07:47 | 23/07/2024

File for Carrying Out Procedures to Re-determine the Area of Homestead Land for Households and Individuals Who Have Been Issued a Provincial Certificate: What Does It Include?

What does the dossier for the procedure of re-determining the homestead land area for households and individuals who have been granted a Certificate include? Question from Ms. An in Hue.

Documents for Procedures to Recalculate Homestead Land Area for Households and Individuals with Issued Certificates

According to Subsection 16, Section 1, Appendix 2 issued together with Decision 1085/QD-BTNMT in 2023, the documents for procedures to recalculate the homestead land area for households and individuals with issued certificates include:

  1. Application for land, land-attached assets change registration according to Form No. 09/DK;
  2. Original issued Certificate.

In cases where the procedure involves registration of changes in land, land-attached assets with alterations in information such as legal entities, ID card numbers, Citizen ID card numbers, personal identification numbers, or address information on the issued Certificate, the land user must submit the following additional documents:

- A copy of the new ID card, new military ID card, new Citizen ID card, personal identification number, or other documents proving the change in personal details for cases involving changes in personal information of the individual named on the Certificate.

In case national population data is shared and connected with sectoral data (including land sector), the receiving agency uses data from the national population database without requiring the applicant to submit copies of ID cards, military ID cards, new Citizen ID cards, personal identification numbers, or other documents to prove personal details.

- Documents from a competent authority permitting or recognizing changes in legal information for cases involving changes in the legal information of the organization recorded on the Certificate.

Documents for Procedures to Recalculate Homestead Land Area for Households and Individuals with Issued Certificates

Documents for Procedures to Recalculate Homestead Land Area for Households and Individuals with Issued Certificates (Image from the Internet)

Latest Land Changes Registration Application Form 2023

Currently, the land changes registration application form is applied according to Form No. 09/DK issued together with Circular 33/2017/TT-BTNMT and publicly available on the portal of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Directorate of Land Registration and Information:

Download Form No. 09/DK here: download

Instructions for Filling Out the Latest Land Changes Registration Application Form

Users can refer to the instructions for filling out the land changes registration application form below:

(1) To:

- Branch Office of Land Registration where the land is located (Land Registration Office at the district where the land is located).

(2) Address:

- Enter the exact name and address as on the issued certificate. In case of a name change, include both the previous and new information and submit documents proving the change.

(3) Information on the issued Certificate, specifically:

- Registration number of the Certificate.- Date of issuance of the Certificate.

(4) Content of the change:

Based on the reason for the change, record the content of the change accurately:


- Changes in housing and other assets attached to land should specify the content on the certificate before and after the house or new house is available, including details such as: type of house, construction area...

- Correcting information on the certificate: for instance, if there is a name error, write the incorrect name as per the certificate, and the correct name that needs to be amended.

(5) Reason for the change:

Depending on the specific case, record the reason for the change accurately:

- Conversion from annual rental land to one-time rental land or from land allocation without a land levy to rental land or from rental land to land allocation with a land levy;

- Conversion from one-time rental to annual rental land;

- Change of land use purpose;

- Extension of land use;

- Changing the name of the land user, owner of the assets attached to the land, or information regarding the legal entity, personal documents;

- Change of address;

- Reduced area of the parcel due to natural erosion;

- Change in land rights restrictions; change in financial obligations regarding the land;

- Change in the assets attached to the land compared to the registered content, certificate issuance, or correction of the certificate.

(6) Related documents for the change submitted along with the application:

- Issued Certificate;

- Receipts, documents fulfilling financial obligations (if any);

- Depending on the case, submit additional documents such as:

Extended land use by decision from the competent State authority.


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