What is the application for approval of a 1/500 scale general plan within the boundary of the project at airports and aerodromes in Vietnam?

What is the application for approval of a 1/500 scale general plan within the boundary of the project at airports and aerodromes in Vietnam? - C.M.N (Ca Mau, Vietnam)

What is a 1/500 scale general plan? What is the content of a 1/500 scale general plan in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 49 of Decree 05/2021/ND-CP, a 1/500 scale general plan serves as one of the bases for issuing the construction permit at an airport/aerodrome.

Accordingly, regarding the content of the 1/500 scale general plan, Clause 2, Article 49 of Decree 05/2021/ND-CP has the following provisions:

General plans
2. The general plan consists of:
a) A system of construction and technical works: construction area; density, quantity, height, and elevation of construction works; land use coefficient;
b) A system of technical infrastructure connected to shared technical infrastructure of the airport: direction, route, scale, level; elevation limits; typical cross sections.

Thus, according to the above regulations, the 1/500 scale general plan has the following contents:

- A system of construction and technical works:

+ construction area;

+ density, quantity, height, and elevation of construction works;

+ land use coefficient;

- A system of technical infrastructure connected to shared technical infrastructure of the airport:

+ direction, route, scale, level; elevation limits;

+ typical cross sections.

What is the application for approval of a 1/500 scale general plan within the boundary of the project at airports and aerodromes in Vietnam?

What is the application for approval of a 1/500 scale general plan within the boundary of the project at airports and aerodromes in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 49 of Decree 05/2021/ND-CP amended by Clause 3, Article 3 of Decree 64/2022/ND-CP. The investor in the project on construction of works at the airport/aerodrome shall make a 1/500 scale general plan within the boundary of the project assigned by a competent authority invest in and submit an application to the CAAV for approval, whether in person or by post or online or another method. The application includes:

- An application form for approval of the general plan;

- Copies of documents on the general plan, including a description of the general plan and relevant drawings;

- Photocopies of comments from relevant authorities and units;

- Copies of responses to comments from relevant authorities and units.

Accordingly, the above application is made into 01 copy and sent to the Vietnam Aviation Administration.

What are the procedures for approval of a 1/500 scale general plan within the boundary of the project at airports and aerodromes in Vietnam?

Pursuant to subsection 19, Section A, Part II, Administrative procedures issued together with Decision 1204/QD-BGTVT in 2022, procedures for approval of a 1/500 scale general plan within the boundary of the project at airports and aerodromes are carried out as follows:

(1) Implementation sequence

- Submit administrative procedures:

The investor of a construction investment project at an airport or aerodrome shall organize the preparation of a 1/500 scale general plan within the boundary of the project assigned to the investment by the competent authority and send 01 set. Dossier requesting approval of general plan within the boundary of the project assigned to invest directly or through the postal system or in the electronic environment or in other forms to the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam.

- Resolving administrative procedures:

Within 30 days from the date of receiving complete and valid documents, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam is responsible for collecting opinions from relevant units, appraising and approving the general plan within the boundary of the project. The investment project is assigned and sent directly or through the postal system or in the electronic environment or in other forms to the project investor. In case of refusal of approval, the Vietnam Aviation Administration must clearly state the reason.

(2) Submission:

- Submit application directly; or

- Through the postal system; or

- In the electronic environment; or

- Other suitable forms.

(3) Processing time: 30 days from the date of receipt of complete and valid documents.

(4) Subjects carrying out administrative procedures:

Investor of construction investment projects at airports and aerodromes.

(5) Agencies carrying out administrative procedures:

- Authority with decision-making authority: Vietnam Aviation Administration.

- Authorized or decentralized authority or person to implement: No.

- Agency directly implementing administrative procedures: Vietnam Aviation Administration.

- Coordinating agency: No.

(6) Results of implementing administrative procedures:

Decision to approve the master plan drawing within the boundaries of the assigned investment project.

(7) Fees and charges: None.

(8) Requirements or conditions for carrying out administrative procedures:

The investor is allowed to build projects at airports and aerodromes and prepare 1/500 scale general plan within the boundary to ensure compliance with airports and aerodromes planning, and in accordance with the connection of technical infrastructure of airports and aerodromes.


General plan
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