Finalize the project file to amend the Land Law in Vietnam and submit it to the National Assembly for comments at the 4th session in October 2022?

I heard that there is a project to amend the Land Law in Vietnam in the near future, when will specialized agencies submit this draft to the National Assembly for approval? Looking forward to helping answer, I thank you!

What is the plan and implementation time of the Land Law Amendment Project?

According to Decision 1257/QD-BTNMT in 2022, stipulating the construction plan of a project to amend the Land Law in Vietnam as follows:

To develop the Land Law Project (amended) and submit it to the National Assembly for comments at the 4th session (October 2022) according to the provisions of the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents, the Implementation Plan for the period of time. to the following:

- Teams review and finalize assigned contents in the draft Land Law in Vietnam (amended)

+ Specialized groups review and finalize the draft Law; synthesize new issues, issues with different opinions and send them to the General Group before June 9, 2022.

+ The Synthesis group completed on June 10, 2022.

- Report to the leadership of the Ministry and the Ministry's Party Personnel Committee the content of the draft Land Law in Vietnam (amended) and new issues, issues with different opinions

+ The General Group reports to the Ministry's leaders and the Ministry's Party Personnel Committee on new issues and issues with different opinions.

+ The expert group reports to the Ministry's leadership on the contents of the draft Law as assigned.

+ Implementation period: from June 11, 2022 to June 14, 2022.

- Organize meeting of the Drafting Board and Editorial Team on the draft Land Law (amended)

+ Specialized groups complete the draft Land Law (amended) under the direction of the Ministry's leadership and send it to the General Group on June 15, 2022; The General Group completed on June 16, 2022 to prepare documents for the meeting of the Drafting Board and the Editorial Team.

+ Meeting of the Drafting Board, Editorial Team: June 17, 2022.

- Publicly post on the web portal of the Government and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and send documents for opinions of ministries, branches and localities.

+ The groups finalize the content of the draft Law, the Report according to the opinions of the Drafting Board, the Editorial Team and send it to the Summary Group on June 18, 2022.

+ The General Group completes the draft Law and reports it to the Head of the Drafting Committee on June 19, 2022.

+ Publicly posting on the portal of the Government, of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; send documents to consult ministries, branches and localities: June 20, 2022.

Thus, the Synthesis group completed the draft Law and reported it to the Head of the Drafting Committee on June 19, 2022. Then, post it publicly on the portal of the Government, of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; send documents to consult ministries, branches and localities: June 20, 2022

Finalize the project file to amend the Land Law in Vietnam and submit it to the National Assembly for comments at the 4th session in October 2022?

Finalize the project file to amend the Land Law in Vietnam and submit it to the National Assembly for comments at the 4th session in October 2022?

How to get opinions on the implementation of the Land Law Amendment Project?

According to Decision 1257/QD-BTNMT in 2022, stipulating the organization of working with ministries, branches, localities, delegations of the National Assembly and organizing seminars to collect opinions

- Working with National Assembly deputies on the draft Land Law (amended):

+ Organize a working session with a number of full-time National Assembly deputies in Hanoi: July 2022.

+ Organize consultation conference with National Assembly delegations in 03 regions: June, July, August, 2022.

- Organize seminars with experts, scientists, managers, international organizations according to thematic groups: (1) Land use planning and plans; (2) Land finance, land price; (3) Land acquisition; compensation, support and resettlement when the State recovers land; (4) The mode of use of different types of land, rights and obligations of land users...

- Implementation period: June, July 2022.

- Organize working with Ministries and sectors on Land Law Project (amended): Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Construction, Ministry Transportation: July, August, 2022.

+ Organize seminars with localities and businesses: July, August, 2022.

- Summarizing, receiving and explaining comments and completing the dossier of the Land Law Project (amended)

+ Time of implementation: completed before August 22, 2022.

- Organize a meeting of the Drafting Board and the Editorial Team to agree on the contents of receiving, explaining and completing the Law Project dossier before sending it to the Ministry of Justice for appraisal.

+ Implementation time: August 23, 2022.

- Submit to the Ministry of Justice for appraisal of the Land Law Project (amended) dossier

+ Implementation time: August 24, 2022.

- Receive and explain appraisal opinions of the Ministry of Justice; Complete the application and submit it to the Government

+ Implementation time: completed before September 5, 2022.

- Acquiring opinions of Government members and completing the dossier of the Law Project to submit to the National Assembly

+ Implementation time: completed before September 15, 2022.

How to submit to the National Assembly for verification the Land Law Amendment Project?

According to Decision 1257/QD-BTNMT in 2022, stipulating the submission to the National Assembly for verification of the Land Law Amendment Project as follows:

- Sending the bill of law to the Committees of the National Assembly for verification

+ Implementation time: completed before September 20, 2022.

- Coordinating with the National Assembly's verifying agencies to absorb, explain and complete the dossier of the Law Project for submission to the National Assembly for comments at the 4th session (October 2022).

+ Implementation time: September 10, 2022.

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