07:47 | 23/07/2024

How are the Acts of Exploiting, Abusing Position and Authority in Personnel Work According to the Latest Regulations?

How are acts of exploitation and abuse of position and authority in personnel work regulated under the latest provisions? This question is from M.H in Ha Tinh.

What are the acts of exploiting and abusing positions of authority in personnel work?

Based on Article 3 of Regulation 114-QD/TW of 2023, the acts considered as exploiting and abusing positions of authority in personnel work include:

(1) Using one’s own prestige and influence or that of family members to suggest, impact, pressure others to make decisions, direct, advise, propose, assess, evaluate, vote, cast a confidence vote, nominate candidates, or vote according to one’s will.

(2) Allowing family members or close acquaintances to exploit one’s position, authority, and prestige to impact, manipulate, interfere with various stages of personnel work.

(3) Incorporating personal motives when conducting stages of personnel work for self-interest or benefiting certain personnel during the implementation process.

(4) Directing or advising on stages in personnel work as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 2 of Regulation 114-QD/TW for personnel who do not meet the conditions and standards, against principles, regulations, procedures, and decisions.

(5) Delaying or not executing processes when it is disadvantageous or choosing advantageous times to perform personnel work procedures according to one's own will.

(6) Compromising, tolerating, concealing, not dealing with cases of reflection, complaints, or knowing that personnel have corrupt or negative behaviors in personnel work but not handling it according to authority or not reporting to competent authorities for handling.

(7) Certifying, authenticating, reviewing, and evaluating in an imposing manner, not reflecting the essence or truth, or falsifying, distorting personnel records, election results, nomination votes, confidence votes, assessments, examinations to benefit personnel or achieve personal objectives.

(8) Providing or disclosing information, documents, personnel records of officials and party members to unauthorized organizations or individuals, especially information, documents, and personnel records being processed in the personnel work procedure.

What are the acts of exploiting and abusing positions of authority in personnel work under the latest regulations like?

What are the acts of exploiting and abusing positions of authority in personnel work under the latest regulations like?

What acts are considered as power-driven corruption in personnel work?

Acts considered as power-driven corruption in personnel work include those stipulated in Article 4 of Regulation 114-QD/TW of 2023 as follows:

- Directly or indirectly mediating, giving, and receiving bribes to help someone obtain a position, authority, and benefits.

- Giving gifts, money, real estate, or other material or non-material benefits, arranging recreational activities for those in power to gain support, trust, positions, authority, and benefits.

- Manipulating age, work seniority, emulation titles, rewards, degrees, assignments, appointments, nominations, designations, transfers, secondments, military rank promotions to meet standards, conditions, and obtain positions and benefits.

- Exploiting relationships or utilizing the advantages of others' positions and reputations to exert influence and pressure on those with authority to gain positions, authority, and benefits.

- Exploiting internal information or adverse information of organizations and individuals to set conditions and exert pressure on those with authority in the distribution, appointment, nomination, and designation of oneself.

- Using personal history, family origins, and work achievements to make unreasonable demands on authorized organizations and individuals to obtain positions, authority, and benefits.

How is the responsibility of party committees and organizations regarding anti-corruption and negativity defined?

Based on Article 6 of Regulation 114-QD/TW of 2023, the responsibilities of party committees and organizations regarding anti-corruption and negativity are defined as follows:

- Leading and directing strict compliance with principles, regulations, procedures, and decisions on personnel work; regularly inspecting and supervising consultative agencies, subordinate agencies, and officials under their management;

Prompt correction and strict handling of violations; understanding the situation, monitoring opinions of officials, party members, and the public, promptly considering and resolving issues to enhance the effectiveness of personnel work.

- Reviewing, amending, supplementing, and issuing authoritative regulations, procedures, and decisions on personnel work, ensuring the Party's policies, especially the principle of democratic centralism, are practical for localities and units; clearly identifying collective and individual responsibilities in each stage of personnel work, ensuring objectivity, transparency, and openness.

- Protecting and promptly rewarding individuals who detect, reflect, and report violations in personnel work. Strictly handling individuals who exploit this Regulation to falsely accuse and disseminate false information to undermine others' reputation.

- Transferring working positions, localities, and fields for officials involved in consultative and monitoring duties for personnel work who violate discipline, have negative public opinion, or when necessary.

- Not assigning individuals with family relationships to simultaneously hold related positions including:

+ Members in the same party committee standing committee, party caucus, or party delegation; leadership collectives of the same agency or unit.

+ Heads and deputy heads in the same locality, agency, or unit.

+ Party committee heads or heads of administrative agencies and heads of agencies like Internal Affairs, Inspection, Finance, Banking, Tax, Customs, Industry and Commerce, Planning and Investment, Natural Resources and Environment, Military, Police, Courts, and Procuracies at the central level or equivalent levels in a locality.

In cases where there is no alternative personnel meeting the requirements and the personnel with family relations are highly trusted, a report and approval from immediate higher party committees are required before assignment.

For positions under the management of party committees and organizations directly under the Central Government, reports must be made to the Central Organization Department; for positions under the Central Government's management, reports must be made to the Central Organization Department for reporting to competent authorities.


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