07:47 | 23/07/2024

Guidance on Implementing Personal Dossiers for Participation in Social Insurance and Health Insurance for Foreigners in Ho Chi Minh City

Regarding the question: Could you provide guidance on how to complete the personal dossier for foreigners participating in social insurance (BHXH) and health insurance (BHYT) in Ho Chi Minh City? - Question from Mr. Hai (Binh Thuan).

Guidance on Completing the Personal Dossier for Foreigners Participating in Social Insurance (SI) and Health Insurance (HI) in Ho Chi Minh City

Pursuant to Official Dispatch 1757/BHXH-TST in 2023 on guiding the personal dossier for foreigners participating in social insurance, health insurance issued by Ho Chi Minh City Social Insurance on April 20, 2023.

The Official Dispatch identifies that due to inconsistencies between names on the social insurance book, health insurance card, and passport, visa, etc., the process of receiving dossiers for resolving SI, HI policies for foreigners participating in SI, HI encounters many problems.

Therefore, to ensure the benefits of foreigners participating in SI, Ho Chi Minh City Social Insurance guides the implementation of personal dossiers of foreigners participating in SI, HI in HCMC as follows:

(1) For foreigners newly participating in SI

Implement the declaration of the foreigner's name in the order as it appears on the passport in Form TK1-TS (Appendix for households participating in SI); Form D02-LT (Labor usage report and list of participants in SI, HI), Form D03-TS (List of individuals only participating in health insurance).

Example: If the name on the passport is Janet Damita Jackson, the personal dossier sent to the social insurance agency should also follow the order Janet Damita Jackson.

(2) For foreigners currently participating in SI, HI

The social insurance agency where social insurance, health insurance for foreigners is collected sends the list of participants to the units under the BW, IC sector to the employing units with foreigners participating in SI:

- The employing unit with foreigners participating in SI conducts a review and cross-checks information on the passport, visa, temporary residence card of the foreigner.

- If the name of the individual is recorded incorrectly according to the new regulations, the unit prepares the dossier 608 (Dossier for reissuance of SI book due to information adjustment) and submits it to the SI agency for adjustment.

Guidance on Completing the Personal Dossier for Foreigners Participating in SI, HI in Ho Chi Minh City

Guidance on Completing the Personal Dossier for Foreigners Participating in SI, HI in Ho Chi Minh City (Image from the Internet)

Responsibilities of Employing Units in Relation to the Completion of Personal Dossiers for Foreigners Participating in SI, HI

Pursuant to Section 2 Official Dispatch 1757/BHXH-TST in 2023, employing units have the following responsibilities regarding the completion of personal dossiers for foreigners participating in SI, HI:

- Cooperate and conduct a review of the foreigner’s information as guided in the official dispatch;

- Responsibly ensure timely completion, and avoid delays affecting the receipt of SI, HI policies for the foreign worker.

- Provide feedback to the social insurance agency collecting SI, HI if obstacles arise during implementation for further guidance and resolution.

Procedure for Reissuance of SI Book upon Adjusting Foreigners’ Names Submitted via the Organization

The procedure for reissuing the foreigner's SI book when adjusting names submitted via the organization is executed under the provisions of Section 1.2, Subsection 1, Section II of the procedure attached to Decision 896/QD-BHXH in 2021.

To be specific:

| Procedure | Content || --- | --- || Dossier | - For Participants

+ Declaration form for participating, adjusting SI, HI information (TK1-TS form)

+ Birth certificate or birth extract issued by the competent civil status authority according to regulations and ID card/ citizen ID card/ passport.

- For the organization: In the case where participants submit dossiers through the organization

+ Confirmation of the Declaration (TK1-TS) when participants adjust personal information in the SI book with details: confirmation of the participant's information adjustment being accurate with the management dossier and taking responsibility before the law for the content of confirmation; Sign, stamp and specify the name.

+ Information list (D01-TS form) || Procedure Steps | - Step 1: Prepare the dossier as specified;

- Step 2: Submit the dossier;

- Step 3: The social insurance agency receives and processes the dossier as regulated;

- Step 4: Receive the results of the resolution. || Method of Implementation | Step 1. Submit the dossier

The employing unit with foreigners participating in SI submits the dossier to the SI agency using one of the following methods:

- Prepare an electronic dossier, digitally sign, and send it on the Portal of Vietnam Social Security or through the I-VAN organization or the National Public Service Portal.

- Via Postal service

- Directly at the reception department of the SI agency managing it (or place of residence) or at the Public Administration Service Centers of all levels.

Step 2. Receive the resolved results according to the registered method. || Time for Resolution | - No more than 10 days from the date of receiving the complete dossier as regulated.

In case of verification of SI contribution process in another province or multiple units where the participant has worked, it should not exceed 45 days, but with a written notification to the participant.

- Adjusting information recorded in the SI book: no more than 5 days from the date of receiving the complete dossier as regulated. |


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