07:55 | 07/04/2023

What must be included in the documents of teachers at preschools, primary schools, lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools in Vietnam?

I would like to ask what must be included in the documents of teachers at preschools, primary schools, lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools in Vietnam. - Question from Ms. Mai (Long An)

What documents do preschool teachers need to have?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 21 of the Charter of preschools in Vietnam promulgated together with Circular No. 52/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulating as follows:

Management documents of activities of nurturing, caring, and educating
1. For the school
a) Children management documents;
b) Managers, teachers, and staff management documents;
c) Development plans of the school and plans for the nurture, care, and education by school year;
d) Educational universalization documents.
dd) Finance and asset management documents;
e) Text management documents;
2. For divisions of specialities, offices:
a) Operational plans
b) Notebooks for specialized activities of the division.
3. For teachers
a) Plans for the nurture, care, and education of the junior or senior classes;
b) Notebooks for children monitoring;
c) Notebooks for the asset, equipment, and toys monitoring of the junior or senior classes.
4. Documents prescribed in Clauses 1, 2, and 3 of this Article that are in digital form may be used as the replacement for paper documents according to a roadmap suitable for conditions of the locality, the preschool, and the ability to perform of teachers, ensuring the legality of digital documents. The management of digital documents is regulated by the Department of Education and Training based on the connection and data standard of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam.

According to the above regulations, the documents of preschool teachers need to include the following documents:

- Plans for the nurture, care, and education of the junior or senior classes;

- Notebooks for children monitoring;

- Notebooks for the asset, equipment, and toys monitoring of the junior or senior classes.

Note: The above documents that are in digital form may be used as the replacement for paper documents according to a roadmap suitable for conditions of the locality, the preschool, and the ability to perform of teachers, ensuring the legality of digital documents. The management of digital documents is regulated by the Department of Education and Training based on the connection and data standard of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam.

What must be included in the documents of teachers at preschools, primary schools, lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools in Vietnam?

What must be included in the documents of teachers at preschools, primary schools, lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools in Vietnam?

What documents do primary school teachers need to include?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 21 of the Charter promulgated together with Circular No. 28/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulating as follows:

Management documents of activities of educating
1. For the school
a) The registry.
b) Academic records.
c) Summary table of the results of the class's educational assessment.
d) School development strategic plan and educational activity plan by school year.
dd) Book of management of cadres, teachers and employees.
e) Profile of education universalization.
f) Asset and financial management records.
g) Documents management book.
h) Education records of students with disabilities (if there are students with learning disabilities).
2. For teachers
a) Lesson plan.
b) Notebook of professional activities, time attendance and monitoring and evaluation of students' learning results.
c) Homeroom book (for homeroom teachers).
d) Team workbook (for Team General Manager).
3. For specialized groups, office groups: A notebook to record the contents of the group's activities.
4. Managers, teachers and employees applying information technology in management and teaching may use electronic records instead of paper records to ensure the requirements of archival work and have the same value as a paper record.

According to the regulations on the primary school teacher's book, the following documents should be included:

- Lesson plan.

- Notebook of professional activities, time attendance and monitoring and evaluation of students' learning results.

- Homeroom book (for homeroom teachers).

- Team Workbook (for Team General Manager).

What is included in the documents for teachers of lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 21 of the Charter promulgated together with Circular No. 32/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulating as follows:

Documents for management of education provision
Documents for management of education provision by secondary schools include:
1. For secondary schools:
a) Student records
b) School report books
c) Student progress monitoring and assessment books (by class)
d) Documents on education provided for students with disabilities (if any)
dd) Education plans of each school (by academic year).
e) Lesson start record books
g) Books for management of degree/certificate conferral
h) Books for management of documents and official dispatches sent and received, and archived documents and official dispatches sent and received
i) Documents on educational equipment and library management
k) Finance and property management documents
l) Documents on inspection and assessment of officials, teachers and staff
m) Student health monitoring documents
n) Student reward and discipline documents
o) Documents on universalization of education (for lower secondary level)
2. For specialized teams:
a) Education plan of each team (by academic year).
b) Meeting record books
3. For teachers:
a) Education plan of each teacher (by academic year).
b) Lesson plans
c) Student progress monitoring and assessment books
d) Homeroom teacher books (for homeroom teachers)
4. Electronic files of the documents mentioned in Clauses 1, 2 and 3 herein may be used instead of their physical version following a roadmap suitable for the capacity of each locality, school and teacher and in accordance with requirements for lawfulness of electronic documents. Departments of Education and Training shall stipulate electronic document management based on connectivity and data standards from the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam.
5. Preservation of documents for management of education provision is provided for by law.

According to the above regulations, the documentation for teachers at the lower secondary and high school levels includes the following documents:

- Education plan of each teacher (by academic year).

- Lesson plans

- Student progress monitoring and assessment books

- Homeroom teacher books (for homeroom teachers)

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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