HCMC: Requirements and contents of Master Plan in the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050?

The Prime Minister has just issued a Decision on the task of formulating the Ho Chi Minh City Master Plan in the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050. So, what are the requirements and contents of Master Plan in the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050?

Analyze, assess and forecast the specific factors and conditions for development of HCMC

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section III, Article 1 of Decision 642/QD-TTg in 2022 as follows:

- Natural and social conditions: showing the specificity of Ho Chi Minh City in terms of geographical location (located in the central position of Southeast Asia, the focal point of international interaction, located in the central position of Southeast Asia. the center of the Southeast region and the Mekong Delta region); natural conditions (Saigon river system, Dong Nai river flowing through the city center, Can Gio mangrove forest, Can Gio sea-the gateway to the East Sea of ​​the city); social conditions (a large center of culture, education and training, science and technology of the whole country, a place of cultural convergence of regions in the country);

- Synthesis of opportunities and challenges: clarifying challenges for infrastructure overload, flooding, environmental pollution and climate change; population growth and social security.

Assess the state quo of socio-economic development, land use, urban and rural system in HCMC

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section III, Article 1 of Decision 642/QD-TTg in 2022 as follows:

- The state quo of socio-economic development, the ability to mobilize resources: clarifying the role and position of the city's economic center for the whole country, the leading role and the growth engine of the whole country; state quo of arrangement and organization of economic activities in the city; comparing economy of the City with other major cities in the Southeast Asia;

- The state quo of social development: clearly showing the central role of the City in health, education, culture and sports for the region and the whole country; contribution of the socio-cultural fields to the city's economic development; international cultural integration;

- The state quo of science and technology development: clarifying the central role of the city in science, technology and innovation, the contribution of science and technology to the development of the city and the region ; the state quo of potential development in science and technology sector;

- The state quo of assurance of national defense and security: clarifying the position and role of the City in ensuring national defense and security in the southern region and the whole country; the assurance of national defense and security associated with socio-economic development; the state quo of developing national defense potential in the new situation with the strong development of science and technology;

- The state quo of spatial organization and infrastructure development: clarifying the suitability of spatial arrangement of functional zoning, growth poles, technical and social infrastructure routes, functional areas and emphasizing the formation of a highly interactive urban area in the East, establishing Thu Duc city,

- The state quo of resource use and environmental protection: identifying key resources of the City, including the Saigon river system, Dong Nai river, East Sea, Can Gio mangrove forest...; The state quo of exploitation and use of natural resources;

- Synthesize, analyze and assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges.

- Requirements on viewpoints, goals and development plans:

- Developing a development perspective: developing quickly and sustainably on the basis of focusing on promoting the application of science and technology; developing breakthroughs on the basis of overcoming and narrowing the gap with some major cities of Southeast Asia; developing socio-economic activities associated with ensuring national defense, security and social order and safety; developing the City in association with regional, regional and world linkages; developing multi-center; forming urban chains; developing economy associated with environmental protection;

- Developing scenarios and development plans: identifying science, technology and innovation, digital economy as the main driving force of economic growth, creating breakthroughs in terms of productivity, quality, efficiency and effectiveness. competitiveness of the City;

- Setting development goals: Build Ho Chi Minh City into a smart and innovative city; become an international financial center, international trade center, logistics center, research and development center; catch up and surpass some big cities in Southeast Asia; develop Ho Chi Minh City to become the cultural, educational and training center of Southeast Asia. By 2030, Ho Chi Minh City will basically solve the overload of traffic infrastructure, flooding, environmental pollution, living conditions of workers;

- Key tasks and breakthrough stages:

+ Identifying key tasks: resources for development, including high-quality human resources, investment funds and technology, and land; infrastructure system, including regional transport infrastructure, digital infrastructure, social infrastructure; environmental pollution and adaptation to climate change; effectiveness and efficiency of state management, reform of administrative procedures, improvement of investment environment; economic recovery and development due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic;

+ Identifying breakthroughs: breakthroughs in the implementation of specific mechanisms and policies of Ho Chi Minh City, focusing on mechanisms and policies, improving the investment environment; breakthrough in infrastructure development investment, including traffic infrastructure, information and communication technology infrastructure, digital infrastructure; breakthrough in the development of the digital economy: a breakthrough in the organization of urban government, in which the focus is on developing Thu Duc city into an innovative and highly interactive city; develop an international financial center and a logistics center.

What are the requirements for the development plan of important industries in HCMC?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section III, Article 1 of Decision 642/QD-TTg in 2022 as follows:

- Industry: develop industry in the direction of high-tech industry, industry applying high technology, advanced technology, using less labor, smart factory, manufacturing smart products; develop key industry groups; shift from processing and assembling activities to manufacturing and developing concentrated industrial zones and clusters according to the model of industry clusters; convert existing export processing zones and industrial zones and industrial clusters into the model of export processing zones and industrial clusters, with high technology applications;

- Service industry: trade with the role of a wholesale center, an import-export hub, a national and international shopping center; develop modern commercial and service infrastructure, and online business. Transport and warehousing associated with the development of smart traffic, logistics centers, seaports and international airports, forming logistics centers associated with the development of seaports and wharves in linkages with South East. Finance, banking and insurance associated with the development of an international financial center;

- Agriculture, forestry and fishery: develop modern and sustainable urban agriculture; to develop high-tech agriculture to develop Ho Chi Minh City to become a center of plant varieties and breeds of the region; develop concentrated agricultural production areas;

- Cultural and social fields: health associated with the development of smart health, developing the hospital network in the direction of modernity, strengthening the grassroots health care, the medical network to meet the requirements of medical examination and treatment for the whole country in terms of quantity and quality. Develop education and training in association with smart education, develop an education-training network that meets the needs of quantity and quality; invest, modernize education-training institutions, and improve the quality of teachers; Build and form Ho Chi Minh cultural space; develop cultural facilities, preserve and promote traditional cultural values ​​of ethnic communities;

- National defense - security: implement the policy of closely combining economy with national defense - security, defense - security with economy; build the city into a solid defense area, with a national defense posture associated with a strong people's security posture.

What are the requirements of the Plan to organize the urban system, rural residential areas and infrastructure development in HCMC?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section III, Article 1 of Decision 642/QD-TTg in 2022 as follows:

- Plan to organize the urban and rural system (comply with the provisions of Point d, Clause 2, Article 27 of the Law on Planning);

- Plan to organize other functional subdivisions.

Requirements on urban infrastructure development plan:

- Plan to arrange the developing space;

- Plan to organizate the developing space for technical and social infrastructure development (follow the provisions at Points d, e, g, h, i, k, Clause 2, Article 27 of the Law on Planning): in the period By 2030, complete key traffic projects in the city, including ring roads, highways, urban railways,...

Here are some important contents in the Ho Chi Minh City master plan for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050. See the full Decision: Here.


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