07:47 | 23/07/2024

File for Registering Contracts to Recruit Interns from Abroad for Less than 90 Days: What Does It Include? Which Document Template is Used for Registering Internship Contracts?

What are the required documents for registering an internship contract for foreign workers for under 90 days? What is the form for registering an internship contract? Your question is from A.N in Hue.

How is the procedure for registering a contract to receive foreign trainees for less than 90 days carried out?

Pursuant to Sub-item 10, Section 1, Part 2 of Administrative Procedures issued together with Decision 58/QD-LDTBXH in 2022, the procedure for registering a contract to receive foreign trainees for less than 90 days is carried out as follows:


- Step 1. Enterprises submit 01 set of documents directly or via postal services to the specialized labor agency under the Provincial People's Committee where the enterprise is headquartered.

- Step 2. Within 05 working days from the date of receiving a complete and valid application, the specialized labor agency under the Provincial People's Committee where the enterprise is headquartered responds in writing to the enterprise; in case of non-acceptance, clear reasons must be stated.

Entities performing administrative procedures: Enterprises sending Vietnamese workers overseas for training, skill improvement.

Resolving agency: Specialized labor agency under the Provincial People's Committee (where the enterprise is headquartered).

What does the dossier for registering a contract to receive foreign trainees for less than 90 days include? What is the form for registering a trainee acceptance contract?

What does the dossier for registering a contract to receive foreign trainees for less than 90 days include? What is the form for registering a trainee acceptance contract?

What does the dossier for registering a contract to receive foreign trainees for less than 90 days include?

Pursuant to Sub-item 10, Section 1, Part 2 of Administrative Procedures issued together with Decision 58/QD-LDTBXH in 2022, the components of the dossier for registering a contract to receive foreign trainees for less than 90 days include:

- Written application for registering a trainee acceptance contract- A certified copy of the trainee acceptance contract, accompanied by a Vietnamese translation- Documents proving the sending of Vietnamese workers abroad for training and skill improvement in accordance with the laws of the host country as prescribed in Article 6 of Circular 21/2021/TT-BLDTBXH, specifically one of the following papers:

+ 01 certified copy of the document allowing the receiving organization to accept foreign trainees issued by the competent authority of the host country.

+ Other documents showing that the receiving organization is permitted to accept trainees according to the regulations of the host country.

- A certified copy of the business registration certificate- Documents proving the enterprise's escrow

The number of dossiers for registering a contract to receive foreign trainees for less than 90 days: 01 (one) set.

What are the requirements and conditions for implementing the procedure for registering a contract to receive foreign trainees for less than 90 days?

Pursuant to Sub-item 10, Section 1, Part 2 of Administrative Procedures issued together with Decision 58/QD-LDTBXH in 2022, the requirements and conditions for implementing the procedure for registering a contract to receive foreign trainees for less than 90 days are as follows:

Enterprises sending Vietnamese workers overseas for training, skill improvement must meet the following conditions:

- Has a trainee acceptance contract with an overseas receiving organization to send Vietnamese workers abroad for training, skill improvement in accordance with the regulations of the Law on Vietnamese workers working abroad under contract, registered with the competent state authority.

- Has escrow for performing the trainee acceptance contract as prescribed by the Government of Vietnam.

- Can only send workers who have both an employment contract and a vocational training contract overseas to internships for skill improvement at the overseas receiving organization under the trainee acceptance contract.

- The specific industries, professions, and jobs for which Vietnamese workers are sent overseas for training and skill improvement must match the enterprise's business fields.

What is the form for registering a contract to receive foreign trainees?

Pursuant to Form 04, Appendix I issued together with Circular 21/2021/TT-BLDTBXH, the form for registering a trainee acceptance contract is as follows:

Download the form for registering a trainee acceptance contract here


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