Ho Chi Minh City organizes an innovation and start-up competition with prizes worth up to VND 50 million?

Hello Advisory Board, I have heard from friends that Ho Chi Minh City is currently implementing innovation and entrepreneurship awards. May I ask, who will be participating in the innovation and start-up award in Ho Chi Minh City? What is the structure of this award? Thank you very much for the advice!

Who can participate in the innovation and entrepreneurship awards in Ho Chi Minh City?

Pursuant to Article 2 of the Regulations issued together with Decision 01/QD-BTCGT in 2020 of the Organizing Committee of the Ho Chi Minh City Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award, the participants are as follows:

- Object 1

Innovative start-up enterprise: is a small and medium-sized enterprise established to implement a business idea on the basis of exploiting intellectual property, technology, and a new and fast-growing business model. .

- Object 2

Innovative solution: is a new, creative way to solve community problems.

- 3 object

Media work: means a journalistic work, a series of works, columns and topics of various types of journalism that have a positive impact on the innovation startup community.

- 4 . object Organizations and individuals: are incubators, organizations that support innovation activities, angel investors, consultants, etc. have actively contributed to innovation activities. create .and start a business. Thus, the subjects listed in the above regulations will be able to participate in the innovation and start-up award in Ho Chi Minh City

TPHCM tổ chức cuộc thi đổi mới sáng tạo và khởi nghiệp với giải thưởng trị giá lên đến 50 triệu đồng?

Ho Chi Minh City: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award worth up to VND 50 million?

What are the conditions for participating in the innovation and entrepreneurship awards in Ho Chi Minh City?

According to Article 3 of the Regulations issued together with Decision 01/QD-BTCGT in 2020 of the Organizing Committee of the Ho Chi Minh City Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award, the conditions for participating in the award are as follows:

About the general condition

- Contributions and achievements of the subjects specified in Article 2 of the Regulations will be considered in the year of awarding the Prize.

Regarding specific conditions

- Object 1

+ Enterprises established in Ho Chi Minh City (City).

+ The enterprise has not violated the provisions of the law within 2 years from the time of awarding the Prize.

- Object 2

+ The solution has been applied effectively in the city.

- 3 object

+ The work is presented in Vietnamese and,

+ Having a positive impact on the development of the innovative start-up community in the city.

- 4 . object

+ Organizations and individuals who have made great contributions to the startup and innovation community in the city.

Accordingly, depending on the target group, there will be applicable conditions according to the above provisions.

How to participate in the competition for innovation and entrepreneurship awards in Ho Chi Minh City?

Pursuant to Section 3, Section 4 of Official Dispatch 1982/GDDT-GDTXCNDH dated June 15, 2022 of the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City has the following guidelines:

Attendee profile:

Participants of the Award submit 1 set of documents including:

+ Nomination form/nomination to attend the Award (Form 01).

+ Introduction (Form 02).

The forms are posted on the website of the Prize www.doimoisangtao.vn/giaithuong2022.

- Time:

+ Time to receive entries: from March 16, 2022 to the end of August 31, 2022.

Voting time:

++ For all entries: until the end of August 31, 2022;

++ For the applications to the Final round: until the end of September 30, 2022.

+ Organization of selection: Based on the results of the community's votes by the end of August 31, 2022, the Organizing Committee considers and selects the 10 records with the highest votes to enter the final round and announce widely on website www.doimoisangtao.vn/giaithuong2022 in early September.

Accordingly, participants in the competition for innovation and start-up awards in Ho Chi Minh City need to prepare 01 set of documents according to the above components and submit their entries from March 16, 2022 to March 16, 2022. ends on August 31, 2022. Voting and selection organization will be made according to the above provisions.

Award structure for innovation and entrepreneurship in Ho Chi Minh City?

Pursuant to Section 2 of Official Dispatch 1982/GDDT-GDTXCNDH dated June 15, 2022 of the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City stipulating the award as follows:

"2. Prize structure:

The Organizing Committee selected to award 03 equal prizes. Each award includes: Certificate of Recognition, Souvenir Cup of the Organizing Committee and a prize of 50 million VND.

Accordingly, the prize of the innovation and start-up competition in Ho Chi Minh City in 2022 will include a certificate, souvenir trophy and a prize of 50 million VND.

How is the award process done?

Pursuant to Article 7 of the Regulations promulgated together with Decision 01/QD-BTCGT in 2020 of the Organizing Committee of the Ho Chi Minh City Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award, stipulates the award consideration process as follows:

“Article 7. Award consideration process
1. Receipt of applications for the Award
- Dossiers of participation in the Award (candidate or nomination) are sent to the Award Organizing Committee via email address: giathuong@doimoisangtao.vn,
- Application period: from the date of announcement of the Award Rules to the end of August 31 every year.
2. Posting information
Eligible documents will be continuously and publicly posted by the Organizing Committee on the website of the Prize.
3. Community vote
- The community voted for the participants on the website of the Award.
Voting time:
+ By the end of August 31 every year for all applications,
+ Until the end of September 30 every year for the applications to the Final Round of the Prize.
4. Organization of selection
Based on the results of the community's voting by the end of August 31 every year, the Organizing Committee considers and selects 10 entries/group of participants with the highest votes to enter the final round of the Award and announced on the Awards website at the beginning of September each year.
5. Confirm information
In case of necessity, the Organizing Committee will conduct verification of the information of the records selected for the final round of the Prize to complete the dossier and prepare for the award.
6. Scoring Prizes
The Organizing Committee establishes professional councils to evaluate and score the applications according to the criteria for awarding the Prizes specified in Article 4 of the Regulations.
7. Announcement and Awarding of Prizes
The Awards Organizing Committee will organize the announcement and awarding of the Awards at the Annual Innovation and Entrepreneurship Week. After awarding, the Organizing Committee will also announce the next year's Award.

Thus, the award consideration process is carried out according to the contents mentioned in the above regulations.


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