What are regulations on staff meetings at public educational institutions in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for the 2024-2025 school year under Official Dispatch 185?

What are regulations on staff meetings at public educational institutions in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for the 2024-2025 school year under Official Dispatch 185?

What are regulations on staff meetings at public educational institutions in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for the 2024-2025 school year under Official Dispatch 185?

On September 4, 2024, the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City and the Education Sector Union of Ho Chi Minh City issued Official Dispatch 185/SGDDT-CDGD in 2024 DOWNLOAD guiding the organization of the staff meetings at public educational institutions for the academic year 2024-2025.

To be specific: in Section I of Official Dispatch 185/SGDDT-CDGD in 2024, it clearly states the general regulations for organizing the staff meetings (hereinafter referred to as meeting of Officials, Employees, and Workers or meeting CB, CC, VC, NLĐ) at public educational institutions in Ho Chi Minh City for the academic year 2024-2025 as follows:

(1) All agencies, schools, and units (hereinafter referred to as agencies, units) in the sector must organize the staff meetings (hereinafter referred to as meeting CB, CC, VC, NLĐ) annually for officials, teachers, and workers (CB, NG, NLĐ) to directly participate and contribute opinions on the management and construction of the agency, unit truly based on Democracy- Discipline- Compassion- Responsibility.

(2) The meeting is organized democratically, practically, ensuring the contents specified in Article 5 of Decree 04/2015/ND-CP, dated January 9, 2015, of the Government of Vietnam, and Decree 59/2023/ND-CP, dated August 14, 2023, of the Government of Vietnam.

(3) The meeting is validly organized when at least two-thirds of the total number of CB, NG, NLĐ of the agency, unit, or at least two-thirds of the total delegates summoned are present at the meeting. Resolutions or decisions of the meeting are passed when more than 50% of the attendees agree, and the contents do not contravene legal regulations.

(4) Forms of the meeting

(i) Regular meeting: Organized once per academic year/year

+ For educational institutions, the meeting is held at the beginning of the new academic year and ends before November 30.

+ For administrative units, the meeting is held at the end of the old year, and the beginning of the new calendar year but no later than three months of the following work year decided by the head of the agency/unit after consulting with the agency/unit’s union. (new relative to ND 04.2015).

(ii) The staff meetings is organized extraordinarily when proposed by the subjects specified in Clause 1, Article 50 of the Law on the Implementation of Democracy at Grassroots Level 2022.

(5) meeting attendance components

(i) Plenary meeting:

- For agencies and units with 100 or fewer CB, NG, NLĐ;

- For agencies and units with more than 100 CB, NG, NLĐ but through collective petition and approval by the party committee and unit leadership, a plenary meeting can still be organized.

(ii) Delegated meeting:

For agencies and units with more than 100 CB, NG, NLĐ; or have 100 or fewer but work dispersedly over a wide area or due to operational reasons cannot leave their work positions: The head of the agency/unit consults with the party committee (if any) and agrees with the agency/unit union to decide the form of meeting attendance, either plenary CB, NG, NLĐ or representatives as suitable for the conditions and circumstances of the agency/unit.

(6) Natural delegates and elected delegates to the delegated meeting

Natural delegates are representatives of the meeting organizing level, including the head, deputy head, Party secretary, union president, head of the People's Inspectorate, Veterans' Association president (if any), Youth Union secretary (if any), female labor committee head or female labor committee officer; heads of departments, faculties, specialized groups.

The election of delegates to the meeting is conducted at the meetings of departments, faculties under the agency/unit by voting or secret ballot decided by the majority. Elected candidates must receive over 50% of the votes from attendees and are chosen by descending score until the allocated number of delegates is met. If the first election does not fill the allocated number, it continues until the required number is reached.

The head cooperates with the unit's union to unitedly decide the number of meeting delegates ensuring the minimum number as follows:

(i) Agencies/units with 100 or fewer CB, NG, NLĐ but working dispersedly over a wide area or for operational reasons cannot leave their positions (with written request and sector approval): Elect at least one-third of CB, NG, NLĐ as meeting delegates.

(ii) Agencies/units with more than 100 CB, NG, NLĐ but not mentioned in (i): Besides natural delegates, at least one-third of CB, NG, NLĐ must be elected as meeting delegates.

Conference of Officials, Public Employees, Civil Servants, and Workers at Public Educational Institutions in Ho Chi Minh City for the Academic Year 2024 2025 according to Official Dispatch 185, how?

What are regulations on staff meetings at public educational institutions in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for the 2024-2025 school year under Official Dispatch 185? (Image from Internet)

How to organize the consultation of key officials and convene the meetings?

Pursuant to sub-section 2, Section II of Official Dispatch 185/SGDDT-CDGD in 2024, it clearly outlines the organization of consulting key officials and convening the meeting as follows:

- Consultation content: Projected number of delegates summoned and allocated to units, meeting organizing time, and draft documents, reports specified in points 1.1, 1.2 Clause 1 Section A of this guideline (First draft documents).

- Consultation components: consists of representatives from the meeting organizing level, including the head, deputy head, Standing Committee of the union (or Executive Committee of the union if there is no Standing Committee), party secretary, Veterans' Association president (if any), Youth Union secretary (if any), head of the People's Inspectorate, female labor committee head (or female labor committee officer), union group leaders, heads of units, departments, faculties under the agency/unit.

Note: The head cooperates with the unit's union to gather, absorb opinions, and edit the draft documents, and reports into the second draft documents to seek opinions at the rank and file meeting of CB, CC, VC, and NLĐ at departments, faculties (hereinafter referred to as sectional meetings) under Section 3, Section A of Official Dispatch 185/SGDDT-CDGD in 2024; and decides to convene the meeting.

How to hold sectional meetings of the agency/unit in Vietnam?

Pursuant to sub-section 3, Section II of Official Dispatch 185/SGDDT-CDGD in 2024, it clearly outlines the holding of sectional meetings of the agency/unit as follows:

The heads of departments, faculties under the agency/unit chair and cooperate with their respective unions to organize sectional meetings in their departments, faculties to summarize, assess the performance over the past academic year/year, and plan for the new academic year/year;

Implement the regulations on democracy at the unit; discuss and give opinions on second draft documents; elect delegates to the agency/unit meeting (if organizing a delegated meeting); evaluate commendations; make recommendations, and proposals.

meeting chairs include heads of departments, faculties, and union group leaders/sectional union presidents. The chair appoints a secretary to record the meeting minutes.


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