08:24 | 12/05/2023

Vietnam: Who is the wholesale price in commercial, service and domestic complexes applied?

I would like to ask who the wholesale price in commercial, service and domestic complexes is applied. - Question from Ms. Hao (Binh Dinh)

How is the wholesale price in commercial, service and domestic complexes in Vietnam calculated from June 15, 2023?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 14 of Circular No. 16/2014/TT-BCT (amended by Clause 10, Article 1 of Circular No. 09/2023/TT-BCT) as follows:

Wholesale price in commercial, service and domestic complexes
2. Wholesale price in commercial, service and domestic complexes
a) Wholesale price of electricity in commercial, service and domestic complexes shall be applied with respect to the amount of electricity used for domestic purpose by households purchased by retailers from the general electric meter installed in a transformer station regardless of what voltage-level is;
b) Total amount of electricity at the general electric meter shall be billed by multiplying the amount of each level by the number of households using electricity for domestic purpose after such general electric meter;
c) The number of domestic electricity consuming households connected to the summation meter in a commercial, service, and domestic complex means total households that have registered permanent or temporary residence, as recorded on the residence information system, at electricity consumption locations within the scope of electricity supply of the summation meter of the retailer and the limit of electricity specified in a power purchase agreement signed with that retailer. The wholesaler is entitled to determine the actual number of electricity-consuming households connected to the summation meter according to residence information in the national database on population;
d) Billing of amount of electricity based on the wholesale price in commercial, service and domestic complexes in a month when changes to electricity price take place is done as follows: The amount of electricity of each level with old and new price applied shall be billed by multiplying amount of electricity in a day by the actual number of days before and after price adjustment in that month. Amount of electricity of each level in a day is determined by dividing the amount of electricity of each level by the actual number of days in the month of billing.

Thus, from June 15, 2023, the wholesale price in commercial, service and domestic complexes is calculated as follows:

- Wholesale price of electricity in commercial, service and domestic complexes shall be applied with respect to the amount of electricity used for domestic purpose by households purchased by retailers from the general electric meter installed in a transformer station regardless of what voltage-level is;

- Total amount of electricity at the general electric meter shall be billed by multiplying the amount of each level by the number of households using electricity for domestic purpose after such general electric meter;

- The number of domestic electricity consuming households connected to the summation meter in a commercial, service, and domestic complex means total households that have registered permanent or temporary residence, as recorded on the residence information system, at electricity consumption locations within the scope of electricity supply of the summation meter of the retailer and the limit of electricity specified in a power purchase agreement signed with that retailer.

The wholesaler is entitled to determine the actual number of electricity-consuming households connected to the summation meter according to residence information in the national database on population;

- Billing of amount of electricity based on the wholesale price in commercial, service and domestic complexes in a month when changes to electricity price take place is done as follows:

+ The amount of electricity of each level with old and new price applied shall be billed by multiplying amount of electricity in a day by the actual number of days before and after price adjustment in that month.

+ Amount of electricity of each level in a day is determined by dividing the amount of electricity of each level by the actual number of days in the month of billing.Vietnam: Who is the price in commercial, service and domestic complexes applied?

Vietnam: Who is the wholesale price in commercial, service and domestic complexes applied?

Who is the wholesale price in commercial, service and domestic complexes in Vietnam applied?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 14 of Circular No. 16/2014/TT-BCT stipulating as follows:

Wholesale price in commercial, service and domestic complexes
1. Wholesale price in commercial, service and domestic complexes shall be applied to retailers in apartment buildings, urban zones, shopping mall; office buildings for rent (regardless of whether geographical positions of the commercial, service and domestic complexes are in rural or urban areas).

According to the above regulations, the price in commercial, service and domestic complexes shall be applied to retailers in:

- Apartment buildings

- Urban zones

- Shopping mall

- Office buildings for rent (regardless of whether geographical positions of the commercial, service and domestic complexes are in rural or urban areas).

How to calculate electricity price in case commercial, service and domestic complexes have end-users that are hospitals, kindergartens?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 14 of Circular No. 16/2014/TT-BCT (supplemented by Clause 7 Article 1 of Circular No. 06/2021/TT-BCT) stipulating as follows:

Wholesale price in commercial, service and domestic complexes
6. In case where, in a commercial - service - household complex, there are end-users that are hospitals, kindergartens, preschools, high schools, public lighting systems, administrative agencies and non-business units, the electricity wholesale prices applied at the master meter to part of electricity consumed by these end-users do not exist in the form of three unit prices and are regulated as follows:
a) Applying electricity selling prices to hospitals, kindergartens, preschools, high schools, public lighting systems, administrative agencies and public service providers as prescribed in Article 9 herein;
b) Electricity retailers shall be responsible for cooperating with the electricity wholesalers in installing three-rate meters to measure the actual electricity consumption and record readings of power consumed by end-users on the same day as recorded at the master meter to ensure accurate calculation of the amount of electricity consumption for the purposes of electricity use at the master meter.

According to the above regulations, in case where, in a commercial - service - household complex, there are end-users that are hospitals, kindergartens, preschools, high schools, public lighting systems, administrative agencies and non-business units, the electricity wholesale prices applied at the master meter to part of electricity consumed by these end-users are regulated as follows:

- Applying electricity selling prices to hospitals, kindergartens, preschools, high schools, public lighting systems, administrative agencies and public service providers;

- Electricity retailers shall be responsible for cooperating with the electricity wholesalers in installing three-rate meters to measure the actual electricity consumption and record readings of power consumed by end-users on the same day as recorded at the master meter to ensure accurate calculation of the amount of electricity consumption for the purposes of electricity use at the master meter.

Circular No. 09/2023/TT-BCT takes effect from June 15, 2023.


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