01:12 | 20/01/2023

Vietnam: What does the temporary residence application include? How is the procedure for applying for temporary residence regulated?

I would like to ask what does the temporary residence application include in Vietnam? - asked Ms. Huynh (Nha Be)

When do people have to register for temporary residence in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 27 of the Law on Residence 2020 of Vietnam, the conditions for temporary residence registration are as follows:

Article 27. Conditions for temporary residence registration
1. A citizen who comes to live in a lawful place of residence located outside of the commune-level administrative unit where they register their permanent residence for work or study or another purpose for 30 days or more must register temporary residence.
2. The maximum time limit for temporary residence is 02 years, which may be extended multiple times.
3. Citizens may not register the places mentioned in Article 23 of this Law as their new temporary residences.

Accordingly, people living in legal places outside the place where they have registered for permanent residence for 30 days or more must register for temporary residence.

The maximum term of temporary residence is 02 years and can be extended.

In addition, it should be noted that places that are not registered for new permanent residence in Article 23 of the Law on Residence 2020 of Vietnam

Vietnam: What does the temporary residence application include? How is the procedure for applying for temporary residence regulated?

Vietnam: What does the temporary residence application include? How is the procedure for applying for temporary residence regulated?

What does the temporary residence application include in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 28 of the Law on Residence 2020 of Vietnam, the dossiers and procedures for temporary residence registration are as follows:

Article 28. Applications and procedures for temporary residence registration and temporary residence extension
1. Application for temporary residence registration includes:
a) Declaration of change to residence information; if the applicant is a minor, the declaration must include the permission from either of their parents or guardian, unless a written permission has been obtained;
b) Written proof of ownership of lawful place of residence.

At the same time, based on Article 5 of Decree 62/2021/ND-CP, the temporary residence registration dossier includes:

- Declaration of change of residence information

Note: for a minor temporary residence registrant, the declaration must clearly state the consent of the parent or guardian, unless there is written consent.

- One of the following documents proving legal residence:

+ Papers and documents certifying land use rights, home ownership or land-attached assets issued by competent agencies (including information on housing);

+ Construction permit in accordance with the law on construction (in case the project must be granted a construction permit and has completed construction);

+ Contracts for sale and purchase of state-owned houses or papers on liquidation prices of state-owned housing;

+ Housing purchase contract or documents proving the handover of housing, receipt of housing from an enterprise with the function of trading in housing for construction investment for sale;

+ Documents on buying, renting, receiving gifts, receiving inheritance, receiving capital contributions, receiving housing exchange in accordance with the law on land and housing;

+ Documents on the donation of houses of love, houses of love, houses of solidarity, grant of houses and land for individuals and households;

+ Documents of the Court or state administrative agencies competent to settle for housing ownership have taken legal effect;

+ Documents certified by commune-level People's Committees or district-level People's Committees where there is no commune-level administrative unit on housing or residential land without disputes over housing ownership or land use rights if one of the above-mentioned documents is not available;

+ Documents proving the registration and inspection of vehicles under ownership. In case the vehicle is not subject to registration or inspection, it is necessary to obtain a confirmation from the commune-level People's Committee or the district-level People's Committee where there is no commune-level administrative unit that the vehicle is used for housing; Certificate of registration of the place where the vehicle is regularly parked or parked if the place of registration of residence is not the place of registration of the vehicle or such vehicle is not subject to registration or inspection;

+ Papers and documents proving the legal leasing, lending or accommodation are documents for renting, lending or renting thanks to agencies, organizations and individuals in accordance with the provisions of the law on land and housing;

+ Papers of agencies and organizations signed and stamped by heads of agencies and organizations proving the issuance, use of housing, transfer of housing, having houses created on land allocated by agencies or organizations for housing (for houses and land under the agency's management, organizations).

How is the procedure for applying for temporary residence regulated in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 28 of the Law on Residence 2020 of Vietnam, the dossiers and procedures for temporary residence registration are as follows:

- Step 1: The temporary residence registrant submits the application for temporary residence registration to the residence registration agency where he/she plans to temporarily reside.

- Step 2: When receiving the temporary residence registration dossier, the residence registration agency checks and issues the application receipt form to the registrant; In case the dossier is incomplete, guide the registrant to supplement the dossier

- Step 3: Within 03 working days from the date of receipt of a complete and valid dossier, the residence registration agency is responsible for appraising and updating information about the new temporary residence, the duration of the registrant's temporary residence in the database of residence and notifying the registrant of the updated temporary residence registration information; in case of refusal to register, a written response stating the reasons therefor must be given.


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