How is the organization of the Party committee in Vietnam at the Hanoi Capital Command and local military agencies?

Hello Lawnet, I have the following questions: How is the organization of the Party committee in Vietnam at the Hanoi Capital Command and the local military agency?

How is the organization of the Party committee in Vietnam at the Hanoi Capital Command and local military agencies?

Pursuant to Section 2 of Guideline 08-HD/BTCTW in 2017, there were guidelines on the organization of the party base at the Hanoi Capital Command, the Ho Chi Minh City Command, military agencies, and units. Local soldiers and border guards of provinces and centrally run cities (hereinafter referred to as provinces) are as follows:

- Department level under the Hanoi Capital Command to set up grassroots party committees; setting up party divisions in subordinate units equivalent to battalion level; set up branches in departments, divisions and units equivalent to company level.

- Divisions under the military command, the provincial border guard command set up grassroots party committees (where there are 30 or more party members), where there are less than 30 party members, set up grassroots party cells; set up branches in departments and affiliated units.

- Military commands of districts, towns and cities directly under the province (hereinafter referred to as districts) having local army units at battalion level shall set up a party committee of the district's military establishment; set up party divisions in battalion; set up a branch in the company and in the division of the district military command.

- If the district military command has a company-level local army unit, the district military establishment party committee shall be established; set up a branch in the company and in the division of the district military command.

- The local army regiment (permanent frame) under the provincial military command set up the regimental grassroots party committee; set up branches in regiment and battalion agencies. For local army regiments with standing troops, the same applies to main army units.

- Military schools under the provincial military command set up the grassroots party committees of the military schools; set up party divisions in battalion; set up branches in departments, divisions, faculties and units equivalent to company level.

- The economic and defense delegation is under the provincial military command, setting up a grassroots party committee in the delegation; setting up branches in departments, divisions, production teams and equivalent units at company

- Border guard posts, squadrons, command boards of port border guards, training-mobile battalions, sub-zones, and agencies of provincial border guard command offices shall set up grassroots party committees (where they are located). less than 30 party members to set up grassroots branches). At the station belonging to the commanding board of the border guard at the port, a party department is set up. In teams, stations and working sections of border guard posts; companies of the training - mobile battalion; in the division of the provincial border guard command, the agency of the border gate border guard command and the equivalent company-level unit shall set up a cell.

Thus, the department level under the Hanoi Capital Command will set up the grassroots party committee, for the dependent units equivalent to the sub-division, the division party will be established.

If the district-level military command has a battalion-level local army unit, the district military base party committee shall be established.

Tổ chức cơ sở đảng bộ ở Bộ Tư lệnh Thủ đô Hà Nội và cơ quan quân sự địa phương như thế nào?

How is the organization of the Party committee in Vietnam at the Hanoi Capital Command and local military agencies?

What cases will the commune military cell be dissolved and who has the authority to dissolve it?

Pursuant to Section 3 of Guidelines 08-HD/BTCTW in 2017 there are the following instructions:

“3- Regarding military branches of communes, wards and townships (hereinafter referred to as communes) according to Clause 5, Section II, Part A, the following shall be done:
- Organization: The establishment and dissolution of the commune's military branch shall be decided by the commune's party committee, after being approved in writing by the immediate superior party committee. The localities that have established commune military branches and see through practical activities to promote their effectiveness shall continue to maintain and improve the quality of their operations; If it is found that it is not suitable or effective, it shall decide to dissolve it according to regulations. Localities that have not yet established commune military branches shall continue to study them. If they consider it necessary and eligible, they will propose the establishment, especially for communes in remote, border, and coastal areas. , island."

Accordingly, in case the commune military cell in the course of practical operation is not suitable and does not bring into play its effectiveness, it shall decide to dissolve. The Commune Party Committee in Vietnam will decide to dissolve the commune's military branch after receiving direct written consent from authorized authorities.

What are the duties of the commune military branch?

Pursuant to Section 3 of Guidelines 08-HD/BTCTW in 2017 there are the following instructions:

“3- Regarding military branches of communes, wards and townships (hereinafter referred to as communes) according to Clause 5, Section II, Part A, the following shall be done:
- Duties of the branch
+ Leaders of commune military commands perform the function of advising Party committees and authorities on national defense tasks and military work in the locality; build strong militia units; manage the mobilization reserve force according to the provisions of law; coordinate with the police force and other forces in the locality to protect political security, social order and safety; willing to accept and complete all tasks assigned by the party committee.
+ Leading the work of political and ideological education, raising the national defense consciousness of the entire people in the commune military command committees and standing militia and mobile militia units; promptly disseminate and thoroughly inform cadres and party members in the cell to grasp and strictly abide by the Party's guidelines and guidelines, the State's policies and laws, national defense tasks and military work in the locality. direction; raise the sense of revolutionary vigilance, prevent plots of "peaceful evolution", riots and subversion of hostile forces; at the same time, resolutely fight against views and acts of speaking, writing and acting contrary to the Party's line and guidelines, policies and laws of the State
+ To build a strong and clean branch, improve the leadership capacity of the Party committee and cell and the combat strength of the contingent of officials and party members; strictly implement the principle of democratic centralism, self-criticism and criticism within the Party; improving and renewing the contents of activities in order to enhance the leadership, education and combativeness of the Party committees and branches to meet the requirements of tasks in the new situation.
+ Implement the regime of inspecting and supervising Party members in the observance of the Party's Charter and the Party's resolutions, directives and regulations; policies and laws of the State.”

Accordingly, the commune military branch will have the tasks according to the above-mentioned instructions.

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