07:45 | 23/07/2024

File for Performing the Procedure for Registering Health Insurance Contributions: What is the Procedure for Registering Health Insurance Contributions Defined?

Lan Anh from Vung TauWhat documents are required to complete the health insurance registration procedure? How are the procedures for registering for health insurance contributions regulated?

What documents are required for registering to pay health insurance premiums for individuals who only participate in health insurance?

According to the provisions in Subsection 3 of the Appendix issued with Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of 2021 on the documents required for registering to pay health insurance premiums for individuals who only participate in health insurance, the specifics are as follows:

Applicable cases:

- Individuals whose health insurance premiums are paid by the Social Insurance organization according to Article 2 of Decree No. 146/2018/ND-CP;

- Individuals whose health insurance premiums are paid by the state budget according to Article 3 of Decree No. 146/2018/ND-CP;

- Individuals partially supported by the state budget for health insurance contributions according to Article 4 of Decree No. 146/2018/ND-CP;

- Individuals participating in household health insurance according to Article 5 of Decree No. 146/2018/ND-CP;

Required documents:


- If the individual does not have a social insurance number (or can't find it through a search): Declaration form for participation, adjustment of social insurance, and health insurance information.

For individuals whose health insurance premiums are paid by the Social Insurance organization, Form TK1-TS declaration is not required.

- If the individual already has a social insurance number: Provide the social insurance number.

- If the individual is entitled to higher health insurance benefits: Supplement evidentiary documents (if any) according to Appendix 03 issued with Decision No. 595/QD-BHXH of 2017.

- For those who have donated organs as per legal regulations: Discharge paper with a clear note "has donated organ".

Unit; Commune People's Committee; Social assistance facility, nursing and nurturing facility for war invalids and people with meritorious services; Vocational education institution under the labor, war invalids, and social sectors; Collection agency/School: List of individuals participating only in health insurance.

Declaration forms:

- Declaration form for participation, adjustment of social insurance, and health insurance information;

- List of individuals participating only in health insurance.

Documents for registering to pay health insurance premiums? The procedure for registering to pay health insurance premiums is regulated as follows?

Documents for registering to pay health insurance premiums? The procedure for registering to pay health insurance premiums is regulated as follows?

Procedure for registering to pay health insurance premiums for individuals who only participate in health insurance?

The procedure for registering to pay health insurance premiums for individuals who only participate in health insurance is outlined in Subsection 3, Section I of the Appendix issued with Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of 2021, specifically as follows:

Step 1. Prepare and submit documents to the Social Insurance Agency

- Participants: Prepare Form TK1-TS declaration.

- Units:

+ Guide participants in preparing Form TK1-TS declaration, specifically:

++ For participants whose health insurance premiums are paid by the state budget: Submit documents to the Commune People's Committee. In case the participant has donated organs: attach the discharge paper.

++ For participants whose health insurance premiums are paid by the Social Insurance organization: Submit documents to the Commune People's Committee.

++ For students paying health insurance through schools: Submit documents to the school.

++ For individuals partially supported by the state budget for health insurance premiums or those participating in household health insurance: Submit documents to the Collection agency.

+ Prepare Form D03-TS.

Step 2. Make payment.

+ Individuals in household health insurance: Make payment to the Collection agency or directly to the Social Insurance Agency according to the registered method or through banks or smart utility systems.

+ Individuals partially supported by the state budget for health insurance premiums: Make payment to the Collection agency. For students: Make payment to the school.

Step 3. The Social Insurance Agency receives the documents (list of participants in health insurance and payments from the Collection agency or the school)

Step 4. Participants receive the resolved results.

Methods for carrying out the procedure to register for health insurance premiums for individuals who only participate in health insurance?

In Subsection 3, Section I of the Appendix issued with Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of 2021 on the List of online public services for administrative procedures under the jurisdiction of Vietnam Social Security, it is specified how to carry out the procedure to register for health insurance premiums for individuals who only participate in health insurance as follows:

Step 1:

- Individuals partially supported by the state budget for health insurance premiums or participating in household health insurance: Submit documents to the Collection agency.

- For other cases, depending on the subject, submit documents to the units: Commune People's Committee; Social assistance facility, nursing and nurturing facility for war invalids and people with meritorious services; Vocational education institution under the labor, war invalids, and social sectors; Collection agency/School. These units have the option to submit documents to the Social Insurance Agency through one of the following methods:

+ Prepare electronic documents, digitally sign them, and send them to the online Public Service Portal of Vietnam Social Security or through an I-VAN organization;

+ Through the postal service;

+ Submit directly at the document reception department of the district or provincial Social Insurance Agency, or at the administrative services center at all levels.

Step 2: Make payment

Step 3: Receive the resolved results according to the registered methods.

Time frame for resolving the procedure to register for health insurance premiums for individuals who only participate in health insurance?

Regarding the time frame for resolving the procedure to register for health insurance premiums for individuals who only participate in health insurance, Subsection 3, Section I of the Appendix issued with Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of 2021 stipulates that the time frame for resolving the procedure to register for health insurance premiums for individuals who only participate in health insurance is no more than 05 days from the date of receiving the complete documents as prescribed.


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