07:49 | 23/07/2024

How are the forms of copies of administrative documents regulated? What are the forms and presentation techniques of copies of documents?

<strong>How is the form of a copy of an administrative document regulated? What are the format and presentation techniques for a copy of a document?</strong>Your question from T.Q in Hanoi

How is the form of administrative document copies regulated?

According to the provisions in clauses 1, 2, and 3 of Article 25 Decree 30/2020/ND-CP, the forms of administrative document copies include:

(1) Certified copies

Certified copies include: certified copies from paper documents to paper documents, certified copies from electronic documents to paper documents, and certified copies from paper documents to electronic documents.

- Certified copies from paper documents to paper documents are made by photocopying from the original or principal paper document to paper.- Certified copies from electronic documents to paper documents are made by printing the original electronic document to paper.- Certified copies from paper documents to electronic documents are made by digitizing the paper document and digitally signing by the agency or organization.

(2) Extract copies

- Extract copies include: extract copies from paper documents to paper documents, extract copies from paper documents to electronic documents, extract copies from electronic documents to paper documents.

- Extract copies are made by printing or photocopying from the certified copy.

(3) Partial copies

- Partial copies include: partial copies from paper documents to paper documents, partial copies from paper documents to electronic documents, partial copies from electronic documents to electronic documents, partial copies from electronic documents to paper documents.

- Partial copies are made by reproducing the full format and content parts of the document that need to be copied.

How is the form of administrative document copies regulated? What are the format and technical presentation of document copies?

How is the form of administrative document copies regulated? What are the format and technical presentation of document copies?

What are the format and technical presentation of document copies?

According to Part II of Appendix I issued together with Decree 30/2020/ND-CP, the regulations are as follows:

Copies in electronic format

- Form of certification


- Standard of digitized document

+ Portable Document Format (.pdf), version 1.4 or higher.+ Color image.+ Minimum resolution: 200dpi.+ Digitization scale: 100%.

- Format of the agency's or organization's digital signature on the electronic copy

+ Position: Top right corner of the first page of the document, presented in cell number 14, Section IV, Part I, Appendix I issued together with Decree 30/2020/ND-CP.+ Digital signature image of the agency or organization: Not displayed.+ Information: The form of certification, name of the certifying agency or organization, signing time (day, month, year; hour, minute, second; Vietnam time zone according to ISO 8601) is presented in Times New Roman font, lowercase, upright, size 10, black color.

Copies in paper format

- Format of paper copies

+ Form of certification: “CERTIFIED COPY” or “EXTRACT COPY” or “PARTIAL COPY”.+ Name of the certifying agency or organization.+ Number and symbol of the copy including the registration order number (given universally for all types of copies made by the agency or organization) and the abbreviation of the type of copy according to the Abbreviation Table and document presentation model at Section I, Appendix III issued together with Decree 30/2020/ND-CP. The number is written in Arabic numerals, starting successively from number 01 on January 01 and ending on December 31 each year.+ Location and date of document copying.+ Position, full name, and signature of the authorized person to copy the document.+ Stamp of the agency or organization certifying the document.+ Recipients.

- Technical presentation of paper copies

+ The components of the document copy must be presented on the same sheet of paper (A4 size), immediately after the last part of the document to be copied, under a solid line that extends the entire width of the document presentation area.+ The phrases “CERTIFIED COPY”, “EXTRACT COPY”, “PARTIAL COPY” are presented in uppercase letters, font size from 13 to 14, upright, bold.+ The font size and style of the name of the certifying agency or organization; number, symbol of the copy; location and date of document copying; position, full name and signature of the authorized person; stamp of the certifying agency or organization, and recipients are presented according to the guidance on the document component format in clauses 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, Section II, Part I, Appendix I issued together with Decree 30/2020/ND-CP.+ The model for presenting paper copies is illustrated in Appendix III issued together with Decree 30/2020/ND-CP.

Position for presenting the components of paper copy format

Cell number : Component of the copy format

1 : Form of certification: “CERTIFIED COPY”, “EXTRACT COPY” or “PARTIAL COPY”

2 : Name of the certifying agency or organization

3 : Number, symbol of the copy

4 : Location and date of document copying

5a, 5b, 5c : Position, full name, and signature of the authorized person

6 : Stamp of the agency or organization

7 : Recipients

Who has the authority to decide on copying documents?

According to Article 27 Decree 30/2023/ND-CP the regulations are as follows:

Authority for document copies

1. The head of the agency or organization decides on the copying of documents issued by the agency or organization, documents sent by other agencies or organizations, and determines the authority to sign the document copies.

2. Copying and reproducing documents containing state secrets shall be carried out according to the provisions of the law on the protection of state secrets.

The head of the agency or organization decides on the copying of documents issued by the agency or organization, documents sent by other agencies or organizations, and determines the authority to sign the document copies.


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