Hanoi implements vocational education development strategy: Strive to reach 90% of workers with information technology skills by 2030?

Hello, I would like to ask the following question: In the strategy of vocational education development in Hanoi, in 2030, what specific goals will be achieved? Thank you!

The percentage of workers in Hanoi who are ethnic minorities who have received vocational training will reach 45% by 2025?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section II of the Plan 177/KH-UBND in 2022, the goals of the Plan for Vocational Education Development in Hanoi to 2025 by 2025 have been set as follows:

To ensure the scale and structure of training industries and occupations for socio-economic recovery and development of the Capital; the training quality of some schools approaches the level of countries in the region, of which a number of occupations approach the level of developed countries in the region and in the world; by 2025, training for 1,150,000 people, an average of about 230,000 turns of people per year; contributing to raising the rate of trained workers to 75 - 80%, of which the rate of workers with certificates is 55.5%.

Some key metrics:

- Attract 40-45% of junior and high school graduates to participate in vocational training at intermediate and college levels; primary training and under 03 months according to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 46/2015/QD-TTg; retraining, regular training for about 25% of the workforce; the number of female students and students reached over 30% of the total new enrollment target.

- The percentage of employees who are ethnic minorities who have received vocational training is 45%.

- The percentage of employees who are disabled and have the ability to work with appropriate vocational training reaches 35%.

- The rate of workers with information technology skills reaches 80%.

- At least 30% of vocational education institutions and 50% of training programs in key industries and occupations meet quality accreditation standards.

- Strive for 100% qualified teachers; About 80% of managers are trained and fostered to improve modern management and administration skills.

- Strive for about 80% of training industries and occupations to be built and updated with output standards according to the National Qualifications Framework.

- Focus on investing in 04 colleges approved by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs as high-quality schools in the direction of modern synchronization, approaching the level of ASEAN-4 countries, with a number of key occupations reaching ASEAN and international standards.

Thus, by 2025, the vocational education development plan in Hanoi will achieve the above-mentioned goals. In which, the percentage of ethnic minority workers who have received vocational training will reach 45% by 2025.

Hanoi implements vocational education development strategy: Strive to reach 90% of workers with information technology skills by 2030?

Hanoi implements vocational education development strategy: Strive to reach 90% of workers with information technology skills by 2030?

The percentage of workers in Hanoi with information technology skills will reach 90% by 2030?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section II of the Plan 177/KH-UBND in 2022, the goals by 2025 of the Vocational Education Development Plan in Hanoi to 2030 have been set as follows:

Focus on improving the quality and effectiveness of vocational education in order to meet the demand for skilled human resources for developing countries with modern industry; actively participate in the international human resource training market; some schools approach the level of countries in the region; contributing to raising the rate of trained workers in the city to 80-85%, of which the rate of workers with degrees and certificates reaches 60%.

Some key metrics:

- Attracting 50 - 55% of junior and high school graduates to participate in vocational training at intermediate and college levels; the number of female students and students reached over 40% of the total new enrollment target.

- Re-training and regular training for about 50% of the workforce.

- The percentage of ethnic minority workers who have received vocational training will reach 50%.

- The rate of employees with disabilities who are still able to work and receive appropriate vocational training is 40%.

- The rate of workers with information technology skills reaches 90%.

- At least 70% of vocational education institutions and 100% of training programs in key industries and occupations meet quality accreditation standards.

- Strive for 100% qualified teachers; about 90% of managers are trained and fostered to improve modern management and administration skills.

- Striving for about 90% of training industries and occupations to be built and updated with output standards according to the National Qualifications Framework.

- Among the 04 schools that are invested in high-quality schools, strive to have 01 school perform the function of a national center for high-quality vocational training and practice, and 01 school to perform the function of regional center for training and practice. high quality profession.

Promote international cooperation to develop vocational education institutions in Hanoi?

Pursuant to Section I of the Plan 177/KH-UBND in 2022, the goals and requirements for the implementation of the vocational education development plan in Hanoi are as follows:

1. Purpose
- Implement synchronously and effectively the contents of the "Strategy for development of vocational education in the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2045" in Hanoi city.
- Closely follow the direction of the City Party Committee, People's Council, City People's Committee in the plans, programs and schemes on human resource development of the Capital; mobilize the participation of all levels, departments, departments, branches, mass organizations and social consensus in the implementation of the Plan to develop vocational education in the capital in accordance with its position, meeting the needs of the market. labor market, industrial revolution 4.0 and international integration.
2. Request
- To develop vocational education in the direction of openness, flexibility, modernity, efficiency and integration, focusing on the scale, structure and quality of training; interested in investing and promoting international cooperation to develop a number of vocational education institutions, training disciplines and professions to the level equivalent to the region and the world.
- Strictly implement the tasks and solutions on vocational education development in the "Vocational education development strategy for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2045" according to Decision No. 2239/QD-TTg dated 30 December 2021 of the Prime Minister, in accordance with the specific socio-economic development conditions of the Capital."

Accordingly, the development of vocational education in Hanoi to 2025 with a vision to 2045 will be carried out according to the above requirements and purposes.

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