From November 15, 2023, what is the salary of senior statisticians specializing in statistics in Vietnam?

From November 15, 2023, what is the salary of senior statisticians specializing in statistics in Vietnam? Q.P - Ha Nam.

From November 15, 2023, what is the salary of senior statisticians specializing in statistics in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of Circular 08/2023/TT-BKHDT stipulates as follows:

Salary ranking of official ranks specializing in statistics
1. For statistical official ranks specified in this Circular, Table 2 (Professional salary table for officials and civil servants in state agencies) issued with Decree No. 204 shall apply. /2004/ND-CP dated December 14, 2004 of the Government on salary regimes for officials, officials, public employees and armed forces and amended and supplemented in Decree No. 17/2013/ Decree-CP dated February 19, 2013 of the Government as follows:
a) Senior statistician rank (code 23,261) applies official salary table type A3, group 1 (A3.1), from salary coefficient 6.20 to salary coefficient 8.00;
b) Principal Statistician rank (code 23,262) applies official salary table type A2, group 1 (A2.1), from salary coefficient 4.40 to salary coefficient 6.78;
c) Statistician rank (code 23,263) applies official salary table type A1, from salary coefficient 2.34 to salary coefficient 4.98;
d) Intermediate statistician rank (code 23,264) applies official salary table type A0, from salary coefficient 2.10 to salary coefficient 4.89;
d) The Statistics Officer rank (code 23.265) applies the official salary table type B, from salary coefficient 1.86 to salary coefficient 4.06.

Pursuant to Decree 204/2004/ND-CP, the salary calculation formula for senior statisticians specializing in statistics is as follows:

Salary = Coefficient x Statutory pay rate

In there:

- Salary coefficient: Senior statistician rank (code 23,261) applies official salary table type A3, group 1 (A3.1), from salary coefficient 6.20 to salary coefficient 8.00;

- Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 3 of Decree 24/2023/ND-CP stipulating the current statutory pay rate is 1,800,000 VND/month.

Thus, the salary schedule of senior statisticians specializing in statistics (not including allowances, if any) includes the following:

Coefficients salary

Salary (Unit: VND)













From November 15, 2023, what is the salary of senior statisticians specializing in statistics in Vietnam?

What are the duties of a senior statistician specializing in statistics?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 5, Circular 08/2023/TT-BKHDT stipulates that senior statisticians specialized in statistics have the following tasks:

- Preside over research and develop guidelines, policies, regimes, strategies, planning, plans, schemes, programs and projects in the field of statistics of ministries and branches nationwide or in provinces and centrally run cities.

- Preside over or participate in developing, amending and supplementing legal documents related to the field of statistics.

- Lead or participate in drafting, appraising and organizing the implementation of documents guiding statistical operations; Propose the selection of advanced international statistical methods suitable to the conditions of Vietnam Statistics.

- Preside over organizing, directing, and guiding sectors, localities, and organizations in implementing activities of collecting, synthesizing, analyzing, disseminating, and storing statistical information.

- Lead or participate in researching topics, projects, and scientific research projects at the state, ministerial, and provincial levels to innovate and improve management mechanisms, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of unified operations. list.

- Lead or participate in the compilation and appraisal of statistical information products; Compiling programs, textbooks and teaching training courses, professional training and statistical skills for subjects inside and outside the Statistics industry.

- Preside and organize the direction, guidance and inspection of statistical work for oficials in the state statistical organization system.

What are the standards for professional capacity and professionalism for senior statisticians specializing in statistics in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 5 of Circular 08/2023/TT-BKHDT regulating professional and professional capacity standards for senior statisticians specializing in statistics as follows:

- Firmly grasp the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's laws related to statistical work, economic and social development plans and international integration of the country and the locality where you work; Master the strategy for developing the Statistics industry as well as knowledge, professional skills and statistical operations.

- Ability to research and develop legal documents, schemes, projects, and action programs; Ability to advise on strategic planning, planning, plans, and policies associated with the expertise and operations of the industry, field, or locality where one works.

- Have the ability to organize and coordinate effectively with other relevant agencies in the process of performing statistical tasks.

- Have the ability to synthesize, analyze, forecast statistics, and systematize activities related to professional expertise of the Statistics industry to propose solutions to improve the efficiency of statistical work.

- Have skills in drafting, presenting, protecting, building and implementing projects, schemes, programs and strategies related to statistical work of ministries, branches and localities.

- Ability to independently conduct scientific research and apply technical advances and advanced statistical methods in statistical activities.

- Have basic information technology skills and be able to use foreign languages or use ethnic minority languages for oficials working in ethnic minority areas according to the requirements of the job position.

Circular 08/2023/TT-BKHDT takes effect from November 15, 2023.


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