Ho Chi Minh City: What are the guidelines for organizing the high school graduation exam in 2022, enrollment for secondary schools and high schools in the school year 2022 - 2023?

My child is going to take the high school graduation exam this year. It’s said that the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City has issued a Directive on organizing the high school graduation exam recently. Can LawNet provide more information about the competent authorities? Thank you!

What are the guidelines for organizing the high school graduation exam in 2022, enrollment for secondary schools and high schools in the 2022-2023 school year?

According to Section 1 of Directive 09/CT-UBND in 2022 of the City People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City on organizing the High School Graduation Exam and enrollment of high schools as follows:

- Perform well the preparation for the High School Graduation Exam in 2022, the high school entrance exam, the secondary school entrance exam for Tran Dai Nghia High School for the Gifted and enrollment in the first grade of the academic year 2022-2023.

- Prepare well conditions for facilities, equipment, funding from the budget, arrange qualified human resources to participate in stages and activities for exam work, ensure excellent safety, comply with and fully implement regulations and measures to prevent epidemics for exams, perform exam work and enrollment in accordance with the Exam Regulations, Admission Regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, and the enrollment promulgated together with the Decision No. 773/QD-UBND dated March 21, 2022 of the City People's Committee on promulgating the Plan to mobilize children to graduate and enroll in the first grades of the school year 2022 - 2023;

- Strengthen the application of information and communication technology in enrollment; create favorable conditions for parents to register for school for their children by line, by location, through online public services, through an open, transparent, simple and clear process.

Ho Chi Minh City: What are the guidelines for organizing the high school graduation exam in 2022, enrollment for secondary schools and high schools in the 2022-2023 school year?

What is the responsibility of the Department of Education and Training in organizing the High School Graduation Exam in 2022, enrollment for secondary schools and high schools in the 2022-2023 school year?

According to Section 2 of Directive 09/CT-UBND in 2022 of the City People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City about the responsibility of the Department of Education and Training for organizing the high school graduation exam and enrollment as follows:

- Perform as the focal point to monitor the performance of the tasks of organizing examinations by departments, agencies and sectors; regularly summarize the situation, results, report to the City People's Committee, the Steering Committee for the high school graduation exam in Ho Chi Minh City in 2022 and the Steering Committee for the entrance exams at the beginning of the school year 2022. - 2023.

- Be responsible for directing and implementing the plan to organize exams for the whole industry, actively and closely coordinating with relevant departments, agencies, units, and local authorities; strictly implement the work of making exam questions, printing copies of exam questions, reviewing, marking, reviewing, approving graduation and awarding diplomas in accordance with the Regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Direct schools and test scores to prepare students well in test-taking skills and psychology before, during and after the Exam; organize professional training, publicly, fully and clearly announce the regulations on the exam (test time, exam subjects, rules, exam regulations,...) and measures to ensure safety, epidemic prevention for officials, teachers and students to know to implement. Equip disinfectant solution and backup masks for all test scores, test scores, test scores.

- Organize the inspection and examination of the preparation and organization of the Exams, ensuring absolute safety, honesty, no errors, negatives, violations of the Exam Regulations.

- Analyze data, compare with students' learning results to report and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning of schools in the locality on the basis of the results announced by the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Supervise the organization of enrollment in the first classes in Thu Duc city and districts in accordance with Decision No. 773/QD-UBND dated March 21, 2022 of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City; promptly provide professional guidance, report and advise the Standing Committee of the City Steering Committee to properly handle inappropriate contents according to regulations.

What are the responsibilities of Departments, branches, City People's Committee of Thu Duc city and districts to organize the High School Graduation Exam in 2022 and enrollments in the 2022-2023 school year?

According to Section 2 of Directive 09/CT-UBND in 2022 of the City People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City on responsibilities of Departments, branches, People's Committee of Thu Duc city and districts as follows:

- City Police

+ Coordinate to ensure absolute confidentiality and safety for exams from the stage of exam questions, printing, copying exam questions; protect test scores, test scores, test scores; participate in escorting and protecting exam papers and exams in accordance with regulations and plans.

+ Direct the traffic police force to have a key plan and coordinate with the forces of the Department of Transport, the City Youth Volunteer Force to quickly clear traffic jams on exam days, create conditions for teachers and students to arrive at school on time.

+ Direct the fire prevention and fighting force to check fire safety at the exam boards; arrange 24/24 in areas with test points to promptly solve problems when problems occur; arrange more forces to support security and order work in front of the gates of the exam sites.

+ Capture and coordinate in processing (if any) information related to exams and entrance exams in the City on cyberspace.

- Department of Health

+ Direct the grassroots medical lines and hospitals in the area to coordinate with the test sites, create favorable conditions for giving priority to emergency and health care for students; accurately and quickly certify diseases and injuries when there are uncertainties during the exam.

+ Cooperate with the Education Sector to develop a plan to organize exams for candidates affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. Carrying out COVID-19 screening tests for officials, teachers, and employees who are isolated on exam tasks.

+ Direct the local health force to coordinate and support the epidemic prevention at the test sites, the test scores, the test scores, and arrange medical staff to be on duty during the exam.

- The City Inspectorate assigns staff to participate in the inspection and examination of the 2022 high school graduation exam according to regulations.

- Information and communication facilities

+ Ensure information, communication, and internet for examination and enrollment activities.

+ Direct the City Press Center to act as a focal point to connect news agencies and newspapers - information stations to propagate and report on exams and enrollment work, especially exam results and enrollment results. of the City and localities, timely, complete and accurate. The hotline number of the City Newspaper Center is 0357.216.216.

+ Capture and coordinate in processing (if any) information related to exams and entrance exams in the City on the internet.

- The Department of Home Affairs coordinates to advise on the decision to establish the Steering Committee for the entrance exams for the school year 2022 - 2023 and the Steering Committee for the high school graduation exam in 2022 of the City in accordance with regulations.

- The Department of Finance ensures funding for the organization of the exam and guides the implementation of the financial revenue and expenditure regimes, and the remuneration for the forces participating in the examination according to regulations.

- The Department of Transport coordinates to ensure the circulation of routes, avoids congestion, and creates conditions for teachers and students to arrive at the test sites conveniently and on time.

- The Department of Construction coordinates to take measures to be on duty and responds to emergencies to ensure safety conditions in the rainy season, and pays attention to the phenomenon of fallen trees inside and outside the school, the phenomenon of flooding causing traffic jams,...

- People's Committee of Thu Duc city and districts

+ Be responsible for directing and organizing the enrollment in the first grade classes according to the management assignment, in accordance with Decision No. 773/QD-UBND, ensure publicity, fairness, transparency and clarity; ensure to arrange enough study places for the children of the people in the area (with or without household registration).

+ Ensure the progress of construction and repair of schools and classrooms, procurement of equipment and facilities for the school; recruitment and placement of enough teachers before the start of the new school year.

+ Direct departments, units and local authorities to create favorable conditions and actively support exams; no candidate has to drop out of the exam because of economic or travel difficulties when taking the exam; force majeure situations need to be handled promptly, in accordance with reality, ensuring maximum benefits for candidates; arrange forces to stabilize order, ensure safe work, clean environment, guide parents to take measures to prevent COVID-19 epidemic, not to gather in front of school gates, around around the area. Test score.

- The City's Youth Volunteer Force cooperates to relieve traffic jams; prioritize the arrangement of ferry routes at Binh Khanh ferry terminal to quickly transfer exam papers and exams, and give priority to teachers, teachers and students on exam days.

- City Electricity Corporation shall inspect and prioritize to ensure the continuity and stability of the power source, the readiness of the backup generator and the duty force during the working days of the Point. print, copy test questions, mark and test scores.

- City Post Office coordinates to ensure safe and timely delivery of parcels between the Ministry of Education and Training and the Department of Education and Training.

- City Telecommunications cooperates to provide new phone numbers for the Council to print and copy exam questions; ensure the transmission line for quick reporting and information in exam and enrollment work.


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