
Vietnam: What criteria and conditions must a household meet to be recognized as a Gia đình văn hóa?

Hello Lawnet, could you please tell me what criteria my family must meet to be awarded the title of Gia đình văn hóa in the near future?

What kinds of emulation titles will be applied to individuals, collectives and households in the near future?

Pursuant to Article 19 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

“Article 19. Emulation titles for individuals
1. “Chiến sĩ thi đua toàn quốc”.
2. Chiến sĩ thi đua Bộ, ban, ngành, tỉnh.
3. “Chiến sĩ thi đua cơ sở”.
4. “Lao động tiên tiến”, “Chiến sĩ tiên tiến”.”

Pursuant to Article 20 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

“Article 20. Emulation titles for collectives and households
a) “Cờ thi đua của Chính phủ”;
b) Cờ thi đua của Bộ, ban, ngành, tỉnh;
c) “Tập thể lao động xuất sắc”, “Đơn vị quyết thắng”;
d) “Tập thể lao động tiên tiến”, “Đơn vị tiên tiến”;
đ) Xã, phường, thị trấn tiêu biểu;
e) Thôn, tổ dân phố văn hóa.”

Thus, for individuals and collectives, there will be emulation titles applied according to the above provisions.

What standards and conditions must a household meet to be recognized as a Gia đình văn hóa?

What criteria and conditions must a household meet to be recognized as a Gia đình văn hóa?

Which agency has the competence to launch and organize emulation movements?

Pursuant to Article 18 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

“Article 18. Competence to launch and direct emulation movements
1. The President and Prime Minister launch and direct the emulation movement nationwide.
2. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, heads of departments and branches launch and direct emulation movements within the sectors and fields under their management.
3. Presidents of People's Committees at all levels launch and direct emulation movements within their respective localities.
4. Heads of agencies, organizations or units that launch and direct emulation movements within agencies, organizations and units under their management.”

Thus, the competence to launch and organize emulation movements is determined based on the scope of the emulation movement.

What are the regulations on the form and content of the emulation movement?

Pursuant to Articles 16 and 17 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

“Article 16. Form and scope of organization of emulation
1. Forms of organization of emulation include:
a) Emulate regularly;
b) Competition by thematic.
2. Scope of organization of emulation includes:
a) Nationwide;
b) Ministries, departments, branches, mass organizations and localities;
c) Emulation clusters and blocks organized by the Emulation - Commendation Council at all levels;
d) Agencies, organizations and units.
Article 17. Contents of organization of the emulation movement
1. Determine the objectives, scope, subjects, contents and criteria, time, plan and measures to organize the emulation movement.
2. Launching, deploying and implementing emulation movements.
3. Inspect and supervise emulation movements.
4. Propagating, discovering, fostering and replicating advanced examples.
5. Preliminary, summarizing and rewarding.”

Thus, the form, scope and content of the organization of emulation movements must comply with the above provisions.

Who are considered and awarded the titles of “thôn, tổ văn hóa”?

Pursuant to Article 30 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 of Vietnam stipulates as follows:

“Article 30. Titles of “thôn, tổ văn hóa”
1. The titles of of “thôn, tổ văn hóa” annually giving to a village or residential group within the commune level meet the following criteria:
a) Stable and developed economic life;
b) Healthy and rich cultural and spiritual life;
c) Safe, friendly environment, clean and beautiful landscape;
d) Well observe the guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State; maintain social order and safety; actively participate in local emulation movements;
d) There is a spirit of solidarity, mutual assistance and mutual assistance in the community.
2. Provincial-level People's Committees shall detail criteria and consideration for awarding the title of “thôn, tổ văn hóa” on the basis of the standard framework prescribed by the Government."

Thus, villages and residential groups that meet the standards as prescribed above will be awarded the title of “thôn, tổ văn hóa”.

What are the criteria for considering and awarding the title of “Gia đình văn hóa” in the near future?

Pursuant to Article 31 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

“Article 31. Title of “Gia đình văn hóa”
1. The title of “Gia đình văn hóa” shall be given annually to households meeting the following criteria:
a) Be exemplary in observing the guidelines of the Communist Party, policies and laws of the State of Vietnam;
b) Actively participate in movements of labor emulation, production, study, protection of security, social order and safety in the locality;
c) A prosperous, progressive, happy and civilized family; often stick together, unite, support and help in the community.
2. Provincial-level People's Committees detail the criteria and consideration for awarding the title of “Gia đình văn hóa” on the basis of the standard framework prescribed by the Government."

Thus, households will be awarded the title of “Gia đình văn hóa” when meeting the criteria as prescribed above.

The Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 of Vietnam takes effect from January 1, 2024.


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