07:48 | 23/07/2024

How long does it take for a public employee to be appointed to a professional title after the probationary period ends?

<strong>Question: How long is the probation period for a civil servant before being appointed to an occupational title?</strong>Your question from T.Q in Hanoi.

How long is the appointment period for public employees after the probation period ends?

According to Article 24 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP concerning the appointment to professional titles for public employees after the probation period:

Appointment to professional titles for public employees after the probation period

1. Upon completing the probation period, the probationer must submit a written report on the probation results in accordance with the requirements outlined in Clause 3, Article 21 of this Decree; the probation guide is responsible for providing written comments and evaluations of the probation results. These documents are sent to the head of the public service provider.

2. No later than 5 working days from the date of receiving the probationer's report and the comments and evaluations of the probation guide, the head of the public service provider shall assess the political qualities, ethics, and work results of the probationer. If the probationer meets the requirements, the head of the public service provider shall decide according to his/her authority or send a written proposal to the competent authority managing the public service provider to issue a decision appointing the professional title and arranging the salary for the recruited public employee.

A public employee, upon completing the probation period, shall be appointed to a professional title within no later than 5 working days from the date of receiving the probationer's report and the comments and evaluations of the probation guide.

The head of the public service provider shall assess the political qualities, ethics, and work results of the probationer.

If the probationary public employee meets the requirements, the head of the public service provider shall decide according to his/her authority or send a written proposal to the competent authority to issue a decision appointing the professional title and arranging the salary for the recruited public employee.

How long is the appointment period for public employees after the probation period ends?

*How long is the appointment period for public employees after the probation period ends?*

What is the probation period for public employees?

Based on Article 21 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP, the regulations are as follows:

Probation regime

1. Persons recruited into public employees must undergo policies of probation to become familiar with the working environment and perform the tasks of the recruited position.

2. The probation period is prescribed as follows:

a) 12 months for positions requiring university-level education. For the position of a doctor, it is 9 months;

b) 9 months for positions requiring college-level education;

c) 6 months for positions requiring intermediate-level education.

d) Time off for maternity leave under social insurance benefits, sick leave from 14 days or more, unpaid leave, detention, arrest, or suspension according to legal regulations is not counted in the probation period.

In cases where the probationer is on sick leave or has a legitimate reason for less than 14 days and is approved by the head of the public service provider where the probation policies are being implemented, this time is counted in the probation period.

3. Probation contents:

a) Grasping the legal regulations regarding the rights, duties of public employees, and things public employees are prohibited from doing; understanding the organizational structure, functions, tasks, powers of the public service provider where they work; internal rules, working regulations of the unit; responsibilities, work requirements of the assigned position;

b) Improving knowledge, and honing professional skills, and competencies as required by the position;

c) Practicing to handle and perform the tasks of the assigned position.

The probation period for public employees is as follows:

- 12 months for positions requiring university-level education. For the position of a doctor, it is 9 months;

- 9 months for positions requiring college-level education;

- 6 months for positions requiring intermediate-level education.

Note: Time off for maternity leave under social insurance benefits, sick leave from 14 days or more, unpaid leave, detention, arrest, or suspension according to legal regulations is not counted in the probation period.

In cases where the probationer is on sick leave or has a legitimate reason for less than 14 days and is approved by the head of the public service provider where the probation policies are being implemented, this time is counted in the probation period.

Is the probation period for public employees counted towards their salary increase consideration period?

According to Article 23 of Decree 115/2020/ND-CP on policies for probationers and their guides:

Policies for probationers and their guides


2. Probationers shall receive 100% of the salary and allowances of the professional title corresponding to their education level as prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article in the following cases:

a) Working in areas with exceptionally difficult socioeconomic conditions;

b) Working in hazardous and dangerous professions;

c) Completing military service; participating in the people's police force; military officers, police officers, professional soldiers retiring, cipher officers changing careers, graduates from reserve officer training, commanders of commune-level military commands who have been conferred reserve officer rank, youth volunteers, young intellectual volunteers participating in rural and mountainous development projects for 24 months or more and having completed their tasks.

3. The probation period is not counted towards the salary increase consideration period.


Thus, in this case, the probation period for public employees is not counted towards the salary increase consideration period according to legal regulations.


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