Support 50% of the contract value of technology transfer consulting for small and medium enterprises in vietnam from June 25, 2022?

My company has 30 employees. According to regulations, my company is a small and medium enterprise. In the near future, my company will carry out technology transfer. Does my company receive any support according to the law?

Are small and medium enterprises in Vietnam supported 50% of the value of technology transfer consulting contracts suitable for businesses?

Pursuant to Article 11 of Decree 80/2021/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

“Article 11. Technology support for small and medium enterprises
1. Support up to 50% of the contract value of consulting digital transformation solutions for enterprises in terms of business processes, management processes, production processes, technological processes and business model transformation but no more than 50 million VND/contract/year for small enterprises and not more than 100 million VND/contract/year for medium enterprises.
2. Support up to 50% of costs for enterprises to rent or purchase digital transformation solutions to automate and improve the efficiency of business processes, administration processes, production processes, and technological processes. in enterprises and business model transformation, but not exceeding 20 million VND/year for micro enterprises; no more than 50 million VND/year for small enterprises and not more than 100 million VND/year for medium enterprises.
3. Support up to 50% of the consulting contract value on the establishment of intellectual property rights; management consulting and development of products and services that are protected by intellectual property rights of enterprises but not exceeding 100 million VND/contract/year/enterprise.
4. Support up to 50% of the contract value of technology transfer consultancy suitable to the enterprise, but not exceeding 100 million VND/contract/year/enterprise.
5. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, and provincial-level People's Committees shall implement investment projects to support small and medium-sized enterprises through the construction of new incubators, technical facilities, common work area; renovating and upgrading existing infrastructure to form incubators, technical bases, and common working areas; procurement and installation of equipment, machinery, research rooms, laboratories, information technology systems for incubators, technical facilities, coworking areas to support small and medium enterprises.”

Thus, the technology support for small and medium enterprises is carried out according to the above regulations.

Support 50% of the contract value of technology transfer consulting for small and medium enterprises in vietnam  from June 25, 2022?

Support 50% of the contract value of technology transfer consulting for small and medium enterprises in vietnam from June 25, 2022?

Guidance on implementing technology support for small and medium enterprises in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 7 of Circular 06/2022/TT-BKHDT stipulating as follows:

“Article 7. Technology support
SMEs are entitled to technology support according to the content and support levels specified in Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, Article 11 of Decree No. 80/2021/ND-CP. Agencies and organizations supporting SMEs shall provide support according to the provisions of Articles 4 and 5 of this Circular and a number of specific provisions as follows:
1. SMEs are supported with costs to hire and purchase digital transformation solutions that have been announced on the Portal or the website of the Ministry of Information and Communications or the information page of the supplier.
2. SMEs assess their readiness for digital transformation to propose appropriate support. SMEs use the digital conversion assessment toolkit posted at or or by agencies and organizations supporting SMEs promulgate.
3. SME support agencies and organizations use the results of the assessment of the digital transformation of SMEs to consider support suitable to the SME's receiving capacity.”

As such, agencies and organizations providing technology support for small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam will comply with the above regulations.

How are SME support activities managed?

Pursuant to Article 6 of Circular 06/2022/TT-BKHDT stipulates as follows:

“Article 6. Management of SME support activities”
1. General management
a) General management activities include: communication activities on support work, contents of support for SMEs; organizing conferences and seminars to guide and summarize the work of supporting SMEs; organize a delegation to evaluate the implementation of support activities for SMEs; carry out the SME support needs survey to plan and estimate support for the plan year.
b) The Ministry of Planning and Investment may allocate no more than 1% of the total annual central budget support for SMEs to perform the general management of SME support activities nationwide.
c) The focal point of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies attached to the Government (as the unit assigned to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant units in, formulating mechanisms and policies, organizing the implementation, evaluate, synthesize and report on results of activities to support SMEs) and the Department of Planning and Investment in the localities are allocated a maximum of no more than 2% of the total annual state budget support for SMEs to implement General management of support activities for SMEs within the sector, field and area in charge.
2. Directly manage support activities
SME support agencies and organizations may allocate no more than 5% of their annual state budget funding to support SMEs to directly manage SME support activities, including:
a) Support activities for SMEs: business trip; overtime; communications; organizing meetings and seminars; hire experts; direct survey activities at enterprises to decide on support; activities directly serving the support of SMEs.
b) Activities of the Council for Selection of Innovative Start-up SMEs specified in Clause 3, Article 21 of Decree No. 80/2021/ND-CP: reviewing dossiers and documents of innovative start-up SMEs; hire experts; overtime; communications; organize meetings to evaluate the enterprise's profile; meeting to evaluate the selection results of innovative start-up SMEs; other activities directly related to the activities of the Council.
c) Supplier selection activities in accordance with the law on bidding.”

Thus, the management of supporting activities for small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam is carried out in accordance with the above regulations.

Circular 06/2022/TT-BKHDT will take effect from June 25, 2022.


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