, student safety and health such as: seminars, dialogues, sharing of experiences experiences and typical models of OSH; organize conferences and seminars on OSH.

- Organize seminars on amendments and supplements to the Law on OSH.

- Organize contests on occupational safety and hygiene, good student safety and hygiene, diversify exam forms such as: written exam, online exam to learn about OSH, occupational disease.

- Organize periodical health checks, occupational diseases and occupational diseases examination for employees.

- Organize meetings, visit and encourage victims and their families of victims of occupational accidents, occupational diseases, workers with difficult circumstances, workers infected with COVID-19 with special circumstances difficult.

What are the regulations on the implementation units in Vietnam?

The implementation units are mentioned in Section V of the Guidelines 52/HD-TLD in 2022 as follows:

(1) Vietnam General Confederation of Labor

- Develop Guidelines for organizing the Action Month on OSH SAFETY and HYGIENE at trade union levels and Plan to implement activities to respond to the Action Month on OSH of the General Confederation.

- Consult and answer policies and laws for union members and employees on OSH; Guide, monitor and synthesize reports on the results of the implementation of the Action Month on OSH in 2022 by trade unions at all levels.

- Coordinate with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to organize the launching ceremony of the Action Month on OSH SAFETY and HYGIENE and Worker Month 2022.

- Visit and encourage victims and their families victims of occupational accidents, occupational diseases, workers suffering from COVID-19, have difficult circumstances.

(2) Provincial and municipal Labor Confederations, Central Sector Trade Unions, Corporations Trade Unions under the General Confederation of General Confederation

- Base on this Guideline and the actual conditions of the industry, localities shall direct all levels of the public sector. The delegation under their management organizes activities to respond to the Action Month on OSH, and at the same time develops a plan to implement specific and practical response activities suitable to the topic and content.month on OSH and Worker's Month 2022

- Allocate funds to organize activities to respond to the Action Month on OSH, ensure practicality, suitable to the conditions of the industry and locality.

- Synthesize reports and data (attachment 2 attached) the results of the organization of the Action Month on OSH about the General Confederation (via the Labor Relations Department) before June 15, 2022.

(3) Union press agencies

- Open columns, publish propaganda information, reflect activities of the Action Month on OSH in 2022 of all levels, sectors and enterprises. and union levels before, during and after the month of Action Month; disseminating and replicating typical examples of good OSH performance and the movement "Green - Clean - Beautiful, Ensuring occupational safety and hygiene" as well as reflecting on reflect the actual situation without OSH.

- Information on causes and incidents of occupational accidents, occupational diseases and widely sharing initiatives and applications of information technology to improve working conditions; sharing, spreading spreading the initiatives of typical organizations and individuals in the work of ensuring OSH.

- Propagate examples of workers who have overcome difficulties during labor accidents in production, popularizing and replicating real examples well implement the movement "Green - Clean - Beautiful, Ensure OSH".

(4) The Golden Heart Charity Social Fund, Labor Newspaper

Advise and prepare gifts for the Steering Committee of Action Month on OSH of the Central Committee and the General Confederation's leaders visited a number of victims and families of victims of occupational accidents and diseases in difficult circumstances

Base on the guidance of the General Confederation, it is recommended that the Labor Confederations of provinces, cities, Central Sector Trade Unions, Trade Unions of Corporations under the General Confederation of Vietnam develop plans and organize the implementation to ensure practical and effective.

For details, contact Ms. To Thi Linh, phone: 024.39425450 (ext. 141) - 0983.619.859; email:


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