07:35 | 05/05/2023

What are the rights and obligations of a member of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam?

May I ask: What are the rights and obligations of a member of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam? - Question from Mr. Hung (Nam Dinh)

What are the criteria for official members of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 8 of the Charter issued together with Decision No. 315/QD-BNV in 2023 as follows:

Members, criteria for members
1. The Association's members include official members, associate members and honorary members:
a) Full member: Vietnamese citizens or organizations established in accordance with the law, fully qualified as prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article, agreeing to the Association's Charter, voluntarily joining the Association, fully pay the Association membership fee and annual membership fee can become an official member of the Association;
b) Associate members: Vietnamese citizens or organizations that do not have the conditions or do not meet the criteria to become an official member of the Association, agree to the Association's charter, and voluntarily apply to join the Association, they shall be considered and recognized as associate members by the Association.
c) Honorary members: Vietnamese citizens and organizations with prestige, experience and merits contributing to the development of the Association, the development in the field of vocational training in Vietnam, endorse The Association's Charter is invited by the Association to be an honorary member of the Association.
2. Criteria for official membership:
a) Individual members: Vietnamese citizens aged full 18 (eighteen) or older who have full civil act capacity and operate in the field of vocational training or related to vocational training under the provisions of law, voluntarily agreeing to the Association's Charter and applying to join the Association;
b) Organizational members: Vietnamese non-public colleges, Vietnamese organizations established in accordance with the law operating in the field of vocational training or related to vocational training in accordance with the provisions of law, voluntarily agree to the Association's Charter and apply to join the Association.
The representative of an organization member participating in the Association must be a Vietnamese citizen, in case the representative of an organization member participating in the Association retires or changes jobs, the organization member has the right to appoint another representative to join the Association in writing.

Thus, official members of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam must fully meet the criteria according to Clause 2, Article 8 of the Charter promulgated together with Decision No. 315/QD-BNV in 2023 mentioned above.

What are the rights and obligations of a member of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam?

What are the rights and obligations of a member of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam?

What rights do members of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam have?

Pursuant to Article 9 of the Charter issued together with Decision No. 315/QD-BNV in 2023, members of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam have the following rights:

- To have their legitimate rights and interests protected by the Association in accordance with the law.

- To be provided with information related to the Association's field of activities by the Association, to participate in activities organized by the Association.

- To participate in discussions and decisions on the Association's working policies in accordance with the Association's regulations; to propose, propose opinions to the competent authority on issues related to the field of operation of the Association.

- To attend the General Meeting, stand for election, nominate and elect agencies, leadership positions and the Association's Inspection Committee in accordance with the Association's regulations.

- Introduced new members.

- Be rewarded according to the Association's regulations.

- Issuance of membership card (if any).

- To leave the Association when it is deemed that it is impossible to continue being a member.

- Associate members, honorary members enjoy the same rights and obligations as official members, except for the right to vote on matters of the Association and the right to stand for election, nominate and elect the Board of Directors, the Association's Inspection Committee.

What are the obligations of members of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam?

Obligations of members of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam are specified in Article 10 of the Charter issued together with Decision No. 315/QD-BNV in 2023 as follows:

Obligations of members
1. Strictly abide by the guidelines and lines of the Party, policies and laws of the State; comply with the Association's charter and regulations.
2. Participate in the Association's activities and activities; unite and cooperate with other members to build a strong development association.
3. Protect the reputation of the Association, do not act on behalf of the Association in transaction relationships, unless assigned in writing by the Association's leaders.
4. Comply with the information and reporting regime in accordance with the Association's regulations.
5. Pay the membership fee in full and on time according to the Association's regulations.

Thus, members of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam have 05 main obligations according to the above provisions.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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