From September 2022, which new policies will take effect? Organize to pilot a model of career guidance for prisoners outside prison?

May I ask, from September 2022, what new policies will officially take effect? Organize a model of career guidance for prisoners outside prison? The question of Ms. To from Ha Nam.

New policy on goods delivery by automobiles from September 1, 2022?

Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 1 of Decree 47/2022/ND-CP of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Amendments to certain articles of Decree No. 10/2020/ND-CP dated January 17, 2020 on auto transport business and conditions for auto transport business:
1. Addition of point dd to clause 3 Article 11:
“dd) Auto passenger transport businesses, drivers and staffs serving on automobiles (if any) (hereinafter referred to as “consignors”) shall, when receiving consignment goods (consignees do not accompany the goods by), require the consignees to fully and accurately provide information including names of goods, volumes (if any), full names, addresses, ID numbers and phone numbers of consignees and consignors.".

Thus, in the near future, the auto passenger transport businesses shall require the consignees (consignees do not accompany the goods by) to fully and accurately provide information including names of goods, volumes (if any), full names, addresses, ID numbers and phone numbers of consignees and consignors. This is a new policy to be applied in the near future to ensure the safety of goods transportation.

Decree 47/2022/ND-CP of Vietnam takes effect from September 1, 2022.

From September 2022, which new policies will take effect? Organize to pilot a model of career guidance for prisoners outside prison?

From September 2022, which new policies will take effect? Organize to pilot a model of career guidance for prisoners outside prison?

Starting to pilot the model of labor activities, vocational guidance and vocational training for prisoners outside prison from September 1, 2022?

Pursuant to Article 1 of Resolution 54/2022/QH15 of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Piloting the model of organizing labor activities, vocational guidance and vocational training for inmates outside prisons under the Ministry of Public Security
1. This Resolution stipulates the pilot model of organizing labor, vocational guidance and vocational training activities for prisoners outside the prisons under the Ministry of Public Security, in which prisons are allowed to pilot cooperation with domestic organizations to organize labor, vocational guidance and vocational training activities for inmates outside the prison.
Prisons are responsible for formulating plans for cooperation between prisons and domestic organizations, directly managing and supervising labor zones, vocational guidance, vocational training outside prisons, detention management, re-education and organization of labor, career guidance and vocational training activities for inmates as in prisons. Organizations in cooperation with prisons shall be responsible for investing in, building physical foundations of labor zones, providing vocational guidance and training, handing them over to prisons for management, and coordinating with prisons in organizing labor activities. , vocational guidance and vocational training for inmates outside prison.
The plan on cooperation between prisons and domestic organizations shall be approved by the Criminal Judgment Execution Management Agency of the Ministry of Public Security.
2. The number of prisons to be piloted under this Resolution shall not exceed one-third of the total number of prisons under the Ministry of Public Security. The list of prisons to be piloted shall be decided by the Ministry of Public Security on the basis of principles and criteria prescribed by the Government.
3. The pilot model of organizing labor activities, vocational guidance and vocational training for inmates outside prisons shall be carried out according to the following principles:
a) Ensure security and safety in the course of organizing labor activities, vocational guidance and vocational training for inmates outside the prison; effectively serve the work of education, rehabilitation and community reintegration for prisoners; creating favorable conditions for inmates to find jobs after serving their prison sentences;
b) Inmates participating in labor, vocational guidance and vocational training activities outside the prison must be on a voluntary and equal basis, be paid part of their labor, and exercise their rights and perform their obligations as prescribed in the Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments;
c) Incomes of organizations cooperating with prisons from the results of inmates' labor, vocational guidance and vocational training outside prisons during the pilot period are exempt from corporate income tax;
d) The industry or trade in organizing labor activities, providing vocational guidance and training for inmates outside prisons is the industry or trade that produces goods for domestic consumption according to the provisions of law.

According to the above regulations, in the coming time, the State will pilot the model of labor activities, vocational guidance and vocational training for prisoners outside the prison under the Ministry of Public Security.

This is a new policy of the State to help prisoners have contact with outside organizations to better understand vocational guidance and training in order to create conditions for prisoners to have a stable career when they return to society.

Resolution 54/2022/QH15 of Vietnam will take effect from September 1, 2022.

Reducing the fee amount for verifying citizen information and extracting information in the national population database?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Circular 48/2022/TT-BTC of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Fee amount
1. Fees for verifying citizen information and extracting information
a) From September 17, 2022 to December 31, 2023 inclusive, the fee shall equal 50% of the value under Section I of the Appendix on fee for extracting and using information in the National population database attached hereto.
b) From January 1, 2024, the fee shall equal the value under Section I of the Appendix on fee for extracting and using information in the National population database attached hereto.
2. Fees for extracting statistics; fees for extracting statistics, analysis results; fees for extracting statistics, analysis results, and forecasting results: The fee shall equal the value under the Appendix on fee for extracting and using information in the National population database attached hereto.

Pursuant to Section I of the Appendix enclosed with Circular 48/2022/TT-BTC of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Thus, from September 17, 2022, citizens will only have to pay 50% of fee for verifying citizen information and extracting information in the national population database according to the above regulations.

Circular 48/2022/TT-BTC of Vietnam takes effect from September 17, 2022.

The above are some of the new policies that will take effect from September 2022.


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