07:49 | 23/07/2024

Guidance on Procedures for Permanent Residence Registration at Commune Level (2023): What are the Required Documents for Permanent Residence Registration at Commune Level?

<h3>Instructions for the Procedure to Register Permanent Residence at the Commune Level - Latest 2023</h3>What are the required documents to apply for permanent residence registration at the commune level? This is a question from T.P in Ha Nam.

What does the commune-level permanent residence registration dossier include?

Based on the provisions specified in Subsection 1, Section 2 of the administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision 5548/QD-BCA-C06 in 2021, the commune-level permanent residence registration dossier is as follows:

(1) Registering permanent residence at a legal residence owned by oneself:

- Declaration form for change of residence information (Form CT01 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA);

- Documents proving ownership of the legal residence.

(2) Registering permanent residence at a legal residence not owned by oneself:

- In cases where the wife moves in with the husband, the husband moves in with the wife, the child moves in with the father or mother, or the parents move in with the child; elderly people moving in with their siblings or grandchildren; severely disabled people, heavily disabled people, people unable to work, people with mental illnesses or other diseases impairing cognitive or behavioral control moving in with grandparents, uncles, aunts, or guardians; minors moving in with grandparents, siblings, or guardians with the parent's or guardian's consent or if the parents are deceased; the dossier includes:

+ Declaration form for change of residence information (Form CT01 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA), explicitly stating the consent for permanent residence registration from the household head, the owner of the legal residence, or an authorized person, unless there is already written consent;

+ Documents proving kinship with the household head or household members, unless such information is already in the National Population Database or the Residence Database (as per Article 6 of Decree 62/2021/ND-CP);

+ Documents proving the status of being elderly, severely disabled, heavily disabled, unable to work, mentally ill, or otherwise cognitively or behaviorally impaired; Or the minors' parent or guardian consent or their parents' absence.

- For other cases of registering permanent residence at a legal residence by renting, borrowing, or staying temporarily, the dossier includes:

+ Declaration form for change of residence information (Form CT01 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA), explicitly stating the consent from the household head, owner of the legal residence being rented, lent, or temporarily stayed in, or an authorized person unless there is already written consent;

+ Lease, lending contract, or document regarding the lending or temporary residence at the legal residence, notarized or authenticated according to the law;

+ Documents proving sufficient housing space for permanent residence registration as per regulations.

(3) Registering permanent residence at a religious establishment or place of worship with auxiliary buildings providing accommodation:

- For religious practitioners ordained, appointed, elected, assigned, or transferred to perform religious activities at a religious establishment; representatives of places of worship; individuals authorized by representatives or management boards of places of worship to manage and organize their religious activities, and registering permanent residence there; the dossier includes:

+ Declaration form for change of residence information (Form CT01 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA); for those authorized by representatives or management boards of places of worship, the declaration must explicitly include the consent for permanent residence registration from the representative or management board, unless there is already written consent;

+ Documents proving the status of being a religious official, practitioner, or otherwise engaging in religious activities and operating at the religious establishment per legal regulations on belief and religion; documents proving representation for the representative of a place of worship;

+ Confirmation from the commune-level People's Committee regarding the presence of auxiliary accommodations.

- For minors, severely disabled people, heavily disabled people, and those without refuge authorized by representatives or management boards of places of worship, heads, or representatives of religious establishments for permanent residence registration at those places of worship, the dossier includes:

+ Declaration form for change of residence information (Form CT01 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA), explicitly stating the consent for permanent residence registration from the representatives or heads of the places of worship, unless there is already written consent;

+ Confirmation from the commune-level People's Committee regarding entitlement according to Clause 2, Article 17 of the Residence Law and the existence of auxiliary accommodations at the place of worship.

(4) Individuals cared for, nurtured, or assisted can register permanent residence at social assistance facilities or into the household of the caregivers, dossier includes:

+ Declaration form for change of residence information (Form CT01 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA); for individuals cared for by a person or household, the declaration must include explicit consent for permanent residence registration from the household head or legal owner of the accommodation, or an authorized person, unless there is already written consent;

+ Proposal document from the head of the social assistance facility for individuals receiving care, nurturing, or assistance from the facility;

+ Documents and materials confirming the caregiving, nurturing, or assistance.

(5) People living, working on movable vehicles can register permanent residence at such vehicles, the dossier includes:

- Declaration form for change of residence information (Form CT01 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA); for non-vehicle owners registering permanent residence, the declaration must explicitly include consent from the vehicle owner or an authorized person unless there is already written consent;

- Vehicle registration certificate and technical safety and environmental protection certificate for the vehicle or confirmation from the commune-level People's Committee verifying use of the vehicle for accommodation if not required for registration or inspection;

- Confirmation from the commune-level People's Committee about the regular parking location of the vehicle if the vehicle registration location does not match the regular parking location.

(6) Registering permanent residence at the workplace of units within the People's Public Security:

- Declaration form for change of residence information (Form CT01 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA);

- Introduction letter from the immediate superior clearly stating the purpose for permanent residence registration and confirming accommodation for the officer (with signature and seal).

Guide for the latest commune-level permanent residence registration procedures in 2023? What does the commune-level permanent residence registration dossier include?

Instructions for the latest commune-level permanent residence registration procedures in 2023? What does the commune-level permanent residence registration dossier include? (Image from the Internet)

What are the latest commune-level permanent residence registration procedures?

Based on the provisions specified in Subsection 1, Section 2 of the administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision 5548/QD-BCA-C06 in 2021, the latest commune-level permanent residence registration procedures are as follows:

- Step 1: Individuals or organizations prepare the dossier according to legal regulations.

- Step 2: Individuals or organizations submit the dossier to the commune-level police.

- Step 3: Upon receiving the permanent residence registration dossier, the residency registration office verifies the legality and contents of the dossier:

+ If the dossier is complete and valid, they receive the dossier and issue a Receipt of the Dossier and Appointment for Result Delivery (Form CT04 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA) to the registrant;

+ If the dossier is conditionally accepted but incomplete, they provide guidance for supplementing and completing the dossier and issue a Supplement Completion Guide (Form CT05 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA) to the registrant;

+ If the dossier is unacceptable, they refuse and issue a Rejection Form for the receipt and resolution of the dossier (Form CT06 issued together with Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA) to the registrant.

- Step 4: Individuals or organizations pay the registration fee as per regulations.

- Step 5: Based on the appointment date on the Receipt of the Dossier and Appointment for Result Delivery, individuals or organizations receive the notification of the residence registration result (if any).

What is the processing time for commune-level permanent residence registration procedures?

Based on the provisions specified in Subsection 1, Section 2 of the administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision 5548/QD-BCA-C06 in 2021, the processing time for commune-level permanent residence registration procedures is as follows:

Within 07 working days from the date of receiving a complete and valid dossier, the residency registration office is responsible for appraising, updating the registrant's new permanent residence information into the Residency Database, and notifying the registrant about the updated permanent residence registration; if registration is refused, they must respond in writing stating the reason.


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